The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 1067 Time and Space Hunter

"When I woke up in the morning, I found myself tied here. A strange voice told me that I had to stay here for a while." Talesa raised her hand and touched Sal's arm, "With you Friends, please leave together, I’ll be fine staying here.”

Of course Thrall disagreed, and he tightened his grip on the weapon in his hand.

"Sal, come out and face your fate, hahaha..." A loud voice sounded outside, and it was obvious that the big BOSS was here.

"What is this?" After rushing out, Thrall looked at the monster in front of him in confusion. His knowledge came from humans, but he had never seen a dragon that looked like this.

Of course it's the Time Hunter, or the Eternal Dragon as we call it.

From the appearance point of view, the eternal dragon is no different from the ordinary dragons. They have wings and claws, and there are also big dragons, small dragons, young dragons, and dragon people who are given power by them.

The only special thing is that their color is pure black and blue, with black particles escaping from them into the surrounding space from time to time. From this point of view, coupled with their opposition to the bronze dragon, it seems that they are It would be more appropriate to call it Black Iron Dragon.

The origin of this dragon clan has always been a mystery. They have the same ability to travel through time as the bronze dragons, and they are in an absolute opposition to the bronze dragons because they try to change many key histories.

There is another theory that these eternal dragons are actually bronze dragons. Ten thousand years in the future, the entire bronze dragon clan will fall. They will travel through time and space and become a life-and-death confrontation with the current bronze dragons.

"Taresa's life is in danger. You must care about her very much. You must want to save her...please pray to me," the time hunter flapped his huge wings, his voice full of temptation.

"No," Thrall shook his head decisively: "It would be the same if I killed you, wouldn't it?"

A cold murderous intention flashed in the eyes of the time and space hunter: "I originally planned to deal with you in a more covert way, but now it seems that a head-on conflict is inevitable, and your destiny will end here, Sal, You and your nosy friends must die!"

Lu Li and the others were actually not idle either. They took advantage of the conversation between the two of them to eat bread and drink spring water to restore their health and magic points to full, and to get all the potions, cooking food, and poisons.

What follows is probably the most difficult battle in this dungeon.

There had been a battle with the flying dragon clan before, so Lu Li had some experience, and he shared it without reservation.

Time Hunter seemed to be planning some big move. He summoned a wave of dragons to serve as cannon fodder. After killing them all, another wave came. He repeatedly used them several times, and then the big move flew towards Thrall.

The dark black energy bomb, with silvery white lightning lingering on the surface, looked like it was broken.

Thrall was very afraid of this and kept retreating, but the speed of the energy bomb was getting faster and faster. From the initial float, it quickly soared to a speed that made Thrall Alexander.

"I'll do it," Lu Li dodged in front of Thrall and let the energy bomb hit him.


But then the damage that resurfaced made Lu Li's heart freeze instantly. It turned out that an energy ball didn't only hurt once. He relied on the special effect of his ring to be immune to one damage. This time he was really careless.

March Rain had no time to rescue Lu Li and fell to the ground.

Enable Darkmoon Cards!

Lu Li made his decision without hesitation. Wrapped in a soft white light, his body slowly floated up.

Resurrection successful!

After looking at the experience bar, he saw that the experience had only increased by 2%, but it was good that it had not been lost. Lu Li didn't feel bad about wasting an opportunity with the Dark Moon Card.

"What should I do? The monster is planning the move just now," Azure Sea Breeze's face turned pale.

"Roll, the one with the lowest points will block. If you have blocked before, it will be automatically ignored." Lu Li was helpless and could only use everyone's lives to fill it. The BOSS's ultimate move is called Death Time, which causes 7,000 damage every three seconds. Five damage, lasting fifteen seconds.

No one here can safely block this move without dying.

Neither can Thrall, he will be dead if he gets hit.

The only thing that makes everyone feel that there is still some hope is that this skill is very slow when it comes out. Although it cannot be avoided due to the tracking effect, it does not prevent players from sacrificing themselves for Thrall. Lu Li also tried using pets to block the skill, but unfortunately the skill didn't buy it. It would go through the pet to track Thrall.

This time, the one with the least roll points was Huadi Liqing. He flashed directly in front of the skill and took the hit for Thrall. This guy also knew that he would definitely die, so he didn't even use the damage reduction function and was killed in the first blow.

Using the Dark Moon Card to get up, Huadi Liqing's expressionless face actually showed a smile.

With an increase of 7%, this guy's level surpassed his sister Yue Yue's level in one fell swoop and topped the level list. It is said that as a girl control, you must make your sister worship you. You are always suppressed. Of course I'm not happy about it.

Lu Li now understood why Remulos gave everyone a card.

"Hit the BOSS's shield from a distance, and clean up the mobs with melee. Who will block the skills next?"

"Me," Can Meng raised his little hand.

"How come a person with such good luck has such a low roll?" Lu Li shook his head. He could only say that there was nothing he could do about it.

Can Meng stuck out her tongue and waited with great interest for the third death timer planned by the BOSS to appear. As soon as it appeared, she activated her acceleration skills and pounced on it.

The skill landed on her body and instantly killed the little hunter.

After using the Dark Moon Card to get up, she couldn't help but smile with a small face, as if she was afraid that others wouldn't know that she had gained experience points.

"How many?"

"Ten percent!"

"I'll go!" The team exclaimed.

Originally I could comfort myself, no matter how small the increase is, it is still an increase, it is more cost-effective than losing experience, but now I look at Huadi Liqing and Can Meng, one is 7% and the other is 10%. But Lu Li only had 2%, and a hundred thousand grass and mud horses whizzed past his mind, wondering what the labor and management had done wrong.

"The shield's durability is still more than 30%, and there may be a death timer. Hurry up and make a decision," Maomao urged while attacking the magic shield on the BOSS.

This time, the person with the least roll was Lu Li, the leader of the Black Hand, but he had already failed once, so he automatically ignored it, so he fell on Mo Wangfeng, the penultimate player.

"Haha, give me 10%, it will save you several days of effort," Mo Wangfeng said very proudly.

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