The Great Tao Chronicle

Vol 2 Chapter 498: 2 monster dialogue

Chapter 501 The Conversation of Two Monsters (First Update)

"Dreamer? You spent more than a year in the dream and brought back the 'inner strength'?"

In a certain manor in the magic capital, a group of people circled around Lu Shiping, all inconceivable in their hearts.


Lu Shiping glanced at the disciples and grandchildren around him and the top officials of some secret institutions. With a flick of his finger, a burst of energy burst into the air like an arrow, and a fine porcelain bottle five meters away shattered:

"This is a kung fu that I learned. The principle is also very simple. It is similar to the Gang Jin in the inner fist. It is a high-end application of airflow. It can break iron armor within ten meters."

"...Elder Lu!"

A middle-aged man in the crowd jumped up and his face twitched: "This is the best Ru kiln porcelain, an antique with a history of more than a thousand years, the treasure I just received!"

"Just pay you the price."

Lu Shiping was also a little embarrassed, and glanced at his son.

Lu Renyi, who was already sixty years old, smiled bitterly and said sorry, and looked at his father, who seemed to be more than ten years younger and looked like his own brother:

"Father, why are you acting like a child now, always showing off..."

"Having a sharp weapon to kill since he was born, he is so powerful, but Lu Lao is just like this, but it is already amazing."

Qinglong walked into the room with a straight body, and everyone in the room unconsciously gave way.

He glanced at Lu Shiping and gave a military salute: "Elder Lu, this is really an uninvited guest, but this matter may be important, so I can only record your 'what happened in your dream'."

"Qinglong captain asks, it's all right."

Lu Shiping smiled slightly, he was the one who took the initiative to report this matter, because he couldn't hide it.

"So, please find a quiet room."

Qinglong's complexion was soothing, Lu Shiping's status was very special, and he was a well-known figure in the scientific research circle. Although he was only involved in the biological field, his friends, disciples and grandchildren were distributed in various fields and institutions.

If he doesn't allow it, he will really have a headache.

"Captain Qinglong."

At this moment, an old man with gray hair stood up.

Seeing the old man with the national character face, Qinglong gave a military salute again: "Please instruct."

This old man was his former leader.

"If Mr. Lu answered, take note. If Mr. Lu doesn't answer, you can't use other means to force the question."

The old man warned.

Qinglong didn't answer.


The old man snorted softly.

"Okay Lao Yan, what's the big deal?"

But Lu Shiping stood up, waved his hand, and greeted Qinglong to the backyard.

In the quiet place in the backyard, the two sat down.

"Old Lu, I have devoted my whole life to the country. When I get old, I won't have anything to hide from the country. Captain Qinglong can rest assured about this."

As soon as he sat down, Lu Shiping first gave Qinglong a reassurance pill.

Qinglong bowed his head slightly, with respect on his face, the older generation of scientific researchers, patriotism is needless to say.

Lu Shiping studied abroad as a teenager, and has a lot of fame in various countries in the world. Many countries have high salaries and top-level treatment, but he still returns to serve the country.

Such a person, guessing him by himself, is a bit of a villain.

"In that dream, there is a world called 'Jiufu' or 'Wangquan'. The reason why it is said to be a world rather than a dream is because there are so many incredible things in it."

Lu Shiping fell into memory, and a look of exclamation appeared on his face unconsciously: "Boxing, internal skills, and martial arts are nothing but martial arts.

But for more than a year in the dream, I walked through the mountains and forests, looking for herbs, minerals, and animals. The environment of the world is similar to that of Xuanxing. There are many medicinal materials and ores that can only be produced in certain environments, but more are Xuanxing has never heard of it before..."

Lu Shiping fell into memory.

Qinglong looked shocked. In Lu Shiping's narration, he seemed to see a corner of the magnificent world.

Minerals, medicinal herbs, animals, words, language, society, humanities, laws... that covered almost every aspect, Qinglong could hardly believe that this was just a dream.

Who can dream of such outrageous things.

"...I don't have much interest in martial arts. By chance, I met a seriously injured old man and learned some martial arts. He also gave me this internal strength. For the imperial court, where the world's main weakness lies, martial arts have no Too in-depth contact."

Lu Shiping said, with an indescribable expression on his face: "There is something that I remember deeply."

"What's up?"

Seeing his delicate expression, Qinglong also moved in his heart.

"The place in my dream is called Fengzhou. I have heard that there is a great master in the Fengzhou martial arts, ranking second in the weapon spectrum..."

Lu Shiping's eyes flickered: "It may be a coincidence, that person's name is exactly the same as our martial arts world number one!"

"An Qisheng?!"

Qinglong stood up suddenly, his face changed greatly.


The sun is in the middle of the sky, shining brightly.

In the middle of winter, the light is not strong, but the snow on the sunny side of the mountain has already begun to melt, dripping and dripping, appearing muddy and messy.


The gray off-road vehicle was parked on the side of the road, and the snow boots were stepping on the muddy water. Gong Qingzhu walked out of the door and faced the soft sunlight to look at a Taoist temple on the top of the mountain not far away.


Wang Zhixuan closed the car door, and Jiang Shili and Jiang Shili got out of the car one after another. The three women looked different, all looking at the nameless Taoist temple on the top of the mountain.

These days of hot discussion on the Internet, An Qisheng's popularity has surpassed everyone and has become a hot topic nowadays. I don't know how many people want to find his whereabouts and can't find it, but for Wang Zhixuan and others, it is naturally not a problem.

Looking at Gong Qingzhu's rare stunned state, Jiang Shili said with a deep meaning: "Qingzhu, you seem to be very interested in him?"

"I'm interested."

In the face of her best friend's teasing, Gong Qingzhu did not refute. Her eyes were clear and her tone was calm: "Anyone who practices martial arts will not be disinterested in number one in the world."

"Just like that?"

Jiang Shili still didn't let her go, with a playful look on his face.

The friendship of the three of them is of course very good, but there is some competition between them. Gong Qingzhu is in charge of the overseas power of the Gong family, and he is the first person among the three to get rid of the shadow of the previous generation.

She has always been cold and mellow, and it is hard to find idle people, but it is rare to see her so interested in a man.

"if not?"

Gong Qingzhu retracted his gaze and looked at Jiang Shili lightly: "How else?"

Her eyes were flat, but Jiang Shili turned her face away like an electric shock, but still snorted softly: "I know that you, Miss Gong Er, have witnessed a lot of kung fu, and her eyebrows are charged, but we are not those stinky men. "

"Jiang Shili!"

Gong Qingzhu raised his eyebrows slightly, and his soft face suddenly appeared heroic.

"Why are you calling your sister?"

Jiang Shili was not to be outdone.

Wang Zhixuan stood aside and didn't care about the tit-for-tat confrontation between the two sisters. The nameless Taoist temple on the top of the mountain was reflected in her eyes, and she unconsciously recalled that dream in her heart.

In that dream, there also seemed to be an An Qisheng with a big name...

Although there are many people with the same name, the language in the dream is different from that of Xuan Xing, and it is likely that the pronunciation is similar. I know that An Qisheng, who is the world-shattering and second-ranked in the 'Dream of King Power', is known.

This is the An Qisheng I know!

Because, this mountain, this temple, is dedicated to 'Wangquan Daoist'!

She once didn't know what she meant, but now she thinks about it, but "suddenly".

Covering her thoughts, Wang Zhixuan glanced at her two girlfriends: "Okay, let's go."

The two women turned their faces away from each other, even though Wang Zhixuan was walking towards the mountain behind him.

Tianlian Mountain is not big. Although it is far away from people, it is not a famous mountain resort, but as soon as it gets close to this mountain, the three women's hearts are moved, and they feel the unusual.

"Feng Shui here..."

Jiang Shili was a little surprised: "There are no mountains, no running water, and the terrain is only average, but the geomantic feng shui here seems to be much better than the few famous mountains I have seen."

"People are the dojo, the blessed land. This is the interaction between the aura of man and the heaven and the earth. It's just that the place where God spreads is only one family, but this aura benefits a mountain, and there is a faint trend of spreading to the surrounding area... "

Wang Zhixuan's eyes were full of brilliance. Among the three, she was the closest to seeing God and felt the most profound.

This mountain seems to be in harmony with the heavens and the earth, and the Taoist temples on the top of the mountain are in perfect harmony with the environment. This is not something that can be achieved by a simple feng shui formation, and someone needs to suppress the 'array eyes'.

"Xuanxuan, I want to buy this piece of land."

Gong Qingzhu's eyes are also very bright, but he thinks differently from the two of them. He proposed to buy the land and expressed his willingness to pay a big price.

Buy land?

Jiang Shili glanced at Gong Qingzhu with contempt: "It smells like copper, and it stinks."

"The Gong family has a great business, and there are many people to support. There's nothing wrong with the smell of copper. It's better than eating old for life."

Gong Qingzhu smiled faintly, she was originally a businessman.

"Qingzhu has a good eye, but unfortunately, this land has an owner."

Wang Zhixuan raised her chin slightly.

Not much to say, step up the mountain.

Gong Qingzhu felt a little regretful. The aura here is very beneficial to people. Living here for a long time will definitely prolong life and prevent diseases. If she buys this place, she will definitely be able to make it into the top residence in the world.

It may not be impossible to sell a foot for millions.


The three of them are not slow, although they are not in a hurry, they have walked across the mountain road for a while and came to the Taoist temple.

When I got here, I found that this Taoist temple was not without a name.


Wang Zhixuan's eyes moved, but this Taoist temple did not have any approvals or couplets like most Taoist temples.

In front of the empty door, only the word 'heart' is engraved.

"When there is something in Buddhism, one mind is not disturbed, the principle is not disturbed, and the three possessions of one mind are said. Mr. Yang Ming also has the saying that mind is reason, knowledge and action are unified, but I don't know, which mind is your 'mind'?"

Gong Qingzhu suddenly spoke.

The cold voice seemed to condense into the Taoist temple.


The door of the Taoist Temple opened automatically without wind.

The Taoist temple is not large, and there is nothing surprising about it. It is just that the Taoist temple is in the middle of the ground and depicts the texture of a Taiji map.

In the center of the black and white Tai Chi map, An Qisheng sits cross-legged. His stature is not tall, and his posture is not considered majestic, but he has an imposing aura that is as immobile as a mountain.

The three girls had all met An Qisheng, and Jiang Shili had gone to look for him half a year ago, but at this time, seeing it, he couldn't help but feel in his heart.

I just feel that his breath is as vast as a sea of ​​stars, and there is no need to specifically target it, it already makes people feel a sense of emptiness.


As the three of them watched, An Qisheng slowly opened his eyes, his eyes warm.

As soon as he opened his eyes, the majestic and vast aura on his body seemed to disappear, but the three girls naturally wouldn't think it was an illusion.

"Nature is my heart."

An Qisheng's eyes were like mirrors, reflecting the appearance of the three women. The three women's intentions were clearly understood at this time.

The third daughter, Wang Zhixuan's air is like a cold tiger, and under the coldness and subtlety, a fierce tiger is hidden in the core.

Jiang Shili's breath is like a fox, and under his charming face, he has a changeable mind.

The green bamboo in the palace is like an orchid in an empty valley, but there are waves in it, calm like a deep sea, and anger like a tsunami.

But what's interesting is that the three of them are the first batch of 'dreamers', and they all doubt each other, but they don't say it clearly, and they don't want to be the first to say it.

woman, huh...


At a glance, the three girls all trembled, but An Qisheng's eyes seemed to be able to penetrate all the secrets.

So that they had the illusion of not covering their bodies, and they couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed.

Wang Zhixuan even crushed her sunglasses, and Liu Mei raised her eyebrows, "Have you seen enough?"

Fortunately, with just one glance, An Qisheng withdrew his gaze, did not answer Wang Zhixuan, and turned to look at Shandao: "Since Captain Qinglong is here, let's come in together."


Wang Zhixuan frowned, Qinglong had already come to the Taoist temple, but he didn't see how to move, not to mention the slightest rumor, Shenlong saw the beginning but not the end.

Qinglong stood straight, looked directly at An Qisheng, and asked slowly, "I wonder when Mr. An has discovered me?"

"When you want to see me." An Qisheng narrated calmly.

It is not possible for the Qi Seed to cover the world in just ten days or twenty days, but how powerful his divine will is. Above the mysterious star, anyone who has a will in his heart can feel it.


Not only Qinglong, Jiang Shili, Wang Zhixuan, and Gong Qingzhu were all shocked.

They didn't believe it, but found that there was no need for him to lie to himself and others.

"Come in and sit down, everyone."

When several people lost their minds, An Qisheng had already stood up and greeted a few people to come in: "If you have any doubts, you can say anything."

Several people were still a little lost, but they did not refuse, because this itself was one of the purposes of their coming, and walked into the Taoist temple with his greeting.

An Qisheng was naturally ignorant of the arrival of several people, and even to a certain extent, this situation was created by him.

Among them, one is a major overseas force, one is a senior executive of the Special Affairs Bureau, one is the heir to the Great World of Magic Capital, and one has a deep relationship with the Central Martial Arts Museum.

Through the mouths of a few people, everyone can know that he has become the world's number one master by relying on the 'Dream of King Power', and many people in the province are making random guesses.

People are complicated, and the more things they don’t know, the more they want to know.

Taking the initiative to expose his "adventure", and he is not the only one who has this "adventure", naturally allows many people to accept it.

Also, willing to believe.

"I know your intentions. You guessed it right. I am An Qisheng in the 'Dream of King Power'."

In the Taoist temple, several people had a lot of questions, and An Qisheng was also outspoken, telling some secrets that many people knew sooner or later, and sent a few people away.

The few people who walked out of the Taoist temple looked at each other in dismay, but it turned out that apart from Qinglong, all three of them were 'dreamers'.

And Qinglong, who looked at his nose with his eyes and his heart with his nose, was even more embarrassed.

Co-authored, with five people present, only you are an 'outsider'?


As soon as the Taoist Temple door was closed, An Qisheng heard a familiar vibration.

With a casual move, the phone not far away flew into his hands, and before he could move, the phone automatically turned on and a video popped up.

The displayed is a blue-green creature that looks rather strange.

This strange blue creature is as small as a three- or four-year-old baby, with two arms and two legs, in the shape of a human, but with a pair of smaller wings.

At this moment, Pu Teng Pu Teng stood in a dense sea of ​​data that was constantly beating and flickering.

"Hello, Mr. Monster."

The blue soul bows a thoughtful cross arm on his chest: "You can call me the three-hearted blue soul boy. I am here to ask you to give me that long-lived seed!"

"Mr. Monster?"

An odd ripple appeared in An Qisheng's eyes: "What if I don't pay?"

In the ocean of data, the three-hearted blue soul boy slowly straightened up: "In your words, it's the first ceremony before the soldier."

Go to eat first, then continue to code,

(End of this chapter)

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