The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 102 Nothing can be done

A paladin with high health and high defense drank a submersible breathing potion and was thrown down.

The underwater breathing potion was only effective for five minutes. Time passed quickly. The paladin appeared in the cemetery and sent a few words with trembling hands: Something happened in real life. I will log off now. Goodbye.

Then no matter how I called, nothing happened.

Pretending to be dead, must be pretending to be dead!

In view of the limited time for the underwater breathing potion, this time I chose a druid whose name is Brother.

He quickly ran back from the cemetery and said with shame: "I fainted before I had time to react."

Then he was kicked off again.

This time, the poor Druid finally reacted and activated the Transformation Seal in time, but he immediately regretted it.

This dizzying taste is really too sour.

"What's going on? I'm showing you that the legend is offline," Xiuyou said, blaming me and looking unhappy. The more unknown something is, the scarier it is. What is underneath makes the situation of the players here full of confusion.

"Call him and ask him what's going on." The wolf's blood boiled but he was no longer in a hurry.

What he was most afraid of was that there was nothing underneath the whirlpool. Since there was something strange underneath, it meant that Lu Li must be underneath.

In this day and age, you don't have to go offline to make a call. You can show off your blaming face and dial me directly in the game. It's a legendary communication tool.

"Legend, why are you offline?"

"Mr. Xiu, it's so scary, I don't even dare to go online anymore,"

"How the hell did you get offline?" Xiuyou looked annoyed and blamed me.

"The system said my mood swings were too high and kicked me out of the game." Brother is a legend, feeling very aggrieved.

"What's down there?"

"There's nothing, it's all water. Damn it, it's all water. I've been spinning around in it for who knows how long. It's endless." The poor druid was very out of control. He was afraid of playing games and worried about himself. After going online, it was still struggling in the water.

In order to protect the player, the game will take measures when it detects that the player's physical, emotional and other functions are out of control. If it is a minor case, it will be kicked out of the game. If it is more serious, it will not only be kicked out of the game, but also help you call an emergency call.

You looked like you were blaming me and hung up the communication. When you told me about the situation, your blood was boiling and you were in trouble.

He looked at a druid, who immediately turned blue and said, "Boss, I have a phobia of deep water. I will definitely be kicked out of the system if I go down."

"Boss, I have a heart disease, please let me go." Another said.

"Two gold coins!" The wolf's blood boiled with the promise of huge profits.

"We are not like that," a group of druids said in unison.

"Five gold coins, there won't be any more cliffs," the wolf's blood boiled and he roared while holding back the pain.

Plop, plop, three unscrupulous druids jumped down one after another. Five gold coins can buy a good level 10 black iron, okay? Players from big guilds generally don't have that much cash on them.

"Aren't they all sick?" Xiuyou looked surprised and blamed me.

"I'm the one who's sick," said the wolf, whose blood was boiling and his rough old face was livid. Why did he jump three times at once?

This time it lasted longer. After all, there were five gold coins as a catalyst. Finally, a druid was thrown into the cave under the whirlpool.

The giant stone gate is still open. The druid player named Satan King feels like the protagonist in the story, immersed in the plot of adventure. What is waiting for him ahead?

A mountain of gold coins, a magical weapon that can stop him from killing anything, or a secret skill that makes him soar to the sky...

Well, it was just that his mind was damaged by the maelstrom. When King Satan stumbled into the prison, what he saw was Lu Li squatting on a tall totem pole fighting the BOSS.

"Boss...Boss, I saw him, he was fighting the boss," King Satan sat down on the ground. He also knew whether Lu Li would jump down and cause trouble for him, so he sat down to take a breath.

"Why didn't he kill you?" It's hard to imagine the scene inside without being able to see the scene.

"He is busy fighting the BOSS and has no time to pay attention to me." King Satan raised his head and looked at Lu Li speechlessly. He really couldn't figure out how a thief got up there.

After learning about the way to enter the cave, the wolf's blood boiled and he couldn't help but became silent.

Three of them went in, one went in, one couldn't hold on anymore and committed suicide after transforming into a seal, and there was a more nervous guy who was still struggling inside. This shows that entering depends on appearance and character, so they cannot maintain their numerical advantage. In addition, the people who enter are all druids, how can they pose a threat to Lu Li.

"You go try to interfere with the BOSS," he had no choice but to hold on to a chance, hoping to disrupt Lu Li's fight against the BOSS.

King Satan hesitated for a moment, gritted his teeth, transformed into the most durable bear tank, and charged forward vigorously.

Lu Li stood on top and almost burst into laughter. He had already seen this guy appearing suddenly, but there was nothing he could do about him. He couldn't kill a Drew who could only increase his health with a bow and arrow. Yi.

Fortunately, this druid committed suicide.

The shadow of Illidan has long been angered by Lu Li. He doubted the cultivation of the upper elf. All the willfulness he had imprisoned for ten thousand years was eaten by dogs. How majestic the devil Illidan is, even though he is a weak shadow. , and cannot be tortured so violently.

Just as someone came to relieve his boredom, the shadow grabbed one of the Druid's legs, lifted it up and threw it to the ground.

This is a skill belonging to the BOSS, and it is very distorting to human nature.

Lu Li couldn't bear to turn his head. This poor kid must not be left with a psychological shadow. He actually dared to fight Illidan's shadow in close combat. This was something even a level 20 pure physical MT wouldn't dare to do.

King Satan almost cried.

Fortunately, the BOSS didn't make him suffer for too long, or the fragile Xiong Tan simply couldn't withstand the abuse.

He was sent back to the cemetery in a few moments.

"If you get in with a group of druids, is it possible to grab the boss?" Xiuyou said with a blaming look on his face. He estimated that as long as he sends the information about Lu Li fighting the boss below to the world channel, there will definitely be people who are not afraid of death to join in the fun.

"It's useless. The BOSS's attack is too perverted, and Lu Li is staying in a place where we can't attack. No matter how many people go to White Tower, if too many people die and there is no benefit, we Jin Yiwei will become the target of public criticism." The wolf shook his head with blood boiling, making him give up the idea.

"give up?"

"give up!"

"It's already foreseeable that we will be ridiculed by all the players," Xiuyou said regretfully with a look of blame on me.

"It doesn't matter, we will announce tomorrow that we will double the salary of the guild's elite group. As long as there are benefits, a slightly bad reputation doesn't matter," said Wolf Blood Boiling. Good psychological quality is the minimum standard for an excellent team leader.

"Oh, the boss has already secured investment?" Xiuyou looked very excited and blamed me.

"That's right, the boss has roped in three Fortune 500 companies this time. A lot of money will come in. Jin Yiwei will never fall. We have plenty of opportunities to slowly settle the score with Lu Li," said Langxue Boiling.

PS: The third update is asking for recommendation votes and rewards. Thanks to kungfu灁chen, Hear Your Memories, Yuseruqi, Book Friends 140615022030587, Lingfeng Yushu and others for their rewards and good person cards. (A great pie-in-the-sky event, a cool mobile phone is waiting for you! Follow ~ click / Chinese website official account (add friends on WeChat - add official account - enter qdread), participate now! Everyone will win a prize, now Follow qdread WeChat official account!)

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