The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 1153 Upgrading Weapons

Breviv Shiquan kept groaning angrily, folding his arms and watching coldly as Lu Li made all the preparations on his workbench.

I have to admit that this adventurer did a very good job. He didn't have the frivolousness of a beginner at all. He even took out a casting hammer that even Breviv Stonefist found interesting. The person who owns this casting hammer He should be considered a prominent figure in Ironforge.

"The decomposition liquid is not used like that. If the target is a small weapon such as a dagger, it must be diluted at least twice as much," Breviv Stone Fist had been pretending to be indifferent at the side, and now he couldn't help but say it.

"Is that so?" Lu Li was confused.

Could it be that the system uses whatever it sells? But he already believed Breviv Stonefist's words. There was no need for the weapons master to deceive him.

After carefully diluting the decomposition liquid, Lu Li soaked the dagger in the decomposition liquid. The purpose of this was not to decompose the dagger, but to decompose the protective inscription on the outermost layer of the dagger. Only in this way can the material be integrated into it. , to add the runes on the drawing to the dagger...

In short, upgrading a dagger is no easier than forging it.

Fortunately, Breviv Stone Fist, a proud weapons master, always couldn't help but give Lu Li a few pointers when he was about to make a mistake. Afterwards, Lu Li broke out in a cold sweat and realized that he, a person who had never upgraded a weapon before, What a fool to rush into upgrading the Defiler Shard.

System: Successfully upgraded Defiler Fragment, casting skill +3.

The Defiler Fragment was originally a dark gold weapon. When Lu Li first got it, it was indeed the best and unparalleled. However, as the equipment was upgraded, it gradually failed to keep up with him.

Defiler Shard (unique gold): damage 42-56, agility +20, strength +12, slot 1, effect 1: attack speed +30%, effect 2: deep pollution, use, reduce the target's armor and 25% movement speed, cooling time 360 ​​seconds, special effect 3: critical hit, when the target's blood volume is lower than 20%, there is a certain probability of causing a one-hit kill effect, equipment requirement level 40, durability 120/120.

The upgraded Defiler fragment was finally transformed into a legendary weapon.

Defiler Shard (Legendary): 82-96, Agility +80, Strength +60, Attack Speed ​​+45%, Groove 2, Effect 1: Deep Contamination, use, reduces target's armor by 30% and movement speed by 30% , cooling time 120 seconds, special effect 2: critical hit, when the target's blood volume is less than 20%, there is a certain probability of causing a one-hit kill effect, special effect 3: Archimonde's echo, after use, it transforms into a demon. Randomly use some demonic skills for thirty seconds, limited to one use per day, equipment level requirement is 60, durability 240/240.

Although the damage and attributes are not as abnormal as Demon Strike, they are several times better than before, and the damage is as stable as ever. The difference between the lowest attack and the highest attack is only fourteen points, which is the best among weapons above level 30. It's almost impossible to exist.

If the damage is stable, it will be easier to control the rhythm.

The attack speed that Lu Li valued most was further enhanced after the upgrade, from 30% acceleration to 45%.

The two original special effects have been retained and enhanced, and a new special effect has been added - Archimonde's Echo.

This is a confusing special effect name, at least Lu Li has never seen it before.

But Archimonde the Defiler is the right-hand man of the fallen titan Sargeras, the second commander-in-chief of all combat forces of the Burning Legion, and one of the most powerful and dark eredar warlocks in the world. As long as a special effect and Ark If someone like Mond is involved, it must be something big.

Lu Li was not in a hurry to try new weapons. He took a deep breath and started upgrading the weapons for the water elves.

Brevive Stone Fist was even more satisfied with Lu Li. He was not sure how many years he had not seen such a calm young man. He was not overjoyed when he succeeded. After the operation again, all the original mistakes were gone. .

He just reminded me once!

The same weapon, the same drawings, the same materials, the same technique. The Defiler Fragment of the Water Elf is even slightly better than the one of Lu Li, but the difference is not big.

The water elf is very satisfied with the properties of the new weapon, and the new forger Lu Li who appears at the bottom of the weapon does not make her feel annoying. I am afraid there are only two such Defiler fragments in the game.

"Boy, is this really your first time upgrading your weapon?" Breviv Stone Fist asked in a loud voice.

"Yes, I thought that if you follow the blueprints, you will definitely succeed." Lu Li never practiced casting in his previous life, and he rarely heard information about upgrading weapons, so he was not sure if there was any so-called success rate if he followed the blueprints. In fact, there was no thought of failure at all.

"Ignorance!" Breviv Stone Fist almost jumped up. He pointed at the rags on the ground and shouted: "If there is no success rate, I ask you where do these things come from?"

"I'm sorry, Master, please forgive me for being so ignorant," Lu Li apologized quickly.

Arguing with an NPC was the stupidest thing to do, and Lu Li thought this emotionally charged bearded dwarf was cute. At least he gave him a lot of indispensable pointers in a timely manner during the process of upgrading his weapons.

"Upgrading weapons is actually the lowest form of transformation." Breviv Shiquan was very satisfied with Lu Li's attitude. He touched his beard and said, "The composition of any weapon is materials, and different arrangements and different forms of existence of materials. Different attributes are constructed, do you understand?”

"I don't understand," Lu Li said honestly.

"Why are you so stupid? Why can the same material be used to make a knight's sword as well as a dagger?" Breviv Stonefist hated the fact that iron cannot be made into steel.

"Of course it's because the drawings are different," Lu Li said matter-of-factly.

"Forget it, forget it all. The blueprints in your head will keep you from getting closer to the master realm forever," Breviv Stone Fist kicked the tattered weapons on the ground and said angrily: "The only way is to forget the blueprints. , you can consciously think about the nature of materials..."

"Why don't you leave first? I'll listen here to hear what crazy theories this guy has," Lu Li sent her a private message and gave her a very apologetic look. The water elf doesn't practice casting, so it's a waste of time to listen to a madman's nonsense here. Looking at Breviv Stonefist's posture, I'm afraid it's hard to say that he is fully entertained for a while.

"It's okay. In fact, what he said seems to make sense. This may be an opportunity for you. Listen carefully and don't make any small moves."

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