The Great Tang: God-level Bear Child

Chapter 442: The immoral things you did in those years!

Some of them choose to believe, while others choose not to believe.

However, Li Chengfeng took out his own pendant from his chest to prove his identity, and said: "This is the unique jade pendant of my Li family. I am Li Chengfeng, the eighth prince of the Tang Dynasty! I have already said this, believe it or not, just let me know." It's up to you!"

"And I also tried your martial arts just now. To be honest, you are all very good, but you are not my opponent yet!"

"If you want to be my influence, then I welcome you very much, but if you insist on going against me, then I'm sorry, you will really die, and none of you will survive!"

Li Chengfeng's words were very domineering.

In fact, he didn't want to reveal his identity as the Eighth Prince before.

But he was afraid that these Juling Pavilion assassins would be finished later if they were encouraged by the Juling Pavilion master to kill Li Shimin.

At this time, the black-robed old man came to Li Chengfeng and said, "Young hero, if you are really the eighth prince of the Tang Dynasty, how could the emperor of the Tang Dynasty be captured by Lin Hai?"

Li Chengfeng said: "To tell you the truth, my father and I came to Chang'an Avenue to do some business, and when we were resting in the attic of the West Wing, Lin Hai and her sister Fan Meng tricked me into taking Datang away. The emperor Li Shimin! Later, I persuaded Fan Meng to tell her where Lin Hai took the emperor, and that was the Juling Pavilion in Ningting Town!".99^9)xs(.

"So I think, if Lin Hai really wants to kill Li Shimin, he probably won't be merciful, but in order to cover up Li Shimin's death, so as not to drag himself and the West Chamber Pavilion, he will arrange Li Shimin's death in Juling Pavilion In the meantime, let you assassins take the blame!"

"Impossible, this is impossible!"

After Li Chengfeng finished speaking, the bearded man immediately said: "Regardless of whether you are the eighth prince or not, I think Lin Hai would do such a thing, and our Pavilion Master of Juling Pavilion would never do such a thing! "

"Yes, Lord Pavilion Master is usually very kind to us, how could he frame us and ask us to kill the Emperor of Tang?"

The old man in black robe said.

Li Chengfeng snorted coldly, and said: "Hmph, do you know what the identity of the master of your Juling Pavilion is?"

"What identity? Isn't he the Pavilion Master of Juling Pavilion?" said the black-robed old man.

At the same time, dozens of pairs of eyes were fixed on Li Chengfeng.

Li Chengfeng sneered, and said: "Hmph, only you idiots would believe that he only has the status of the master of Juling Pavilion!"

"Actually, the owner of the Juling Pavilion, originally named Li Xiongfeng, is the adoptive father of the former prince Li Jiancheng who worshiped in Jianghu. Can you believe it?"

"What? True or false?"

"No way? The adoptive father of the former crown prince?"

"You can't mention those three words, you can't mention them!"

"How could this be? The owner of our Juling Pavilion actually has this level of identity?"

"Ding, the shock from Cao Xue, naughty value +188!"

"Ding, the shock from Wanglaoji, naughty value +198!"


Li Chengfeng felt very strange, why is there someone named Wang Laoji in it?

Here, besides Wang Lao Wu, the only one left with the surname Wang is the old man in black robe, Elder Wang.

In this way, the name of Elder Wang must be Wang Laoji.

I have to say that ancient people really knew how to choose names.

And the reason why Li Chengfeng was able to know the true identity of the owner of Juling Pavilion.

That's because he borrowed the "Biography of the Great Tang Characters" in the system.

I read the biography of the master of Juling Pavilion himself.

Li Chengfeng didn't feel surprised at the beginning, but the more he looked behind, he realized that the owner of the Juling Pavilion was actually the foster father of the former prince Li Jiancheng?

He was also a master assassin in the Jianghu.

One day he rescued Li Jiancheng who was in distress, but Li Jiancheng actually worshiped him as his adoptive father?

Later, after Li Jiancheng died, Li Xiongfeng founded Juling Pavilion, and has been trying every means to avenge Li Jiancheng, just to kill Li Shimin.

Therefore, maybe behind the master of the Juling Pavilion, there are people behind the scenes manipulating it.

Li Chengfeng continued: "So you understand why Lin Hai and Li Xiongfeng wanted to kill the Emperor of Tang, right? Because the two of them are the Emperor's enemies! In addition, if they do it themselves, they will cause trouble to the upper body, so why don't they kill the Emperor? Dare, so Li Xiongfeng called you over, let you kill the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty, and take the blame for him, and then he escaped with impunity, and what about you? In the future, you will be hunted down endlessly by the Tang Dynasty, until you are killed Until the door is full!"

Speaking of this, everyone in Juling Pavilion couldn't help but shudder.

They didn't expect that this matter would have such serious consequences.

Li Chengfeng continued: "Actually, you have all fallen into an invisible trap. In the end, you are just pawns in the hands of the master of Juling Pavilion!"

Immediately afterwards, the old man in black robe took a step forward, frowned, and said, "Little brother, although you are highly skilled in martial arts, how do you want us to believe that what you said is the truth and not lying to us?"

Li Chengfeng smiled and said: "It's very simple, because I am the eighth prince of the Tang Dynasty, the reincarnation of heaven and man, I know astronomy from the top down to geography, and I can calculate it at any time!"

"Oh? How do you say that?" the black-robed old man asked.

Li Chengfeng said: "For example, I know your name is Wang Laoji! Oh, wait a moment..."

As he spoke, Li Chengfeng stretched out his little hand, fumbled in his pocket, and took out a copy of "The Wicked Things Wang Laoji Did in Those Years"!

The old man in black robe, Wang Laoji, stared at him.


Li Chengfeng cleared his throat and said: "Wang Laoji, a Han nationality, the elder of Juling Pavilion! When I was three years old, I was scolded by my parents for trying to pee my pants! When I was eight years old, I went to school and was not obedient. I was beaten and cried by the teacher. Then he ran away from home for two months and didn't come back! When he was ten years old, he broke his shoulder because he climbed a tree and stole fruit..."

Speaking of this, Wang Laoji's face turned green.

He widened his eyes, feeling suddenly puzzled.

Why did the Eighth Prince know everything about my childhood?

No way?

And who gave the Eighth Prince the "Things Wang Laoji Did Missing in Those Years"?

"When you were twelve years old, you dropped out of school and left your hometown. You went out to do business with your uncle, but you encountered chaos. Your uncle was killed by thieves. You hid in a tavern and worshiped a master assassin as your master. Later, you killed I killed an officer and soldier, and from then on I started my desperate escape..."

"Okay, okay, stop talking, I believe everything, I believe in the Eighth Prince, please stop reading!"

Wang Laoji's expression was extremely tense.

Because he has done many immoral things in the past.

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