The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 1146 Ruthless Attack

Level 60 is a very important turning point for Dawn players, with a broader map, fortress system, siege warfare, couple system...

But level 60 cannot be achieved overnight, so while maintaining a certain leveling time, Lu Li also started running maps and accepting tasks. It doesn't matter if the charm value is low, plot tasks only need to look at the NPC's face, and bounty tasks only need to meet the trigger conditions. Leader, the difficulty lies only in the triggering conditions and the location of the mission monster.

The triggering condition is often clearing the dungeon. For example, clearing Stratholme will basically intercept the bounties on Tanaris, while clearing Blackrock Abyss will have absolute priority for bounties on most of the maps around Blackrock Mountain. , not to mention Lu Li's first kill, many people simply cannot meet the conditions. Due to the system rules, the NPC can't help it even if it wants to release it to you.

These were not difficult for Lu Li at all. He had killed many dungeons for the first time, and he could find unknown hidden monsters.

Bounty missions have good experience and prop rewards. It is said that if you are lucky, you may even get an enhanced skill book. Lu Li scoffed at this.

After killing Crepses, a rare monster in Hillsbrad Hills, Lu Li suddenly thought of a quick way to increase the reputation of Ravenholdt Manor. Many things he knew in his previous life can be used, but as time goes by As time goes by, memories inevitably begin to blur, only to occasionally light up like a flash.

This method is not difficult and can be done repeatedly, but it only consumes a certain amount of gold coins.

This task can be done by one person, especially a very powerful thief like Lu Li, but it seems easier if there are two people. Lu Li thought, and then contacted the water elf.

The water elf was probably playing the dungeon and couldn't get away for a while, but she didn't let Lu Li wait for too long. She appeared in front of Lu Li after about dozens of minutes. The dungeon over there was obviously given to someone else to type. She had already descended into the Blackstone Abyss, so there was no need to bother with it next time. This was the reason she gave herself.

After the two met, they went to the hotel in Nanhai Town together - don't get me wrong, they didn't book a room.

The waitress Nima, who is the contact person of the Assassin League, is already very familiar with this couple, and she also knows that they always like to appear together, so she calmly finishes chatting with the guests and walks over.

"It seems like you two haven't been here for a few days. I have a few tasks here that interest you?"

"Of course, but before that I have something to ask you," Lu Li recalled the mission strategy and asked, "I heard that Master Farad is collecting heavy trash cans for research recently. I wonder if we can help. busy?"

Farad is a big thief in Ravenholdt Manor. His name sounds like he is a man, but he is actually a very voluptuous blood elf girl. As for her appearance, no one has ever seen her because she always covers her face. , but with such a figure, no matter how bad the designers are, they probably can't bear to give her an unmatched face.

"Farad? Have you seen her?" The waitress was surprised.

"No, I just heard about it, and we are not sure whether the news is true or not, but as a member of Ravenholdt Manor, I feel that I can contribute," Lu Li said righteously.

The water elf glanced at him and pursed her lips to hold back laughter.

"It seems to be true, but Farad's location is not easy to find. You may need to buy a map from me." The waitress rubbed her fingers and hit a note loudly.

Sure enough, it turned out to be a money-losing mission.

Without the map of Waitress, Lu Li would not be able to reach Farad's location even if he knew how to get there. This is the rule of the game, and players must pay a monetary price for the progress of this mission.

There was no room for bargaining, so Lu Li paid twenty gold coins for this simple map.

Although it was not that he couldn't afford the twenty gold coins, mosquito legs were still meat no matter how small they were. Besides, twenty gold coins were not mosquito legs. When he sold himself to the Star and Moon Guild, this was the price he was worth.

If you want to see the great thief Farad, you must enter through the labyrinth trail northeast of Hillblade. This trail has been explored by many players, and Lu Li and the water elf arrived at this time. There are also many famous adventurers. People, when they walk in from such a road, they will soon get lost in the countless forks. They will either commit suicide or waste time going around in it. Even if they go around for a whole day, they may not be able to go around until the end of the game. Go around.

The arrival of Lu Li and Water Elf did not attract any attention. Everyone thought that these two were players who came to try their luck like them.

"Would you like to take out the map and take a look?" The water elf looked at Lu Li's map and walked straight in without even coming out to look at it. She couldn't help but ask, she had never heard of this maze-like place. There is one in Weiyu Pavilion. The senior management relied on his ability to decipher the maze terrain to break in. In the end, he persisted for a long time and had to ask the warlocks from the guild to team up and open the summoning door to pull him out.

"Didn't you see it just now?" Lu Li shook his head and said, "Follow me, I won't lose you."

Just a quick glance?

The water elf should not believe it at first, but after listening to Lu Li's words, she subconsciously believed him.

After walking along the path through countless forks, about half an hour later, a magnificent manor appeared in front of us. It was located in a remote location, and the terrain was dangerous and condescending, so it was easy to defend but difficult to attack. Looking in from the outside, it seems that a large number of crops have been planted in the manor, and there are also brightly colored herbs mixed in, which must be used to make poison.

A bluestone path winds toward the manor and disappears behind a green fence.

Under normal circumstances, anyone who walks here will see the box next to the bluestone path. The golden color and cool shape almost blind the visitor's eyes, and it is difficult to ignore it.

How should we respond at this time?

Go directly and open the box - maybe Grandmaster Farad is testing the player's unlocking level. This is not impossible. Those who find this place are undoubtedly rogue players. It is useless for other professions to know the detailed route. He had to have a druid profession like Lu Li in his previous life. He followed the guide route for several hours without believing in evil, otherwise he wouldn't have remembered it so clearly.

Pretending not to see the box and walking around without looking away - this is also a test. The meaning of thief does not mean that stealing is legal. Farad may be a person who hates stealing. Use this method to test the players. of character.

These are probably the only two ways, but Lu Li would not choose either of them.

If you go up and open it directly, a level 50 elite monster will jump out. It is not difficult to deal with. Lu Li can kill it easily, but after killing it, you will never be able to enter the manor again, and naturally you will not be able to access it. The following tasks.

The mission can only be reset if you stand still and get killed by him.

You can't pretend not to see it. The manor also refuses to open to you. Although this manor seems undefended, all of Farad's disciples are lurking in this manor. If you break in rashly, you will only lose experience in vain.

"Have you learned the skill of detecting traps?" Lu Li asked.

The water elf shook his head. There are relatively few such skills now. After all, hunters don't have any traps yet, and players are currently exposed to relatively few traps. Even if there are, they have no intention to deliberately collect them.

On the other hand, rogue players who are scouts can receive scout career tasks through specific NPCs. Not only can they learn this skill, but they can also learn skills for eliminating traps.

"Actually, I haven't learned anything either, but I have a way," Lu Li took out a helmet and put it on.

Berserker's Horned Helmet (Black Iron): Armor 15, agility +8, special effects: after use, perception +5, certain probability of detecting trap devices, equipment requirement level 15, durability 35/35.

Things that had been eliminated a long time ago, Lu Li rummaged around and found them.

This kind of equipment with special functions is useless for leveling up the dungeon, so he didn't throw it into the guild warehouse, and it can be used now.

Using this equipment at his current level, the probability of success is much higher, so he detected a trap on the treasure chest at once. It was this trap that triggered the runes on the treasure chest, and the monster was summoned through the power of the runes.

After detecting the treasure chest, it was natural to eliminate it. Lu Li took out a scroll from his backpack, tore it into pieces and it started to take effect, and the trap was quickly eliminated.

Now you can go up and open the treasure box to get things. Inside are the gifts prepared by Grandmaster Farad for the players.

Lu Li opened it and took out two things, including a skill book "Ruthless Strike" and a scroll "Nirvana".

Probably because Lu Li and Water Elf were the first to open this treasure chest, the items that came out far exceeded Lu Li's estimate. The scroll Nirvana is one of Dawn's most famous scrolls, which can resurrect players on the spot, and Full health after resurrection.

This kind of scroll cannot be used in the arena and dungeons. Only in the wild is the place where it can be used.

It must be used within thirty seconds after death to take effect. If it exceeds thirty seconds, it will be difficult for the gods to save you. If you want to pretend to be dead with this scroll, it may not work until the enemy is gone and then get up.

However, players will not dislike its limitations at all.

As for the ruthless strike, it is even more amazing. It is no exaggeration to say that with this skill, players can increase their strength by at least 5%.

Ruthless Strike: Passive, every time your finishing move consumes a combo point, there will be a 10% chance to generate 10 points of energy, the current level is 1/5.

For thieves, energy is equivalent to the magic value of legal professions. Many of Lu Li's skills cannot be used frequently. It's not that Lu Li doesn't like to use skills, but that he doesn't have so much energy to use. As long as the energy is used, it will continue to use. The ground recovers, but recovery also takes time.

Ruthless strikes can allow players to quickly restore energy. The more the skill is used, the more strength will naturally increase.

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