The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 116 Skull Crusher

Lu Li regretted that he did not encounter the hidden BOSS, but others did not know the existence of the hidden BOSS. Now that they had cleared the dungeon, they were all as excited as if they had something to do. Can Meng, the little master with red hands, was already touching the corpse. .

Although Vanessa lost her father when she was young, she was still the eldest daughter of the Defias Brotherhood. How could the things she produced be so shabby? Lu Li also looked forward to it.

"Brotherhood cloak, wow, it's the black iron cloak of a thief. It comes with the skill of disappearing, and the invisibility effect is enhanced by 50%. Brother Lu Li, is this a good thing?" Can Meng has been following the team for a long time, and has gained some experience in equipment. Progress, at least being able to distinguish value from special effects.

"Of course," Lu Li nodded, feeling a little disappointed.

The Brotherhood cloak is indeed good. Many newcomers hope to get this cloak to make up for their shortcomings in the process of stealth. But for people like Lu Li, the role of this cloak is meaningless, not to mention his shadow. The cloak needs to be even better.

"Don't be disappointed, just take it. If you have a chance, you can find someone to change the equipment." Azure Sea Breeze looked at Lu Li's face and knew he had something better.

However, everyone unanimously decided to give this piece of equipment to Lu Li, and Lu Li was not polite and stuffed the piece of equipment into his backpack.

"Defia ring, the ring, so beautiful..."

The three boys had black lines on their faces. They were talking about nothing. Who would care whether it looked good or not.

"Bronze, added 5 points of agility, 2 points of strength, no special effects," Can Meng's vision is also quite high, if it is not black iron, it is not a good thing.

"It's better than what you have, put it on." The equipment was as expected. Lu Li breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that this instance of the dungeon had ended perfectly.

"Brother Lu Li, don't you want it?" Can Meng really wants it, but it's not because this piece of equipment is better than the one she wears, but because this ring with a color like green jade and an exquisite shape is so beautiful.

"Take it, this ring is not as good as the one I have." Seeing how the little girl liked it, Lu Li was embarrassed to ask for it even if it was better than the one he had.

"I feel like this dungeon is no longer stressful. When will the difficulty level start?" Azure Sea Breeze asked.

"At least we have to wait until tomorrow. I'm going to kill a BOSS later. You take Canmeng to level up. Her level is too low," Lu Li shook his head.

Lu Li is now at level 16, Azure Sea Breeze, Huadi Liqing and March Rain are all at level 15. Only Can Meng still has a little experience to reach level 15.

Can Meng lowered her head immediately. She was a student. She had to go to class during the day and could play games at night. Although she slept lightly while playing games, she couldn't stay without rest, so her level would naturally lag behind.

"Don't worry, we won't let her fall too far behind," Azure Sea Breeze assured, patting her chest.

"Don't make her too tired," Lu Li instantly softened his heart when he saw the guilty look on the little girl's face.

After coming out of the dungeon, Lu Li first made some intermediate healing potions, and then went to the trading house.

First, he bought some arrows with relatively high attack power, and then started browsing for crossbow weapons. He planned to use the rest of the day to kill Illidan's shadow again. This product was really awesome.

The only thing that could attract him was to spend half a day squatting in one place, constantly drawing the bow and shooting arrows. He was so tired that he vomited three liters of blood, and only Illidan was gone.

He had long forgotten about the Revenant Knight. Firstly, he had never heard of anything good except the first kill. Secondly, that place had already been discovered by the people from the Glory City. Regardless of whether they could kill the BOSS or not, Anyway, don't expect others to fight the BOSS on their territory.

The attack power of the level 5 black iron bow on him is too weak. Even if it deals poisonous damage, it will take a long time to defeat Illidan's shadow.

So a good long-range weapon is urgent.

The equipment of the trading house is becoming more and more abundant, but it is difficult to see the best ones. The trading house charges 5%, which is also a big expense. Lu Li also knows that after the third system update, this transaction The fee will be higher, reaching 10%, which has prompted the emergence of a large number of shops.

Lu Li has no plans to open a store yet. If the supply is insufficient, he will lose his pants.

As for buying a store, don't even think about it. This method that most online game protagonists use to make money doesn't work in Dawn. They don't sell land at all. In reality, the top ten consortiums have entered the game to build virtual office buildings, which can only be used as a trap. pay rent.

While browsing, Lu Li's eyes suddenly lit up.

Skullcrusher (Black Iron): damage 20-28, agility +6, special effects, a certain probability of causing piercing damage to the target, equipment requirement level 10, durability 13/32.

It was better than the level five black iron bow Lu Li was carrying.

Poison hunting bow (black iron): 15-24, agility +3, special effect: the target being attacked has a certain probability of receiving poisonous damage, equipment requirement level 5, durability 28/28.

With three more attribute points, the overall attack has been upgraded to a higher level, and the special effects are no less impressive. More importantly, the Skullcrusher is a crossbow, which is much faster than the Poison Hunting Bow. Generally speaking, the bow has an attack speed of ten. Down, the crossbow can hit from thirteen to fifteen times.

Puncture damage is a very common special effect of crossbow equipment. Puncture means that it ignores defense and can cause maximum critical damage to the target.

For example, if Lu Li takes this bow to fight Illidan's shadow, it can hit 20-30 points of health under normal circumstances. Once the puncture effect occurs, the damage will be at least 60 points or more, which is no longer comparable to the poisonous hunting bow. The toxins of the past era are no longer harmful.

The equipment is good and the price is not cheap. The unscrupulous seller directly offered it fifteen gold coins.

He had just received one million yuan, and he didn't have any gold coins in his hand. How could Lu Li worry about such a trivial matter.

After buying the crossbow, he started looking for the crossbow proficiency skill book.

This kind of skill book is not very common, and the demand is extremely high. Lu Li searched for it but couldn't find it.

Forget it if you don't find it.

The hunter's crossbow proficiency increases the overall damage by 5%. Even if a non-hunter profession learns crossbow proficiency, the maximum damage bonus is 2%, which is not very important to him.

After buying everything, Lu Li headed to the Void Abyss.

The Void Abyss was still so thrilling. Lu Li felt sick when he stood on the cliff and looked at the swirling water vortex.

But he was still a determined person after all. He took a deep breath and jumped into the whirlpool.

After transforming into a baby seal, the next step is a long wait.

This time he was not as lucky as last time. He spun in the water for a long time and was not thrown into the cave. He had no choice but to endure in the water.

Lu Li is a successful person. There are countless people in the game who admire him, are jealous of him, and hate him. However, most people will not despise him. Only a few people who do not hold an umbrella when it rains insist that he relies on luck.

With all the internal organs spinning like this, a normal person would have committed suicide long ago.

But he doesn't. At times like this, he always thinks of his past life and that feeling of despair.

It's really uncomfortable to float up and down in the whirlpool, but no matter how uncomfortable his body is, there is always hope in his heart, and there are people he cares about and is willing to fight for.

In such pain, he even tasted a hint of happiness.

It’s simply a perversion!

The system did not torture him for too long. After about half an hour, he was thrown into the cave with a slight movement.

Lying on his back on the cold and hard ground of the cave, Lu Li still felt like he was spinning. He struggled to release his seal form. He lay on the ground and retched. After a while, he regained his strength and stumbled towards the stone door. go.

The key would not disappear after being used once last time. He took it out and inserted it into the hole on the stone door. The magic circle on the stone door was activated, opening the cage of Illidan's shadow.

PS: Thanks to \u0026FuNv¥Career, zA!Jie, Tiansui Suifeng, and Miaomang Yeyue for their rewards. I hope friends who have the conditions can top up some starting points to watch the genuine version. This is the greatest support for the author. , the update is slow and I really like to edit articles, so I don’t have the nerve to ask for a monthly ticket. I just hope that everyone will support the genuine version.

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