The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 1150 Heavy Trash Can (please vote for me)

"I'm going to teach you how to open a heavy trash can now," Lu Li said.

"Who doesn't know how to open a box? But do you really want to open it? The grand master will definitely find it. If she refuses to accept it, our work will be in vain." The water elf has regained her composure. She doesn't feel like throwing these heavy garbage away. Box opening is a good idea.

Trash cans are the product of thieves' theft. The lowest level is called damaged trash cans, which are divided into dilapidated trash cans, sturdy trash cans, heavy trash cans, large trash cans...

There may be more advanced trash cans in the future, but it's a pity that Lu Li doesn't know about them.

Opening these boxes requires certain lock-picking skills. Most locked boxes follow the following rules: they all contain some silver coins, which may open gems, potions, skill books, and even some very precious equipment and props, such as shadow blades and lifts. Boo's blazing sword and A'kal's sun-flamed sword...

"If you open it and give it to her immediately, of course she will be discovered, but as long as the interval is long, she won't be able to discover it. The premise is that the contents of the box are not touched." Lu Li was obviously not dazzled by the beauty.

In fact, there was another reason why he chose to do this task.

That is, he knows how to make sure that there are no good things in the trash cans that are handed in. Many people are reluctant to do this task. In addition to spending a lot of gold coins, they are afraid that there will be a handful of long, blazing cloth-carrying clothes lying in the heavy trash cans they turn in. sword.

Human nature is like this, and in fact, he also knew that there was no way that Tibu's blazing sword could be found in the trash bin he handed over.

But as long as there is even a tiny possibility of one in a billion, I can't help but wonder if it is really there, and whether it is worth using a Tibu's blazing sword to do this prestigious mission.

Until one day, someone accidentally discovered a secret.

He accidentally opened a heavy trash can that he had just stolen. There was a bottle of healing potion and a piece of cloth in it. At that time, because there was no room in his backpack, he did not pick up the contents. The heavy trash can was mixed with a bunch of normal boxes. .

What's more coincidental is that he didn't turn in the task in time because of something else.

After two hours, he handed in the task. The reputation he was given at this time was much less. This was not the point. The point was that the heavy trash can that he had opened before was successfully taken away by Farad as a task item. .

Because the task time is one hour, most players turn in the task as early as possible. Who would wait two hours to turn in the task.

After hearing Lu Li's theory, the water elf could only describe it as whimsical. But she also knew that Lu Li was not a person who spoke freely. No matter whether the source of the information was accurate or not, there would be no problem if he tested it.

Don't pick up the box after opening it, just look at what's inside.

The heavy trash can in Lu Li's hand contained a piece of level 50 black iron equipment. The attributes were a mess. He didn't know why the designers put effort into designing such garbage. He closed the box carefully and put it on the specific location in the backpack.

If you wait for the tasks to be handed in, just take them in a certain order.

The water elf's box also didn't yield anything valuable. Trash bins are different from treasure boxes. The treasure boxes in Dawn rarely produce garbage, while the trash bins are mostly full of garbage.

In order to wait until two hours before handing in the task, Lu Li and the water elf kept their heads down and stole it.

The more troublesome thing is that the backpack space is limited. Sometimes there is too much stolen garbage and there is no place to put the treasure box. Moreover, unlocked treasure boxes cannot be stacked, which adds to the pressure on the backpack space.

Lu Li had more than a hundred boxes on his body. He had cleaned them when he arrived, but his backpack was quickly filled with garbage.

Some of the worthless things were thrown away directly. Lu Li, who was slightly more valuable, planned to call a guild thief to take them away later. It was understandable for a leader to enjoy this benefit, and no one would gossip.

There are more and more boxes in the backpack, and the items that can be opened are gradually becoming richer.

Apart from those precious props that only existed in legends, rubies were the most valuable items. Whenever he saw a ruby ​​in the box, Lu Li would choose to pick it out. After successfully picking it up, the box disappeared.

Ruby is a relatively valuable mid-level material that is used in many areas of life skills. It is impossible to use such a box to submit tasks.

The water elf has published a "Thief's Diary", a thin book that records an unknown thief's understanding of this profession. It can be read once and then disappears. This thing can improve the proficiency of some thieves' skills. Degree, this is considered a very good thing.

If players want to upgrade their skills, the common method now is to use skill points.

In addition, it requires repeated use. For now, it is quite unrealistic to upgrade a skill through practice, unless it is the most commonly used skill. For example, Lu Li's Shadow Strike is upgraded through use.

The last method is to read some books and manuscripts in the game.

Previously, Lu Li and the water elf listened to Farad's endless nonsense, which was meaningless at first. Later, they discovered that these words contained the skills of thieves. After listening carefully, their skill proficiency also increased.

Lu Li had read "The Thief's Diary" in his previous life, and he read it with the mentality of reading a novel.

There was only one copy, so of course Lu Li couldn't come over and use it for himself. Anyway, the Thief's Log wasn't ugly. As long as more boxes were opened today, he could always get another one.

In the process of stealing, he often steals some books, most of which are worthless. Lu Li doesn't hate these things. He collects them all and plans to read them as novels when he has time in the future. As a poor kid who likes reading, he can read them. Books, and occasionally you can capture some information about games from books, so why not do it.

Derived from the novels of Theft, Dawn's most famous work is undoubtedly "A Sensational Romance Novel", which tells the story of General Marcus Jonathan and the female mage Na Anne from hunting fishmen to their final love.

This work is well written and attractive, but it is a pity that it is divided into many parts.

Some thieves got completely into the trap after watching the first part, and went out to steal like crazy, determined to steal all the rest.

It's a pity that even when Lu Li was reborn, the novel was not completely stolen by the thieves.

Two hours later, Lu Li's backpack already contained more than a hundred boxes. Water Elf's had more boxes than Lu Li's. Her backpack space was about the same as Lu Li's, but she also had a bracelet that increased the space in her backpack. The female player was It has a unique advantage in this regard.

This is the second update. It’s the last day of the month. Friends who haven’t voted yet hope to support me.

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