The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 1114 Smelting Black Iron Ore

Although he might have to fight with them later, before that, Lu Li decided to communicate with him politely.

In fact, even if the so-called tribute is not traded, there is a certain probability that the skill book for smelting black iron ore can be exploded from this sword-wielding ghost. However, Lu Li does not want to take this risk. His Demon Strike materials have already been That's almost it. If time is delayed because we can't smelt black iron ingots, that's a loss.

"What did you bring?" Greed seems to be the original sin of the dwarves, and it will not stop even after death.

"Twenty gold ingots, ten real silver ingots, and two rubies, I don't know if that's enough." This is the standard price. Anyone who wants to learn black iron ore smelting from him has to pay this amount.

"Okay, you are such a considerate child, but..." Unexpectedly, this knight ghost actually had something to say. His empty eyes looked at Lu Li's position, and a half-smile appeared on his lips. Expression: "If you can pay me twice as much, I can teach you better smelting skills."

Brother, why don't you play your cards according to the routine?

But Lu Li didn't hesitate and immediately started to take out things. In the end, there was still a ruby ​​missing, but Lu Li got a better gem and the other party nodded with great satisfaction.

The system prompted him to learn the skill of smelting black iron ore. There was an extra paragraph after the regular skill description, which said that there was a certain probability of obtaining double black iron ingots. If ordinary people saw this certain probability, they would probably feel that they had been deceived, but Lu Li didn't think so at all.

This is somewhat similar to cutting gems. If you specialize, you may get double harvest.

The probability was not too high, but it was not far-fetched. At least compared to the small price paid, Lu Li felt that he had made a profit, a huge profit.

Perhaps this was the benefit of learning skills from him for the first time. The ghost trapped in the tomb had been lonely for too long.

It doesn't matter, he will be relieved immediately.

Lu Li asked others to come in, and no one could be left out, because after the war started, the door would be closed tightly, and it would be impossible to come in.

The sudden influx of so many people was obviously not for business.

MT Azure Sea Breeze went up to talk and made a provocative gesture. The Holy Knight Ghost, who had just accepted Lu Li's benefits, became very angry and started fighting mode directly.

"Perhaps you will stop here today."

This line is very ordinary, neither domineering nor profound, but when the players really wake up to it, it is already too late.

Many teams can only go down to the Hall of Seven Sages at most when going to Blackrock Abyss. The reason is that they cannot kill all seven bosses at once. As long as the team is destroyed once, the copy will end here. If you want to continue the strategy, you can We can only wait until the dungeon is reset next week and start over again.

Lu Li didn't want this. He reminded everyone at the beginning: "Please use them sparingly. There are still six more to come. Depending on the situation, it may be a relay race."

"Don't worry, as long as it's not a group fight, I'll have no problem here at all," Azure Sea Breeze nodded.

"I will watch and help everyone return to blue," said Flower Appreciation and Jade Appreciation, a shaman, and he has some experience in assisting returning to blue.

This Paladin BOSS is not too powerful. After defeating it, just as Lu Li said, it did not leave any chance for the players to breathe. The second mage ghost left his coffin and walked over.

The second wheel battle is a little more difficult, because the group attack of the mage ghost hurts people a bit, and they need to move to avoid his flame storm. Although standing in the flame storm will not kill anyone, it puts huge pressure on the treatment, so Lu Li Everyone is asked to focus on self-protection as much as possible during the battle.

Don’t be too hasty in this place, as too much can cause problems.

The third dwarf thief's attack is very sharp, and he will occasionally use the sword to dance wildly. By this time, the consumption of the magic profession has almost been over half, and he begins to use various methods to recover. Lu Li and other output professions occasionally drink some potions to restore their health. .

The fourth is the priest, the shadow priest. This is the simplest, but carelessness can cause problems, because she will burn blue - mana burning.

For players, this skill is really useless in dungeon battles. I don’t care whether the BOSS’s magic value can be burned. If you have the time to burn it all, you may have been killed long ago.

But in PVP, this skill is definitely one of the magical skills of the priest profession. Many priests use their good ability to burn blue and increase blood to make all the blue professions smash their eggs on the ground. Without magic value, no matter what methods you have. It's all in vain.

Now, in the hands of a monster, everyone has seen the sharpness of this skill.

Fortunately, there are two thieves here, Lu Li and Water Elf, who take turns interrupting the Priest Ghost's blue-burning skill, otherwise the next BOSS will not need to be fought.

The fifth one is a warlock, so you can fight as usual. The sixth one is similar to a combination of a priest and a warlock. It will add blood to yourself. It doesn't really matter, it's just to kill the time longer.

The one that really poses a fatal threat to players is the seventh one - Dumrel.

Dumlel has the thickest health, high attack, and many skills. This is the real BOSS template.

Normally, as long as such a legal BOSS doesn't have any devastating moves, the All-Star team wouldn't be afraid of him, but if he appears after six minor BOSSs, the situation will be completely different.

The magic profession went through six non-stop battles, and everyone ran out of ammunition.

Hall of the Seven Sages has a lot of group wipeouts, but the real reason for group wipeouts is actually the same, that is, it can’t be used up anymore.

The countermeasures Lu Li took were relatively simple. Drink more potions in the early stage of DPS, use more MT to reduce damage. Don't use skills that consume too much for poor and magic professions, and save the ultimate move until the last moment as much as possible.

Dumrel particularly likes Shadow Arrow. After a group attack, everyone loses blood. The healer profession has to use group attack, and group attack consumes the most mana. Thanks to the three healers in the team, otherwise it would be really difficult.

"Ming Pojun grab the little one," Lu Li quickly directed another deputy to grab the little one.

Normal warlocks only summon one baby, but Dumrel is special. He can summon three void walkers, and all of them are very powerful. If the three of them are playing a profession with weaker armor together, there is no need at all. You can kill it in the second round.

For example, Mo Wangfeng was already lying on the ground. Lu Li sighed regretfully, as this guy's magic value hadn't been used up yet.

"Fuck, Feng Shao was exiled. Ming Pojun used damage reduction to hold down the BOSS, and healed and added T blood." Luck was really bad. Dumlell randomly exiled a player. He didn't expect to exile the MT, and three The fat blue baby hasn't been beaten to death yet.

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