The Great Tang: God-level Bear Child

Chapter 259: Fudge, fudge Tang Xuanzang hard!

Li Chengfeng was almost dumbfounded.

Tang Xuanzang? Tang Sanzang? He is, in the legend, Tang Sanzang who took Monkey King, Zhu Bajie, and Monk Sha to the west to learn Buddhist scriptures?

Pfft... I'm going to faint.

Li Chengfeng originally thought that Tang Sanzang and the others were all fictional stories.

How could I have imagined that I actually met Tang Xuanzang today?

"Your name is Tang Xuanzang? Is your name really Tang Xuanzang?"

"Yes, little benefactor, the poor monk has another name, Tang Sanzang. But because the poor monk is a junior monk of the Xuan family, he uses the name Xuanzang every day!"

"Oh, I get it!"

Li Chengfeng looked at Tang Xuanzang very satisfied.

Unexpectedly, Tang Sanzang lived in the small Tianshan Temple?

Haha, according to the flow of history, Li Shimin and Tang Xuanzang became brothers with different surnames, and later sent Tang Xuanzang to the West to learn Buddhist scriptures.

Therefore, the bet between Li Chengfeng and Li Shimin is 100% guaranteed.

But the premise is that Tang Xuanzang should be brought into the palace to be the abbot of the temple.


Therefore, Li Chengfeng came to Tang Xuanzang and said: "Monk, since you have told your real name, then I don't pretend anymore, I have a showdown! The prince is Li Chengfeng, the eighth prince of the Tang Dynasty, under the order of the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty, Come to Tianshan Temple to choose a master, and go to the palace to be the host! This prince thinks you are very suitable, so please invite Master Xuanzang to take a trip with me!"


Tang Xuanzang looked at Li Chengfeng in bewilderment, then put down the wooden fish in his hand, clasped his palms together and bowed slightly, and said: "The eighth prince's kindness, I appreciate the kindness of the little monk, but how can the little monk, He De, be able to bear the auspices of the palace? The little monk still has to recite scriptures and pray for the people of the world! Also invite the Eighth Prince to find another master, as for the little monk, forget it!"

"No, Tang Xuanzang, you are the abbot of the palace appointed by the prince, you must leave here with the prince and go to the palace!"

"Alas... Eighth Prince, as the saying goes, twisted melons are not sweet!"

Tang Xuanzang still seemed to want to reject Li Chengfeng's invitation.

See, this is the difference between a guru and a monk.

If it were any monks, if they were selected by Li Chengfeng to be the host in the palace, they would definitely be happy, and they would just follow along.

But the monk Tang Xuanzang is not ordinary.

Legend has it that he is the reincarnation of Jin Chanzi, a disciple of Buddha Tathagata, but it is not known whether it is true or not.

But his Buddha heart alone is enough to impress Li Chengfeng.

In 23 years, for ten years, he worshiped Buddha in the temple, recited scriptures, and prayed for peace in the world.

Just ask, who else can do this?

So, Li Chengfeng started to use his tricks again.

Li Chengfeng shook his head and sighed, and said: "Oh, Xuanzang, Xuanzang, do you know that the Buddhist scriptures you recite every day are just some Hinayana Buddhism, which is useless at all! If you want to truly save all living beings, you have to Learn Mahayana Buddhism, popularize the world, and save all sentient beings!"

"Ding, surprise from Tang Xuanzang, naughty value +120!"

Speaking of Buddhism, Tang Xuanzang began to be surprised.

So he asked, "May I ask the eighth prince, what is Hinayana Buddhism and what is Mahayana Buddhism?"

Li Chengfeng said: "The Hinayana Dharma, you can cross yourself but not others, and the Mahayana Dharma, you can cross people as well as yourself! Do you understand?"

"I understand a little, but I still don't understand it very well!" Tang Xuanzang frowned slightly.

"Don't understand? If you don't understand, why don't you hurry up and go to the Western Paradise to learn Buddhist scriptures? Hurry up, get up, and follow me to the palace for a while, then pack up your belongings and go to the Western Paradise to learn Buddhist scriptures!"

Tang Xuanzang looked at Li Chengfeng's operation in bewilderment.

Because he couldn't understand what Li Chengfeng was saying.

"Eighth Prince, may I ask what you want the poor monk to go to the West to learn Buddhist scriptures?" Tang Xuanzang asked.

Li Chengfeng said: "The true Mahayana Buddhism, in Western India, if you recite these scriptures here every day, don't you want to make your own Buddhism practice deeper and be more able to save the people?"

"Although I don't understand what you mean, Eighth Prince, the poor monk still wants to ask, Eighth Prince, if the poor monk goes to the West to learn Buddhist scriptures, will he be able to meet the Buddha?"

Having said this, Li Chengfeng was silent for a while.

According to the TV series, he can not only meet Buddha, but also Sun Wukong, Zhu Bajie, Sha Monk and Guanyin Bodhisattva.

But TV dramas, those are all fictional storylines, but in reality, you may not be able to meet them.

Li Chengfeng then fooled Tang Xuanzang, saying: "Yes, after you go to Daleiyin Temple and see the Tathagata Buddha, don't forget to mention me in front of the Buddha, and remember to say hello to the Buddha for me!"

"Da Leiyin Temple? Tathagata Buddha?"

"Ding, surprise from Tang Xuanzang, naughty value +108!"

Tang Xuanzang stared at Li Chengfeng with a stare in his pocket. Li Chengfeng was only a six-year-old child. How could he know that Tathagata Buddha lived in Daleiyin Temple?

Tang Xuanzang finally showed a serious look in his eyes, and said, "Eighth prince, the poor monk heard that you are the reincarnation of a god and man? Could it be that you are an expert who came from heaven to guide the poor monk out of the way?"

"Yes, to tell you the truth, Master Xuanzang, this prince came to give you enlightenment under the order of Guanyin Bodhisattva! Go, Master Xuanzang, to pursue your life's dreams, go to Daleiyin Temple to learn the Dharma, and come back to spread the Dharma. Let's cross sentient beings!"

"Okay, the poor monk thanked the eighth prince for his advice! Poor monk, I am willing to go back to the palace with the eighth prince!"

Tang Xuanzang got up, put his palms together and bowed politely to Li Chengfeng.

Li Chengfeng also returned the gift slightly, made a gesture of application, and said, "Master Xuanzang, please!"

"Thank you, Eighth Prince, for your guidance!"

Tang Xuanzang began to have a new goal in his heart, and his whole body became energetic.

As the saying goes, if a person has no goals, he will have no motivation.

Li Chengfeng fudged Tang Xuanzang to go to the West to learn Buddhist scriptures.

As for whether he can see the Tathagata Buddha, that is another matter.

But what Li Chengfeng can guarantee is that Tang Xuanzang will definitely be able to learn Mahayana Buddhism, and then it will be remembered by future generations.


When Tang Xuanzang left Tianshan Temple, he went to the old courtyard behind the temple, visited Master Tianxing, and said his final farewell.

Master Tianxing heard that Tang Xuanzang was going to the Western Paradise to learn scriptures, meet the Tathagata Buddha, and learn the Dharma of the Vehicle?

After listening, Master Tianxing was surprised immediately, and hurriedly asked Tang Xuanzang who told Tang Xuanzang to do this?

After Tang Xuanzang answered truthfully, Master Tianxing said in surprise: "It's incredible, Xuanzang, you have met the noble person in your life! Hurry up and go back to the palace with the Eighth Prince! Xuanzang, you are talented and intelligent. Focus on the Buddha, the master has nothing to teach you! After you go back, remember to listen to the words of the eighth prince, and then go to the Western Paradise to learn Mahayana Buddhism and come back to save all sentient beings!"

"It's the master, the disciple will keep the master's teachings in mind, and will never let the master down!"

So, Tang Xuanzang bid farewell to Tianshan Temple, and finally embarked on the journey back to the palace with Li Chengfeng.


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