The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 1130 Game Rookie (please vote for recommendation)

The joy of getting the best equipment is gone now.

No matter how good Demon Strike is, it is just a piece of equipment that will eventually be eliminated, but an alchemist master is different.

Lu Li not only regretted that he should not just think about forging equipment. In fact, he should have sent someone to guard it after the system was updated. He could even have sent someone to guard it several days in advance. Liang Bing was definitely worth it. Spend such manpower and material resources.

Unfortunately, it was too late now. Lu Li hesitated whether to send a message to Liang Bing directly.

At this time, Lu Li saw a player wearing commoner clothes walking over dejectedly. A female night elf with a delicate appearance and big eyes. Her occupation could not be determined from her appearance.

Because this kind of cloth is born with the player, it has no attributes and cannot be dropped, and she has no weapons in her hand.

After glancing at Lu Li, she walked to a place and searched carefully, showing a disappointed expression. After being dazed for a while, she started to rub fireballs. It seemed that her weapon had exploded just now. She came back to look for it but could not find it. This newbie outfit refreshes very quickly, so it’s normal to not find it.

The fireball hit a thin little lemure. Although Lu Li couldn't see the specific damage figure, he could imagine how miserable it was.

Lu Li looked at the player with a smile, and the disappointed expression disappeared from his face.

The level of the little lemures is relatively low. This seemingly smaller size is one level lower than the ordinary little lemures, and their blood volume is pitiful. Under normal circumstances, any player of the same level can easily kill them.

It's a pity that this player has no weapons. It's not easy to kill the little lemures with the damage of the fireball itself.

Moreover, she had no skills to speak of. Although she moved awkwardly a few times, it was a pity that she could not avoid being hurt. Instead, she wasted time because of this avoidance and received more attacks.

The little lemure's blood volume is still half, and the player's health is already remaining. Her little face is pale, and she clearly knows what will happen next.

She didn't know what was wrong with her, what was wrong with her, and why others could play the game well, but she had all kinds of difficulties when it came to her. After playing for several days, she couldn't even get out of the novice village. Her original intention was to earn some pocket money, but now, she began to doubt her life.

She just forgot to pay attention to her magic value. As a result, she was unable to use her skills due to insufficient magic, and was killed by the little lemure.

What's even more tragic is that the only remaining weapon on his body also exploded.

Now, she couldn't even defeat a small lemure.

Do you want to go back to hunt wild boar cubs?

She has no experience with level 3 monsters like that. Under the aura of Black Hand, she has never been able to obtain equipment...

The expected death did not happen. She followed the sound and found that the man she had just seen was standing not far away with a shotgun in his hand. There was still smoke from the gun. It seemed that he had saved her.

"Thank you for saving me," the female mage thanked her.

"Why can't you even defeat a little lemure?" Lu Li asked knowingly.

The female mage was embarrassed for a moment, then turned her head slightly and muttered: "My weapon exploded. I was running too slow when I came back just now, so I didn't pick it up..."

"What level is it?" Lu Li asked again.

"Level three."

"Level 3 is not too low. From level 0 to level 3, you have fifteen attribute points. What did you add?"

"Five points of physical strength, five points of agility, and five points of intelligence." The female mage was stunned for a moment. It seemed that she had to think hard before she figured out what the attribute points were. When she was upgrading, her system reminded her and asked her to pull them out. Adding points to the attribute panel can improve certain aspects of strength.

"Sure enough..." Lu Li held his forehead. Fortunately, his helmet was equivalent to a mask, otherwise it would have been difficult to hide his contemptuous gaze.

"Thank you for saving me. I went to dig for herbs. I heard you can make some money with that." Unexpectedly, the female mage was very sensitive. She could sense Lu Li's contempt just from her tone. She also understood that she might have added something wrong. But her stubborn temper prevented her from letting go of face and asking for advice.

"The herbs in Novice Village are not worth much, and there are too many people digging for them, so you can't get them at all," Lu Li said.

"Oh," a huge sense of loss came over her, and the female mage's idea of ​​giving up the game became even stronger, until she heard the other party ask a question softly.

"Forget it, are you willing to be my apprentice? The system was updated today and added a master-apprentice system. It just so happens that I haven't had time to accept an apprentice yet. I can teach you how to play the game, and I can also give you some novice equipment and find someone to help you upgrade. It’s not impossible.”

"Ah, why do you want to accept me as your apprentice?" She was overjoyed, but also wary. The female mage was pretty good-looking, and in reality she often encountered people of the opposite sex who were not pure-hearted.

"If I accept you as my apprentice, once you level up or complete a task, I will receive certain experience points and reputation rewards. So if you have to tell me what my plans are, this can be regarded as everyone getting what they need. How about it, you have thought about it carefully. "?" Lu Li tried not to show the eagerness hidden in his heart.

No matter how much he wanted to take this female mage under his command, he couldn't be too eager to avoid scaring her away.

The female mage thought about it carefully and felt that this seemed to be a "fair transaction". She finally nodded and agreed. In fact, she didn't know that most people would not accept apprentices randomly, and few would accept a disciple like her. Xiaobai, who looks very good at it, becomes his apprentice.

Lu Li showed her how to operate, and soon she was prompted by the system. The player Liang Bing applied to become your disciple. Do you agree or not?

Sure enough, it was Liang Bing. Of course Lu Li would not refuse. After confirmation, the future alchemist master became his disciple, his first disciple and now his only disciple.

"You will be my disciple from now on. Let me first tell you what a mage is..." Lu Li was a new teacher. Although he was not very excited, he definitely had no intention of misleading his disciples. He naturally began to play the role of a mentor.

Liang Bing was attracted after listening to a few words. Lu Li's simple explanation made her understand the characteristics of her profession and the mistakes she had made after entering the game.

"Now let's target the little lemure and release your skills," Lu Li said for a while and then pointed at the little lemure that Liang Bing hadn't beaten just now.

"But master, I can't beat it," Liang Bing was a little dumbfounded.

"Don't worry, it can't kill you as long as I'm here," Lu Li was quite speechless. How could he, a super master who was at the top of the ranking list, not be able to protect such a newbie?

Liang Bing was slightly embarrassed, and randomly and obediently released the skill on the little evil demon designed by Lu Li.

"Before the battle begins, you can actually move back a little further and create a distance. This will extend the time for the monster to rush in front of you. This is a very simple reason." Alas, for such a simple reason, why does this stupid apprentice I don’t know, it’s really hard to imagine that such a rookie will become Dawn’s greatest alchemist master in the future.

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