The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 1138 Picture selection (please vote for me)

"Awesome, my great warrior!" The audience was filled with the roars of berserker warriors, as if they had a share of the credit for this wonderful thing that only belongs to berserker warriors.

"It's so exciting, I thought they would crack down on match-fixing," some players breathed a sigh of relief.

"I didn't expect Moonlight Chess to be superior," players who preferred Fatal Golden Pants or Wushuang City felt very uncomfortable. They could only comfort themselves. Moonlight, a scheming bitch, had obviously conceived a countermeasure in advance, and Fatal Golden Pants His control of the scene was extremely weak, and it was obvious that his impression of Moonlight still lingered a long time ago.

Wushuang City lost one game, and in the next game, Xianair was sent to deal with the warrior who only had one-third of his health left.

I have used a lot of damage reduction skills, almost all of my bursts, and several of my ultimate moves are still on cooldown. If this still can't eliminate Moonlight, Xian Naier can really announce her retirement.

She served in the Shengshi Dynasty in her early years and was poached by Wushuang City at a high price. Her skills are naturally not bad. She successfully sent Moonlight off the stage after losing 20% ​​of her health. Moreover, Lu Li estimated that she still had reservations about her ultimate move. Used against the next racer.

As for who to deal with, Lu Li nodded nonchalantly to Yue Guang, who had returned from the game, and then boarded the stage.

What Lu Li is not afraid of the most now is the legal profession. As long as you don’t have a lot of control and anti-control skills, no matter how high the output of the legal profession is, it will only be a piece of meat for others to slaughter. The attack has nothing to do with it.

However, Root 3 talked to Lu Li about something before the game.

The big steward felt that Lu Li's competition was too boring. For example, the one with Eleven Shao seemed long and boring, and the players against Lan Yu were too clean and tidy.

From a viewing point of view, it is far inferior to the one played by Moonlight just now.

So Lu Li thought about how to make the game more thrilling without affecting the outcome of the game.

He is not a noble person. Lu Li, who has been used to poverty since childhood, has a heartfelt obsession with money, just like a person who has experienced hunger can't help but hide some food. He has always been obsessed with ways to make money. interested.

First of all, Lu Li did not turn invisible and sneak immediately after entering the stage. He first said hello to Xian Naier.

After raising my hand, I felt that I had nothing to say. I didn't often deal with strangers, let alone a female stranger. In the end, I could only say dryly: "Please give me some advice."

Root No. 3 in the audience covered his face, regretting his previous suggestion very much.

Damn it, people who don't know think Lu Li has fallen in love with Xian Naier. You say hello when you say hello. What's the point of making it so embarrassing?

Xian Naier was also stunned for a moment. She had watched many of Lu Li's competition videos. He always fought as soon as he came up. He only chatted casually when he met an acquaintance. What was Lu Li singing today? Could it be? To myself...

Gosh, even though Lu Li is extremely talented and has the momentum to challenge Xiao Mo at a young age, he does look pretty good.

But he is Sister Shui’s so-and-so...

Hey, you were attacked?

It turned out that while she was in a daze, Lu Li had sneaked up behind her. The unprepared Xian Naier was attacked first. What was even worse was that she didn't even summon a pet.

"Despicable!" Azure Sea Breeze slapped her face fiercely.

"Your uncle!" Piao Ling covered her thigh, not sure whether she was scolding Lu Li or Azure Sea Breeze.

"..." Root No. 3 didn't know what to say at all. He just wanted to be alone and quiet.

An unprepared Xianair, even if she later woke up and stormed off to fight back, she really couldn't last long under Lu Li's hand. She went down in shame and anger. When she left, the look in her eyes made Lu Li feel the coldness from the bottom of his heart.

Something is wrong.

Lu Li didn't have much time to be confused. Next he had to face Qingqi Gujiu.

The most famous King of Grinders in the gaming industry, I am afraid that no thief would want to deal with such a plate-armored paladin. Even Lu Li, dealing with such a person can only slowly drain away his magic value.

After all, this battle ended with Lu Li's defeat, but Qing Qigujiu didn't have much health left.

Fat Monkey jumped onto the stage and kicked Qing Qigujiu, who was exhausted physically and mentally, with three strokes, five by two, and so on. In this way, Lu Li had killed two contestants.

Next, you come back and forth, and the arena match alone is exciting.

According to the points calculation of the quarter-finals, Judgment Sword killed five opponents and accumulated five points. They killed four people, which means Wushuang City accumulated four points. The current score between the two teams is 5:4. .

Next comes the most critical team competition, which makes it easier to open up the score.

And because of the home and away games, you have to be careful when choosing a map. As the home court, Wushuang City can choose one of the nine official game maps as the venue.

So far, Sugon has released at least three to five hundred team competition maps. If they were to choose from them all, the home field advantage would be infinitely magnified. The game has only been open for a long time, and it is impossible for anyone to figure out these hundreds of maps. map.

So the only ones that are really used are the common ones. As for the selection of these nine cards, the gap is actually there but not as big as imagined.

At least these nine swords of judgment have been practiced on a daily basis, but some have been practiced less and some have been practiced more.

Wushuang City quickly selected the competition map - Dustwallow Swamp.

This Dustwallow Marsh is different from the Dustwallow Marsh next to Thousand Needles in the game, but it has a lot in common.

The same stench, the same potholes, grass, reeds and weeping willows make up the vegetation on the map except for the swamps. The weather is humid and hot, the power of fire magic has been reduced a lot, and it has become difficult for thieves to hide their tracks. And lose at least 20% of their combat effectiveness.

In addition, there are three girls in the Sword of Judgment: March Rain, Maomao Loves Meat, and Luoying Memories. Their expressions changed instantly when they saw that Wushuang City chose this picture.

Even Lu Li had to admit that these beasts in Wushuang City were really good at choosing maps.

"As a professional racer, it's nothing to endure such hardship!" Luo Ying recalled that she was the first to express her stance. Firstly, she was very feminine, and secondly, she had a sense of crisis.

Compared with Sanyue Yu and Maomao's talent of eating meat, she is actually far behind. The reason why she can step into the competition is mainly due to the friendship with Lu Li who formed a fixed group before. In case there are more guilds one day. As a master, her position will be even more dangerous.

Therefore, she usually works harder than anyone else and can endure hardships more than anyone else.

Sanyueyu immediately said that it didn't matter to her. She was a girl who was weak on the outside but very strong on the inside. As for Maomao who loved eating meat, although she was pampered, she understood the professionalism of a racer best.

After some mobilization, Lu Li took the lead and entered the competition map.

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