The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 1116 Lecture Hall (please vote for me)

"I just saw a little monster that seemed a little different. He was holding a torch, which seemed to be able to light the brazier on the opposite door." Lu Li casually pointed to the pile of monsters - anyway, the monsters were densely packed and running around. No one could see it. In fact, this was how the torch monster was discovered in Lu Li's original game path in his previous life.

That's it for downloading a dungeon, observe more and find clues.

A large group of black iron recruits all rushed up with axes and roared. Only the mobs with torches were wandering around the periphery. They seemed to be consciously avoiding contact with the players. Moreover, they were shorter and difficult to detect under normal circumstances.

"We two thieves are going to sneak around and look for them. You go around to attract the attention of the monsters, otherwise they will be too dense and they won't be able to sneak around." Lu Li also arranged things for the others.

The most important thing here is the thief profession. A thief can actually complete it, but there is a pitfall here that is very deceiving, that is, within five minutes after the first fire pot is lit, if the second fire pot is not lit , it will go out, and we have to look for the needle in the haystack again to find the next torchbearer.

If you are not lucky, you can spend half a day here.

The team would be even worse off if they didn't bring a thief. Unless they were lucky, it would be an impossible mission.

The all-star team has two thieves, Lu Li and Water Elf, so there is actually not much pressure on them.

After looking at each other, Lu Li turned to the left and Water Elf turned to the right. The two acted separately, first breaking through the dense group of mobs, and then disappeared into a place where the mobs were slightly sparse and entered stealth.

Prior to this, Lu Li changed the team allocation method to free pickup.

There are three distribution methods in Dawn. One is free picking. Whoever sees it belongs to whoever takes it. The second is demand distribution. Only those who can use the equipment will be displayed as demandable. You can participate in the competition for equipment by selecting the demand. , the third type is the assignment of captains.

Generally, such land reclamation groups are assigned by the captain. Others can touch the corpses to see what they have, but the real right to decide who owns the equipment rests only with the captain.

There is another special case here where the captain gives someone the right to allocate equipment, such as the Xinxin Mercenary Group. Most of the time, Lu Li gives Can Meng the right to allocate equipment. The little girl is like a primary school student who was elected as the monitor. , the allocation of equipment is very fair, and they will never be greedy for a single coin.

Back to business.

Although there are many recruits in the lecture hall, they are not crowded. Only where players are active will the monsters be attracted to them and become overly dense. Precisely because the nearby monsters are attracted, the stealth of Lu Li and the water elves are not affected. Too difficult.

Searching was a waste of time, and Lu Li's eyes almost went numb.

"I have a monster here called the Iron Fury Fire Bearer, holding a torch in his hand," the water elf sent a message.

"Don't kill it yet, just follow it and kill it together when I find it," Lu Li replied. He was afraid that he was too unlucky. He might not be able to find the torch five minutes after the water elf got it.

Fortunately, his luck was not that bad, or even a blind cat could encounter a dead mouse. He finally saw his target two minutes later, a dwarf shorter than ordinary dwarfs, whose name was indeed Iron Fury. The fire bearer was half-holding a small torch that was not very obvious, with an obscene shape and suspicious appearance.

Now that he had found it, what were he waiting for? After saying hello to the water elf, Lu Li pounced on the Iron Fury fire wielder.

Although the Iron Fury Fire Bearer is stronger than ordinary mobs, it is not much stronger.

In a few seconds, Lu Li picked up the fallen torch and stuffed it into his backpack - the backpack in Dawn is a very magical thing. You can stuff anything into it, including burning torches of course - and then started Wind Step, and in The surrounding monsters fled away before they could react.

The water elf was almost the same as Lu Li, and they both returned to the gate almost at the same time.

Others also moved over after hearing the news. Lu Li and the water elf lit the brazier at the same time, and then heard a rumble of boulders rubbing together, and the royal palace of Darkforge City unfolded behind them.

After coming in together, the door was closed again, and after cleaning up the mobs that followed, everyone had time to observe this last holy place in the Blackstone Abyss.

The first thing that appears in front of you is a long passage with fire-breathing golems on both sides.

A huge stone man with flames all over his body is walking in this long alley. In the silence, only the heavy footsteps can be heard, knocking on the player's heart.

It's Magmus, a lava giant.

Ambassador Flaras created the lava giant Magmus to guard the throne room of Emperor Dagran Thaurissan, but even so, the ruler of the Dark Iron dwarves could not rest assured. Fearing the Assassins, the Emperor also gave Magmus control of a series of flamethrowing devices located outside his royal halls.

"A bare commander," the ignorant crowd represented by Azure Sea Breeze breathed a long sigh of relief. After experiencing the wave of dwarfs in the lecture hall, it would take some time for anyone to recover.

"Come on," Ignorant people are not guilty, Lu Li doesn't blame him, really...

Then, not long after the poor Azure Sea Breeze grabbed the BOSS, he was suddenly sprayed with flames from the fire-breathing golems on both sides.

Lu Li counted for him. There were a total of six nozzles pointed at him, and he was definitely cooked.

The others evaded in embarrassment and quickly withdrew from the range of the fire-breathing golem. However, after Magmus yelled at Lu Li and others, he walked back calmly.

This guy actually stopped chasing me.

After resurrecting Azure Sea Breeze, everyone began to discuss what to do. First, they ruled out letting Azure Sea Breeze fight alone, and then everyone output from a safe position. As everyone saw just now, the nozzles of those fire-breathing devices are obviously movable.

Then he gave up the strategy of pulling him over to fight. Just now the BOSS didn't chase him at all.

After all the calculations, the only way is to share the threats to MT together, although doing so may increase the pressure on treatment.

Don't be afraid, we have three powerful treatments.

Lu Li instilled in everyone the determination to win and announced that another battle would begin.

"You don't know what fear is," said the same old line. The lava giant once again walked over with its whole body burning with flames. The nozzle of the fire-breathing golem slowly turned from cold black to red, and then sprayed out scorching flames.

Lu Li has actually never been here. He was lucky enough to come to Blackstone Abyss in his previous life, and at most he has never been to this place. There are very few wild groups who can beat the Hall of Seven Sages. Even the elite difficulty is the same, and he doesn't have that many. It's time to download the dungeon. Although the income from gold farming is not as high as the dungeon, it is better than the dungeon and is stable.

But Lu Li had seen some strategies and started collecting information during the battle based on the strategies.

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