The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 1122 Sympathy (Thanks for the peace of the prosperous age and becoming the leader of the Gre

"Why is this happening? You killed my husband! My child will have no father after he is born. You have ruined my life and that of my child."

The thunder was rolling and the players were completely dumbfounded.

"I'm sorry that we made such a mistake, but your father thought you were bewitched by Emperor Thaurissan. He misses you very much. Come to Ironforge with us now." They also want to ask why, why didn't you tell me earlier? , you said it after already killing me. Isn’t this just deceiving me?

"Thorasan is a great, respectable king and a worthy husband. I will not go back with you," Princess Moira rejected the player's proposal.

Several players who took the mission were extremely depressed. It was over now and the mission was a complete failure.

"I promise you, this child will become the next ruler of Ironforge," Moira said angrily after a moment of sadness, "You and your kind will pay the price for what you have done today. ."

With hatred established, the players no longer had any intention of staying here, so they all left Hearthstone one by one.

Lu Li didn't leave, he still had a mission, and the water elf didn't leave immediately. She seemed to be infected by the plot, and she was still watching Princess Moira kneeling beside Emperor Thaurissan and crying.

“My father was indeed deeply disappointed with me for being born a girl, as if I had failed him just because I was born in the wrong child. Being reminded of this over and over again made me not want to stay here at all. .

And he will never believe it. He thinks that the only possibility for me to fall in love with a Dark Iron Dwarf is that my husband bewitched me. Haha, it is indeed true. He bewitched me in a respectful way and in the way I spoke. Sometimes someone listens and believes that I can govern this country well even as a woman.

While my father shunned me, the Dark Iron dwarves welcomed me, and that was the only spell Dagran Thaurissan and the Dark Iron dwarves used against me.

My father thinks they are despicable people who only know how to fight and kill, but they are dwarves, and like the dwarves of other clans, they are descendants of earth spirits, and this is what I plan to do, remind other dwarves to let them understand this... …”

Princess Moira whispered to the body of Emperor Thaurissan, not paying attention to the two players who were still in the palace. Perhaps to her, whether they had left or stayed, they were all important. The enemy who killed her husband destroyed her already extremely humble happiness.

"So this is the truth..." The water elf raised his head and looked at Lu Li with wet eyes: "Is this why you didn't let me help you interrupt Princess Moira's healing spell?"

At the beginning, it was the thief who interrupted. If the kick was not cooled down well, Lu Li would occasionally miss the healing spell, but he did not let the water elf help.

The water elf was curious, but didn't ask.

"This is just a game," Lu Li said.

"But it was made so realistically. If I had known that this was going to be the plot, I'm not sure I would have continued the fight." The water elf smiled to herself. She felt that Moira, like herself, was someone who would never be forgotten in her father's eyes. The stain cannot be perfected, so cracks will inevitably appear.

"The game company did this on purpose. No one can interfere with the plot," Lu Li comforted dryly.

The water elf cursed the game company in anger, and was still a little depressed. This was indeed rare for a rich woman who never showed her vulnerability. Maybe Princess Moira's experience really touched her.

This kind of unintentional coincidence is more touching.

"I still have a dungeon mission that I haven't completed yet. Do you want to come with me?" Lu Li asked, raising the "Crumpled Note" in his hand.

"Okay, what kind of related mission is it?" The water elf's attention was attracted by the mission, and he finally agreed to leave with Lu Li.

"It's about Marshal Windsor." Lu Li suddenly looked a little weird. He suddenly remembered that he had successfully pulled the water elf out of Princess Moira's pit. Was he now leading her into Windsor? Marshal Thor's trap seemed to be a complete tragedy, and Lu Li didn't think the system would allow them to change Marshal Windsor's life trajectory.

Not long after, we arrived at the location of the prison. Even the mobs could not stop the two powerful thieves.

Seeing this middle-aged man in rags trapped in a dark cell - all the prison guards had been killed, and other inmates helped Marshal Windsor find some clothes - the water elf really didn't dare I believe he is the legendary hero.

"I knew you would come. Nice to see you, friend!" Marshal Windsor greeted Lu Li.

"Actually, if I don't come back, you will live a better life," Lu Li said a little deeply. The crumpled note in his hand seemed even more wrinkled due to the force. He knew Windsor better than anyone. The fate of Marshal, if we give up rescuing Marshal Windsor...

No, the system will definitely transfer the task to other players who are willing to follow the plot.

For the current plot line of Dawn, what Marshal Windsor has to do is very important, otherwise the next dungeon will not be able to be opened.

"Bring it, my friend, why are you cowering?" Windsor stretched out his hand to Lu Li after Lu Li opened the cell door.

Lu Li had no choice but to hand over the "Crumpled Note".

There is some information recorded on it, which Windsor and his followers took great risks to obtain. Before they could unravel the mystery, they were betrayed by a traitor and fell into the hands of the Blackstone dwarves.

"As expected, the clues are on the two stone slabs. Let's go and get my equipment and my horse first. You must have subdued the Dark Iron Dwarves. You are really awesome," Marshal Windsor said happily. He walked out step by step, not knowing the decadence and worry about his impending fate.

Lu Li and the water elf quickly followed. After all, there were still some monsters on the road.

It was standard military equipment and a very thin old horse. After Windsor was equipped, he finally regained some of his military and heroic demeanor.

They quickly found the stone slabs he wanted in two hidden locations in Shadowforge City. They were covered with ancient patterns, and there were faint traces of dragons hidden in them. Windsor stared at the two stone slabs for a long time. , then mounted his old horse and rushed out directly.

"Let's go to Stormwind City!"

While Lu Li told the water elf how he and Marshal Windsor met, he followed behind and caught up with them. There were some monsters on the road, and the three of them easily cleared them away. Presumably some "people" did not expect that Marshal Windsor would escape from the prison of the Dark Iron Dwarves, so there was no strong force to prevent them from going to Stormwind City.

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