The Great Tang: God-level Bear Child

Chapter 426: The Hidden Door, Rainstorm Pear Blossom Needle!

Li Chengfeng is a sensible person.

He is not a person who yells and shouts to beat or kill when he knows the truth.

On the contrary, after Li Chengfeng learned that he was going to kill his father, he still considered from his own point of view and saved himself.

Just looking at this point, Fan Meng felt that Li Chengfeng would really settle himself down in the future.

Then for the rest of my life, I will always be Li Chengfeng's servant.

Even if it is to make him a cow or a horse, he will not hesitate!

"Okay, I'm leaving, Sister Changle, Wu Xu, you two take care of Mrs. Fan Meng here first! Remember, don't tell the outsiders what we just talked about, otherwise they will immediately Killed the proprietress Fan Meng!"

Li Chengfeng said.

Li Li said: "But brother Feng'er, after the emperor comes back, the emperor will not go around Mrs. Fan Meng!"

"You don't need to worry about this, I have my own way!"

"Yeah, little brother Feng'er, be careful with this song!"

"Eighth prince, you, you have to be careful!"

Li Lizhi and Wu Xu cared for Li Chengfeng together.

Li Chengfeng nodded and was about to leave.

However, at this moment, Fan Meng suddenly stopped Li Chengfeng, and said, "Eighth prince, here, little girl, there are two assassin tokens from the Juling Pavilion! You can prove that you are an assassin with these two tokens! The assassin status of Juling Pavilion, when the time comes, they will let you in, and they will not doubt your identity! Maybe this can help you better, find the emperor!"

"Oh? Don't you want to know where my father died?"

A look of surprise flashed across Li Chengfeng's eyes.

Fan Meng said: "But, but I don't want you to be injured, the Eighth Prince! You must know that once you reveal your identity, there will be a large number of assassins to assassinate you! Where, it is very dangerous. Going this time, you Pay more attention to safety!"

"Don't worry! Don't worry about my safety!"

Li Chengfeng snapped his fingers and showed a bright smile.

What kind of shitty Assassin organization?

If it weren't for the lack of soldiers and horses here, Li Chengfeng would have stepped over with 3000 Xuanjia troops now, rampaging all the way, to see who can stop the Zhenwang Xuanjia troops?


After taking the two assassin tokens from Fan Meng, Li Chengfeng put them in his trouser pocket.

After going downstairs, Li Chengfeng quickly turned on the system and started buying talents.

Although Li Chengfeng is very strong now, and he is facing each other head-on, maybe no one is Li Chengfeng's opponent.

But Li Chengfeng knew that what he was going this time was within the most powerful assassin organization in the entire Tang Dynasty, 'Juling Pavilion'.

Where there are so many assassins, all kinds of silver needle darts are poisonous.

If Li Chengfeng was negligent and fell for the truth, maybe he would die or die.

So he still wants to prepare and improve his assassin strength.

"System, open the mysterious store and buy assassin talents!"

"Good host, the system has been successfully opened for you!"

The system's familiar voice sounded from Li Chengfeng's mind again.

[Assassin talent:

Tang Sect Assassin: The selling price is 10,000 naughty points!

Dragon Gate Assassin: The selling price is 15,000 naughty points!

Hidden Door Assassin: Price: 20,000 naughty points!


"Tang Sect? Dragon Sect? Hidden Sect? Can't think of a little assassin talent, there will be so many sects?"

Li Chengfeng stroked his chin and thought for a while.

I heard that the hidden weapons of the Tang Sect are very powerful, such as the peerless Tang Sect.

But obviously, Longmen and Yinyinmen are not inferior to Tangmen.

Therefore, the system talents purchased by Li Chengfeng are not seeking the best, but seeking the most expensive.

There is a reason why people buy talents systematically, and they are expensive.

For example, a talent called 'Mirror Copy' cost Li Chengfeng 20,000 naughty points.

But that talent is really easy to use, even the power of an elephant can be copied.

So in conclusion, Li Chengfeng finally decided to buy the Assassin talent of the Hidden Gate!

"Ding, congratulations to the host for spending 20,000 naughty points to buy the Assassin talent of the hidden door!"


Afterwards, Li Chengfeng opened the system's mysterious store and went inside to buy weapons!

[Assassin defensive weapon:

Tangmen Yuhua Umbrella, price: 8000 naughty points! (The host can hold the rain flower umbrella in his hand to defend against the hidden weapons of the assassin!)

Jinling Dragon Clothes, price: 15,000 naughty points! (The host can wear the Jinling Dragon Clothes on himself to defend against the hidden weapons of the assassin)]

"Buy, buy, buy Jinling Dragon Clothes for defense!"

Li Chengfeng murmured, and soon spent 15,000 naughty points to buy the Jinling Dragon Clothes.

[Assassin weapon:

Longmen darts, price: 100 naughty points per piece.

Tangmen Rainstorm Pear Blossom Needles, price: 1000 naughty value for a set!

The double-knife escape armor technique of the escape door, price: 10,000 naughty points! 】


When Li Chengfeng saw the price of the Double Swords Dunjia Technique, he took a deep breath.

It seems that the talent and weapons of this assassin called the Hidden Gate are very expensive.

"I bought it, I bought it all! You can earn it back when you lose your naughty points, but I, Li Chengfeng, don't want to miss these peerless hidden weapons and martial arts!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for spending 11,000 naughty points to buy three assassin weapons: Longmen darts, Tangmen rainstorm pear blossom needle, and the double-knife armor technique of the hidden door! It has been stored in the host system warehouse , please also check the host!" ぷ999小@说发送

When Li Chengfeng bought these talents, he didn't feel distressed at all.

Because he felt that the naughty points he earned were for himself to use.

Otherwise, naughty points are hoarded in the system, and it is a waste if they are not used.

However, there is another key point that Li Chengfeng doesn't know, that is, once the naughty value in the system has accumulated to a certain point, then his system will automatically upgrade to the next level.

For example, the last time the system was inexplicably upgraded to the second floor.

It is because of the naughty points in Li Chengfeng's system that the cumulative balance exceeds 200,000 points.

So the system will automatically upgrade.

As for how many naughty points are needed to upgrade to the third floor, this is unknown.

After all, the current Li Chengfeng doesn't even know what conditions are needed for system upgrades!

Immediately afterwards, Li Chengfeng turned on the system and took a look!

[Datang god-level bear child system:

Host: Li Chengfeng!

Naughty value: 252890!

Cuteness: 9 points, Charm: 9 points, Smartness: 10 points!

Weapon: Go-getter Mo Xie! Longmen darts, Tangmen rainstorm pear blossom needle, escape gate double sword armor art!

Martial Skill: Xuanyuan Yujian Technique! Hidden Door Assassination Technique!

Art: Proficiency in Four Books and Five Classics, proficiency in poetry and songs, calligraphy by Yan Zhenqing, master of piano, and immortal of painting!

Talent: the power of a king, the art of horse riding, mastery of carpentry mechanism, master of cooking, I Ching gossip, Shennong is alive, light work can reach the sky in one step!

Warehouse: The Complete Book of Biography of the Tang Dynasty Characters!

The second layer of the system, super talent: mirror copy! 】


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