The Great Tang: God-level Bear Child

Chapter 332: Are the Tubo people going to attack Datang?

If it weren't for Li Chengfeng's left to trap the Turks and the right to trap Tubo, he cheated them of 430,000 gold.

The Turks and Tubo will not spend a lot of time and effort to lead an army of more than 100,000 soldiers to attack Suzhou in the Tang Dynasty, right?

Moreover, this is just Suzhou, why would they go to war and spend so much force just to attack a city?

But if they attack in batches, it's okay.

The soldiers of the Tang Dynasty were still able to withstand it.

But it is a coincidence that Li Chengfeng robbed the money of Turkic and Tubo countries on the same day, and used soldiers to attack other people's cities, asking them to buy their own food at a high price, otherwise they would not buy it. Just send troops to fight you?

Can this not anger the soldiers of Turks and Tubo?

As a result, Ji Li Khan of the Turks and the king of Tubo were all filled with hatred for the eighth prince of the Tang Dynasty.

Without contact with each other, they actually reached a consensus and came to attack Datang's Suzhou in one fell swoop?

Unfortunately, Suzhou's military strength is only enough to defend a northern city.

In this way, if the north city is defended, the south city will also fall. If troops are sent to defend the south city, then the north city will fall. No matter what, they will all lose in this battle.

"Fuck, this is going to be difficult!"

Li Chengfeng felt his scalp go numb.

Sure enough, I Ching and gossip cannot be used indiscriminately in the future.

There are too many causes and effects involved in these two talents, which made it impossible for Li Chengfeng to make up for the arrangement of heaven in the later stage.

Waiting for karmic revenge, this is something Li Chengfeng can't bear alone.

"Oops, there are too many causes and effects involved in the Book of Changes and gossip. What should I do now? Maybe early tomorrow morning, Turks and Tubo will attack Datang at the same time. What should I do then?"

"Oh, why did I forget about Tubo? At least he is also a powerful enemy country not weaker than Turkic! How did I forget about Tubo?"

Li Chengfeng clenched his fists.

Sure enough, the old saying is still good: people are not as good as heaven.

But now that things have happened, what Li Chengfeng has to face now is how to solve the problem, instead of worrying here alone.

He is now thinking about what method to use to defend Suzhou and prevent Tubo from attacking the southern city of Suzhou.

If Nancheng falls, the Tubo army will attack all the way to the north. At that time, Li Chengfeng and the soldiers of the Tang Dynasty will have Turks in front and Tubo in the back.


"It's over, it's over, what should I do now?"

Li Chengfeng was a little depressed.

However, at this moment, Li Xiaogong also suddenly came to the border city of Suzhou, and said with a smile: "Haha, what's so funny? You made the eldest grandson laugh like this?"

Changsun Wuyi stretched his thighs and said, "Why did you make money from the Turks and Tubo, and then beat others up, General Li, don't you think it's funny?"

"Oh? Haha, this sounds quite funny!"

Li Xiaogong and Changsun Wuyi laughed heartily, but Li Chengfeng suddenly frowned and said, "Are you still laughing? Wait a minute, I'm afraid you won't even have the chance to cry!"

"Why the eighth prince?" Changsun Wuyi stopped smiling, and looked at Li Chengfeng suspiciously.

Li Xiaogong comforted Li Chengfeng and said: "The eighth prince, don't worry, the old minister has fought in the battlefield for decades, and has rich experience in battlefield combat! Our northern city of Suzhou is vulnerable and difficult to attack. There are only 100,000 Turkic troops, and they can't break us at all. from the North City of Suzhou!"

"Because, as long as the old minister sends out archers, prepares tarpaulins, ignites the flames and launches rockets, the Turkic army will not even dare to approach our Suzhou North City, within a hundred meters!"

Li Xiaogong said confidently.

But Li Chengfeng sighed and said, "General Li, you seem to have forgotten one thing!"

"What's the matter? Is it possible that these Turkic thieves can still fly?" Li Xiaogong frowned slightly.

Li Chengfeng shook his head and said: "It's wrong, General Li! You seem to have forgotten that we not only cheated the Turks, but also cheated the Tubo! According to the public's feedback, when we cheated the money of the Tubo people, their The reaction was even more intense than that of the Turks!"


"Ding, surprise from Li Xiaogong, naughty value +99!"

After Li Chengfeng finished speaking, Li Xiaogong's eyes widened immediately, and an ominous premonition filled his heart instantly.

"Eighth prince, could it be, could it be?"

The more Li Xiaogong said, the bigger his eyes widened.

Li Chengfeng nodded affirmatively, and said: "That's right, the Tubo at this moment, like the Turks, has assembled an army of about 100,000, and plans to attack our Datang from the southern city of Suzhou! Then, General Li, are you still willing?" Can you laugh?"

"Ding, the stare from Li Xiaogong, naughty value +122!"

How can Lee Hyo Gong still laugh now? He even felt like crying.

According to the strength of the northern city of Suzhou, defending against the attack of more than 100,000 Turkic soldiers must rely on the advantages of terrain and numbers to defend.

It's all right now, the North City is fine, but something happened to the South City?

Where does Li Xiaogong still have troops to support Sunan City?

Once Nancheng is broken, the whole of Suzhou will be considered finished.

At that time, their soldiers in the northern city of Suzhou will have Turks in the front and Tubo in the back. No matter how they escape, they will all die.

But this is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that if the Turks and Tubo form an alliance together, occupy Suzhou, and jointly invade Datang.

Then at that time, Datang will face two fierce foreign enemies at the same time.

This is even worse for Datang, which is already a year of natural disasters.

The old generals are getting old, and the new generation is still growing up.

At those moments when the backs are still unable to stand up and take control of the overall situation, the only mission of Li Xiaogong and the others, as seniors, is to protect the fresh blood of Datang from dying, even if they pay their lives, it will not hesitate.

Laugh, keep laughing?

At this moment, after listening to Li Chengfeng's words, the eldest grandson Wuyi's face became stiff.

The two of them, how could they still be in the mood to laugh at this moment.


Li Xiaogong suddenly grabbed Li Chengfeng's left hand, and said: "Eighth Prince, quickly follow the old minister, the old minister will prepare a fast horse for you now, and let you leave Suzhou as soon as possible!"

"No, I'm not leaving!" Li Chengfeng frowned, and his temper suddenly came up.

Li Xiaogong tugged Li Chengfeng's little hand vigorously, but found that he couldn't move him?

how can that be? The Eighth Prince is just a six-year-old boy now, how could he be stronger than me?

Could it be that I am getting old? Or is the eighth prince born with supernatural power?

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