The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 1109 Dilemma (asking for a guaranteed monthly ticket)

In fact, Lu Li already had this engineering drawing, which he got when he downloaded the dungeon with Water Elf, but as long as the two of them didn't tell others, others would naturally not know about it.

After solving the problem in the bar, everyone didn't feel tired and rushed to the next BOSS in one go.

Ambassador Fleras!

Lu Li looked at the cloth armor professionals who were still confused, and sighed in his heart how many people here would go crazy for a ring of fire in the future.

As games gradually become a part of life, more and more people are making efforts countless times exceeding their value for a flashy thing in the game. It’s like you can’t understand hundreds of thousands of brand-name bags and hundreds of dollars. What is the difference? It can only be said that existence is reasonable.

Due to his unparalleled loyalty to Ragnaros, Freras was sent to the Dark Iron Tribe in the distinguished capacity of ambassador.

This despicable fellow was initially dismissive of his dwarven allies, but gradually came to respect their destructive nature. In order to show unity, Freras took on the important task of guarding the Hall of Magic, which is used by the dwarves. A sanctuary to strengthen weapons.

Behind him is the Tomb of the Summoners. It is said that the souls of the seven Dark Iron Dwarf sages who summoned Ragnaros to this world are entrenched in the tomb.

"Here, why is it the fire element again?" Azure Sea Breeze looked distressed. Not long after he had just changed into his most proud equipment, he was now changing into fire resistance equipment, which made him very uncomfortable.

"Most of the dungeons in this dungeon are of fire elements, you just get used to it." From Blackstone Abyss onwards, there are several dungeons in Blackstone Mountain. In fact, a large number of more difficult fire element bosses have emerged, and Fleras, as a Ragnaros' cronies are by no means good.

"What should we do now, just attack the monsters?" Azure Sea Breeze turned his head and gave Lu Li a strange look.

"Come on, let's see what I do?" Lu Li said.

I don’t know why, Azure Sea Breeze always has the illusion that any BOSS like Lu Li that doesn’t talk about its origins or characteristics will either be very simple or very difficult...

How he wished it was the former, but unfortunately reality showed that he was too naive.

Ambassador Fleras had a ferocious face, a snake-like body, and held a pair of burning long blades in one hand. The flames were swaying freely. It was okay at the beginning, the temperature was relatively low, and no one felt how high the damage was. But when seven runes flashed around the magic hall where Ambassador Freras was, and then seven small fire elements appeared, everyone knew that something was wrong.

Fight or hide?

Everyone was waiting for Lu Li to give the order. After Lu Li hesitated for a while, he still let everyone fight.

This is of course wrong, but according to normal people's thinking habits, these mobs that move slowly towards the BOSS generally need to be defeated, otherwise the BOSS may eat them to restore health or increase their attack power.

Tong Yanwuji, who was the first to fight, was in close combat. He had just attacked the small fire element and was blown to death with a single blast.

"Try it from a distance, but don't go to melee." Lu Li didn't expect to pass the first time anyway, so there was nothing wrong with letting them see Ambassador Fleras' perversion.

It is true that no one was killed anymore, and the fire elements were not invincible. Two fire elements were blown up before they could reach the BOSS. The flames sprayed all over the ground and could not subside for a long time.

The remaining four small fire elements successfully reached Ambassador Fleras, and were indeed absorbed by Ambassador Freras.

Ambassador Frelas, who absorbed the small fire element, became larger and attacked more fiercely, which was obviously due to the small fire element.

"It turns out that it really needs to be killed," Wendelian couldn't help but say: "I thought it couldn't be beaten at the beginning. It seems that a rookie commander like me is still not good at it. I need to learn more from the great master Lu Li in the future."

Lu Li was noncommittal, and when the second wave of small fire elements appeared, he didn't stop everyone from fighting.

With the first psychological preparation, more small fire elements were killed the second time. This time, only two small fire elements approached the BOSS and were absorbed.

This also means that there are more flames scattered on the ground because the small fire elements were exploded.

At the beginning, everyone subconsciously didn't want to step on the fire - Lu Li didn't make any similar request. It was entirely the player's consciousness that took the lead. In reality, no one likes to step on the fire.

However, when more and more flames spread on the ground, everyone finally realized that something was wrong, why the damage of these flames was higher than that of the BOSS. Ming Pojun, who was the first to realize this, was a plate armor class with thick health and high defense, but he still failed in the same way.

After that, more and more people died, and even the treatment was not spared. The final result was naturally the team was wiped out.

Ambassador Fleras did not use any awesome moves from beginning to end. He only summoned a few small fire elements, and they were the kind of small fire elements that could be killed in just a few strokes. But even so, everyone was still stunned. The Star Team died in disgrace.

"Should we kill those little monsters?" After returning from resurrection, while repairing equipment on Lu Li's repair robot, Wendelian, who had always aspired to become an excellent commander, asked humbly.

She had served in the City of Glory earlier and learned command tactics from Xiao Mo. Later, she probably felt that it was difficult for her to get ahead in the City of Glory, so she left to join the Storm Legion. As for whether there were any sexual relations between men and women. There are factors inside, and I’m afraid only the parties involved know about it.

"Hmm, actually I don't know. Otherwise, don't kill him this time." Lu Li did not give a direct answer, but adopted another extreme tactic.

There is absolutely no need for him to expose himself when fighting against a group of enemies. Proper hiding is an essential means for a reborn person to survive.

It doesn't seem to be a good idea if he doesn't kill. Several people with command experience in the team began to calculate the consequences of Ambassador Fleras devouring too many small fire elements. Those fire elements were refreshed too fast, and Fleras Ambassador Si's blood volume is very thick, so this data is really difficult to calculate.

At the end of the day, everyone was blue in the face.

This seems to be an unsolvable question. If you kill him, there will be more and more fire on the ground. Sooner or later, there will be no more people to stand on. But if you don't kill, the BOSS will obviously become more and more powerful. It is also a very easy to cause the team to fight. The result of destruction.

If Lu Li remembers correctly, the approximate attributes of Ambassador Flelas's Spirit Burning Technique are as follows:

Burning Spirit: When Burning Spirits come within 1 yard of Ambassador Lyras, they will sacrifice themselves, causing Ambassador Lyras' damage to be increased by 5% and his size to be increased by 5%. Burning Spirit can be stacked up to 50 times.

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