The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 1132 I’m afraid of being like wood (Thanks to Shengshi An Ning and Piao Hong)

After struggling for a whole day, Lu Li's level was successfully raised to level 55. While there was still a while before the end of the game, he went to a place in Thelsama that often strengthened equipment to strengthen a few pieces of equipment.

The originally generous wallet immediately shrank to single digits. If I don't make some money, I'm afraid even repairing equipment will be a problem.

Fortunately, he was a guild leader, so he didn't have to worry too much about gold coins. Root Number Three quickly sent him a few hundred gold, and by the way, he also arranged two apprentices for him as per his request.

Currently, players above level 30 can accept one apprentice, and the quota is one. Players at level 40 can accept two apprentices, and players above level 50 can accept three apprentices. After Lu Li removed one quota, there are still two apprentices. Location.

He had no intention of wasting the remaining two spots, and planned to use the fastest way to gain experience and reputation for himself.

The two arranged by Root Number Three are both mages and game veterans. They had been playing in other games before and refused to leave. Now that most games are on the verge of collapse, they finally decided to enter the game Dawn.

Being Lu Li's apprentice would maximize their benefits. Root Number Three promised them a place in the elite group, and they immediately agreed.

Lu Li didn't want to personally teach these two disciples like Liang Bing and prepare basic equipment. He didn't have the time or the energy. After these two mages became disciples, Root Number Three would arrange a new disciple for him, a If you don't have one, you might as well level up yourself.

Players will gradually discover the huge benefits of the master-apprentice system. For a long time in the future, you will have to pay to accept apprentices, so master-apprentice brokers have emerged as the times require, specializing in introducing apprentices and collecting handling fees.

Lu Li didn't have to go to such trouble, the guild would handle everything for him, and he would enjoy the generous rewards of becoming a disciple earlier than other people.

The match against Ragnarok did not exceed his expectations at all. The Sword of Judgment defeated Ragnarok with a score of seven to three, and thus completed all the games in the top 16 and advanced to the eighth.

They ranked first in the standings, and their opponent Ragnarok was unfortunately eliminated.

The core player of Ragnarok is afraid that Shimumu has missed the quarterfinals for several consecutive seasons. His fans comforted him in various communities, but it obviously could not heal his wounds. In an interview after the game This famous tough guy in the gaming industry choked up several times.

A soldier who does not want to be a general is not a good soldier. As a racer, no one cares about winning or losing, and no one is not interested in the position of champion.

I'm afraid that Mumu has served for eight years, and the once green boy is now three years old. Even if the competition in virtual online games has broader age requirements, thirty is the age when everything ends. Thinking, reaction, Everything started going downhill.

This time he spent too much time preparing and had too much expectations.

And fans, especially those who started following him many years ago, are also looking forward to a miracle this time.

Unfortunately, the miracle did not happen. First, he lost against Wushuang City, and then encountered the duo of Seventh Heaven's Nanbosi Rui and Mafengwo. He was afraid that it would be hard to fight like a stick, but he did not give up and defeated him successively in the arena. Star players such as Hornet's Nest, Only Half a Cigarette, and Qingqi Gujiu are accumulating points for the club little by little.

If he could face a weaker opponent, Ragnarok might not have a chance.

It's a pity that they faced the Sword of Judgment. Moonlight, Fat Monkey, and Maomao love to eat meat. Almost any one of them has the strength to fight against the wood, especially Moonlight. The restraint effect between warriors and thieves makes I afraid. It's like a piece of wood that can't be saved.

I'm afraid that Mumu and Ragnarok have lost their last hope.

So some people started to criticize the Sword of Judgment, saying that they don’t know how to keep a line in their behavior.

With Sword of Judgment's current points, even if they give up the game against Ragnarok, they will definitely be able to enter the quarterfinals.

Points are enough. Even if you are first or second, there will be no difference between the last place and the top eight. Anyway, all the points will not be reset. The eight teams will have to fight against each other. It is very likely. The top three in points can't even make it to the semi-finals.

If the Sword of Judgment gives in this time, Ragnarok will have great hope of embarking on the last train to the top eight.

There are a lot of accusations on the Internet. Naturally, it is impossible for the Sword of Judgment to express nothing. Their foundation is not stable and they must keep clean in terms of public opinion. As the nominal president of the Sword of Judgment and the executive manager of the guild, Root No. 3 will use the fastest speed to Speed ​​sounded the sword of judgment to the media.

"I'm afraid Xi Mumu is one of the star players that Lu Li and I admire the most. The Sword of Judgment has no ill intentions towards him."

"Before the game, I discussed the game with Lu Li and asked him if he wanted to let it go... but Lu Li was very surprised and asked me if I wanted to insult Scary Wood, or if I wanted to insult him, I was confused at the time. So Judgment Sword went all out for this game, which is a sign of respect for Scary Wood and Ragnarok, as well as respect for the spirit of the game."

"Many people think that what we are pursuing is the championship. In fact, championship is just a spirit for us. What we are pursuing is not that kind of title..."

"I'm afraid that Mumu is a very strong player. We look forward to him being able to lead Ragnarok to the final stage of the game. We also hope that more players will pay attention to the Sword of Judgment. We are still very young and there are still many It’s not enough, we need everyone’s support…”

Lu Li had no prior knowledge of the interview when he saw it.

But he was very satisfied with Root Number Three's response. The third brother was very good at this. Lu Li would not have been able to be so tactful and...hypocritical.

In fact, he did not participate in the formulation of the plan, nor did he discuss with Root Number Three the person who is afraid of the wood. Lu Li actually did not appreciate the person who was afraid of the wood. There are many reasons why Ragnarok has come to this point. And he was afraid that tying himself to Ragnarok like a piece of wood was the source of his tragedy.

People are moved alive, trees are moved to death, and poverty makes people want to change. Why not look for a better place.

If I'm afraid Shimumu is willing to come to the Sword of Judgment, Lu Li will definitely rush to welcome him. In this way, won't he be able to realize his dream of becoming a champion?

Lu Li's background and growth made him more pragmatic. If he didn't have enough to eat, he would have no energy to focus on feelings and integrity. He was afraid that the favor Mu Mu had received from Ragnarok in the early years would be replaced by Lu Li. It's impossible to pay for your whole life. The most you can do is return the favor according to your own standards.

This time, the public relations crisis was resolved smoothly. Not long after, Shi Mumu also publicly stated that the Sword of Judgment was a good opponent, and he also admired Lu Li very much.

Then, in the following time, Lu Li led the guild team to play Blackstone Abyss again, and by the way, the members of the fixed group and the club players could enjoy the convenience of BUG upgrade. This time, he wanted to let his own people dominate the ranking list again!

It's a bit stuck. I'll try to update it after some adjustments. I find that I have a lot of pitfalls ahead of me that I haven't buried yet. There also seem to be a lot of problems with character creation. Alas...

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