The Great Tang: God-level Bear Child

Four hundred and ninetieth eight chapters: Hostile relationship!

Gao Chen said: "Eight princes, why did Tubo and Turks attack Datang at the same time? Why?"

"Hmph, thieves covet my geomantic treasures in Tang Dynasty, just like robbers robbing you, you run over and ask why? I don't know why? They just want to rob you, there is no reason, no reason!"

Li Chengfeng picked up a glass of wine and gulped it down.

Gao Chen also sighed heavily.

He didn't expect that just after he came to Datang, Youzhou City in Datang would be attacked by Tubo and Turks.

Li Chengfeng continued: "But son of Goguryeo, you don't have to worry about it. It's just Tubo and Turkic thieves. They can't make any trouble! Since my father asked me to drink with you, from now on, I will Let this prince entertain the son of Goguryeo, in order to do the landlord's favor!"

"Haha, don't dare!" Gao Chen quickly smiled and waved his hands.

He knew that although Li Chengfeng was young, he was still not to be underestimated.

Moreover, Gao Chen had heard a long time ago that there was a child prodigy, the Eighth Prince, who was called the number one child prodigy in the world. In terms of strategy and intelligence, he was unrivaled in the world. He even cheated Tubo and Turks out of 430,000 gold.

That's why Gao Chen wouldn't underestimate Li Chengfeng.

Li Chengfeng waved his hands to the crowd, and said, "Everyone, let's sit and eat together. Anyway, there is no one now, so let's just drink and eat meat. There are many empty places, so let's sit and eat together!"

Li Lizhi and Wu Xu then came to Li Chengfeng's side and sat down.

Li Lizhi looked at Li Chengfeng with a trace of sadness on her face, and said, "Brother Feng'er, why did things turn out like this?"

Li Chengfeng shook his head, and said: "I don't know. But these things are beyond our control. If it is not really a last resort, I, Li Chengfeng, will not sit idly by!"

A sharp light flashed in Li Chengfeng's eyes.

If Tubo and Turks really want to fight hard, then Li Chengfeng will definitely release the 3,000 special Xuanjia troops he trained, and then each of them will send ten self-made bombs to the battlefield to blow them all up.

After such a thing happened, everyone's thoughts of drinking suddenly disappeared.

Gao Chen sighed, and said, "Eighth prince, I think it's because Gao Chen came at the wrong time! Eighth prince, the reason why Gao Chen came to visit Tang Dynasty is actually to learn how Datang solved the year of natural disasters. , may I ask the Eighth Prince what trick do you have?"

Li Chengfeng said: "Didn't I say it before? After you go back, you will directly ask your father to open a warehouse to release food, so as to ensure that the people in your country will not starve to death! In this way, the population will exist, and the labor force will not be lost. This year Lost food, just plant it back next year!"

"But the Eighth Prince, if the next year is still a year of drought, what should we do? The people of our country cannot rely on the food from the treasury to support them?" Gao Chen said.

Li Chengfeng said: "The idea of ​​asking! In fact, this method is very simple, as long as we can solve the drought! Although we can't control the weather, we can control the water source, so as to ensure the income of food in the coming year!"

"You can't control the weather, but you can control the water source? Oh? This method is very good! So, Eighth Prince, do you mean that we need to build a huge reservoir and stockpile the water source?"

"Well, I didn't expect you to be very smart, you can get it right?" Li Chengfeng smiled and continued: "Gao Chen, I think you have a good character, don't say that I, Li Chengfeng, don't help you Goguryeo, I know In history, there were conflicts between Goguryeo and Datang, but if you become the king of Goguryeo in the future, I advise you to surrender to our Tang Dynasty, otherwise you will be destroyed! No matter how hard you struggle , are useless!"


"Ding, fear from Gao Chen, naughty value +222!"

"Ding, surprise from Cheng Feilan, naughty value +188!"

"Ding, the fear from Cheng Feixue, naughty value +199!"

The three of them looked at Li Chengfeng in astonishment.

In fact, Li Chengfeng was not wrong. As for Goguryeo, a small country, it can only surrender to the Tang Dynasty, or wait to be destroyed by the Tang Dynasty.

If they submit to Datang, maybe Li Chengfeng can still be friends with Gao Chen, if they don't surrender in the future, they will only perish.

"What are you talking about? Don't think this is Datang, you are the eighth prince of Datang, so you can talk to us like this?" Beside Gao Chen, Cheng Feilan suddenly shouted: "We came to Datang to study sincerely I'm not here to listen to your sarcastic remarks, if you don't welcome me, we'll leave now!"

When Cheng Feilan was angry, Li Chengfeng was not upset, but just looked at Cheng Feilan with an indifferent and calm expression.

Li Chengfeng didn't speak, but there was still a faint smile on his face.

However, it was Li Chengfeng who was so calm that Cheng Feilan felt a great fear.

This sense of fear and pressure was even stronger than Cheng Feilan's sense of oppression when facing Tang Emperor Li Shimin.

This, is this really the temperament that a child can have?

Why? He looked at me with a look of pity in his eyes? Why didn't he get angry at all when I told him?

"Ding, fear from Gao Chen, naughty value +188!"

"Gudong!" Cheng Feilan swallowed in fear.

He is also the son of Cheng Yu, a famous Goguryeo general, so he can be regarded as a descendant of a general in terms of status.

This time, Gao Chen, the eldest son of Goguryeo, came to Datang, firstly to protect Gao Chen, and secondly, to come out to see the world.

After all, he has never been to Chang'an City, the most prosperous city in Tang Dynasty!

But in terms of aura, he was suppressed to death by Li Chengfeng. Could it be that this is the temperament of the so-called Great Tang royal family? It was terrible!


If you're not welcome, let's go now?

Cheng Feilan's voice echoed in Li Chengfeng's ears.

He smiled softly and said: "I, Li Chengfeng, didn't say that I don't welcome you, I just gave you a piece of advice, not that I scare you! If you want to leave, you can leave, and I won't force you." You stay here!"

"Sorry, sorry, Eighth Prince, Fei Lan has such a personality, please don't mind! We have only come to Datang not long ago, and we have no plans to go back now!"

Gao Chen quickly apologized to Li Chengfeng, then gave Cheng Feilan a look, and shouted: "Feilan, from now on, you are not allowed to talk nonsense without my order. If you want to talk nonsense, pack up and leave! I am here You did not come to Datang to offend people to learn from Datang! You have offended the Emperor and the Eighth Princes of Datang again and again, if you want to leave, get out now and don’t follow me!"

"Shi, my lord!"

Cheng Feilan panicked.

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