The Great Tang: God-level Bear Child

Chapter 399: Li Chengqian's Secret Plan!

Rather than giving Li Chengfeng a blessing, Li Chengqian directly sent Li Chengfeng to Youzhou City to be a poor prince.

Because Li Chengqian was jealous of Li Chengfeng's talent, he was afraid that Li Chengfeng would disturb his power if he was in the palace.

But he didn't dare to kill Li Chengfeng.

Because of this, he will be criticized by the world as a cruel emperor who killed his brothers, so he will not be able to become a good monarch loved by the people.ぷ999小@说开发

Therefore, at this moment, Li Chengqian has thought about what will happen in the future step by step.

It can be seen how deep is Li Chengqian, the prince's city mansion?

That's why Li Shimin told Li Chengfeng again and again, don't mess with your prince Li Chengqian, otherwise you won't get any benefits.

Because Li Chengqian is Li Shimin's eldest son, Li Shimin watched Li Chengqian grow up.

No one knows better than Li Shimin how strong Li Chengqian's patience is and how deep the city is.

Li Shimin also found that every time Li Chengqian was patient, he would never explode, but instead had a gentle smile on his face.

But Li Chengqian betrayed himself in another place.

That was the moment when he was angry but wanted to pretend to be happy, his left foot would always hit a little bit and light on the ground.

Just now, Li Shimin actually saw Li Chengqian nodding his left foot.

Li Shimin knew that Li Chengqian was angry and wronged again? Started thinking about something else?

However, Li Chengqian's smile was so warm? This can't help but make Li Shimin a little difficult.

Because of some things, Li Shimin still can't tell Li Chengqian shamelessly.

He can only tell Li Chengqian not to worry, just study hard, the future throne of the Tang Dynasty will be yours sooner or later!

But what Li Shimin didn't know was that at this moment, Li Chengqian had already started planning to attack Li Shimin!



Li Chenfeng was still firing bullets from a distance.

Countless ministers gathered around to watch Li Chengfeng fire bombs at the foot of Tianyue Mountain.

They were all curious, what was that little piece of iron in Li Chengfeng's hand?

Why can it exert such a huge power after pulling it away and throwing it casually?

A fraudulent bomb, explosive power, breaking gold and breaking rocks?

And that fraudulent bomb was just a small piece of iron?

Let me ask, if someone carried a fraud bomb, would this person definitely become an extremely terrifying human being?

If these fraudulent bombs are used on the battlefield, then fighting the Turks will be like breaking a bamboo!

Let's see what kind of waves the Turkic dog thief can pull out with a swindle?

Could it be that they, like Li Shimin, dare to receive fraudulent bombs with their bare hands?

That's because the bogus bomb Li Shimin caught was misfired, otherwise Li Shimin would have been blown to death by Li Chengfeng long ago!

"Good guy, it's so powerful! Eighth Prince, can you give the old minister a false bomb?"

"It's the eighth prince, let me give the old minister a try, okay?"

When those ministers saw that Li Chengfeng played the swindle, and it was so interesting, they actually wanted to play the swindle.

But Li Chengfeng shook his head slightly, and said: "No, you won't let it go. If you blow yourself up to death, I can't afford it!"

"Eighth Prince, if you don't know it, let's put one for the old minister. The old minister thinks this thing is fun. Hey, if it can be used on the battlefield, it can definitely blow up the Turkic dog thief!"

The ideas of these ministers are not as good, and they are exactly the same.

When they saw the power of spoofed bullets, their first thought was to bring spoofed bullets to the battlefield.

So, if Li Chengfeng really gave Li Shimin the recipe for making bombs?

So the whole Tang people don't have a fake bomb to bomb the Turks?

At that time, there will be civil strife in the Tang Dynasty, isn't it a fraudulent bomb? Either you bomb me or I bomb you?

That's why Li Chengfeng wouldn't be so stupid as to release the fraudulent bullets to these ministers.

If they stole their own formula quietly, chaos will happen sooner or later.



Then, Li Chengfeng put down several false bombs one after another.

He finally let go of all the bogus bullets in his hands.

The entire Tianyue Mountain was shaken by the Didong Mountain blasted by Li Chengfeng.

At the foot of Tianyue Mountain, there are already countless huge rocks stacked together!

Those rocks were all blown out by Li Chengfeng's fraudulent bombs!

Therefore, Li Chengfeng threw the sackcloth bag in his hand casually, and said, "Ministers, all the bombs have been released, and there are no more. Everyone can go back, wash and sleep!"

"Just let it go? Oh, what a pity!"

"Hiss... If the Eighth Prince used a bomb just now to blow up the boulder in the Grand Canal, would it be able to explode?"

"It can be exploded! But the eighth prince made a bet with the emperor. The emperor said that he wants the eighth prince to get out the big rock completely. It can't be blown up, otherwise he can't make sculptures!"

"That's right, I don't know what method the Eighth Prince will use to get that huge rock up? I'm really looking forward to what the Eighth Prince will do next!"

"Yeah, I don't know, what did the Eighth Prince do when he blasted so many rocks down on Tianyue Mountain?"

A group of ministers, you and I are talking about Li Chengfeng, how will this huge stone be transported ashore?

Although the weather was still very hot, those ministers had no intention of leaving.

After all, they still wanted to see how this so-called number one child prodigy of the Tang Dynasty would transport this huge rock ashore?


Soon, Li Chengfeng ordered his servants to move the huge stones at the foot of Tianyue Mountain to the shore beside the huge stones.

These stones were all blown down by Li Chengfeng with fraudulent bombs.

Some stones even weigh more than 500 catties.

However, compared with that 100,000-jin boulder, it is still insignificant.

Li Shimin's head was full of confusion, he looked at Li Chengfeng ignorantly, and asked, "Feng'er, what are you doing with so many big rocks?"

"Reporting to Father, I actually have two ways to get this huge rock ashore completely!"

"What? You already have two methods?"

"Ding, surprise from Li Shimin, naughty value +188!"

"Ding, the shock from Du Ruhui, naughty value +178!"

Many ministers were dumbfounded and looked at Li Chengfeng in surprise.

These ministers have been thinking for more than a month, but they have not come up with a way to get this big rock up.

But as soon as the eighth prince came, he came up with two solutions?

Sure enough, a genius is a genius, and a child prodigy is a child prodigy, which is not comparable to ordinary people like them.

Li Shimin smiled and said: "Then I would like to ask Feng'er, what are the two methods you call? But we have agreed on the premise that no fake bombs are allowed. You have to completely destroy this boulder." , move it up!"

"Don't worry, it's easy!"

Li Chengfeng snapped his fingers and said, "I don't know if my father and all the ministers here have heard of the story of Cao Chong calling an elephant?"

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