The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 1171 Two Tigers Fighting

How could Lu Li let them run away!

Of course, he would not go up to intercept in person. It was not because he was incapable, but because he did not want to expose himself. In fact, in this kind of melee, the thieves' survival probability increased to a certain extent. No one could accurately capture the thieves in a chaotic environment. to his traces.

The little thief quickly attracted a group of people and successfully stopped those who wanted to leave.

The City of Glory is in the midst of a bitter battle, with people constantly dying, including players at the racer level. There is no way to resurrect in such situations. If you die, you can only return to the city.

Experience loss is nothing. After the system revision, even if no one is resurrected, only 5% of the experience will be lost. You can get it back by just swiping.

The most annoying thing is that equipment will drop. Most of these high-end players have legendary equipment. Although the probability of legendary equipment being dropped is low, the dark gold equipment is also valuable, especially the equipment of the racers, which are all carefully selected. If you choose carefully, once it is lost, it will not only affect the money, but also the performance on the field.

Lu Li landed on the ground, changed into less conspicuous equipment, and quietly lurked near Xiao Mo and others.

That's right, he now plans to pick up corpses and grab equipment. If he can grab Xiao Mo's weapons, he will do it, although he also knows that this is almost impossible.

Xiao Mo was so angry that he almost trembled with anger.

But he had never experienced anything in all these years, and he quickly adjusted his state at this time. While organizing people to gather resistance, he ordered the people below to quickly lead out the BOSS.

There are three Naga BOSSs in the ruins of Solansar, namely the mage profession, the priest profession, and the warrior profession. They are a typical combination of magicians and priests. They can be said to be the most difficult combination among the bosses at levels 55 to 60. They were previously I once tried to kill these three guys, but ended up losing a lot of people. I didn't even kill 20% of the BOSS's HP, so I could only put it aside temporarily. Now that I encountered a premeditated attack, Xiao Mo Thinking of pulling out the BOSS.

He obviously had the intention of killing everyone with a borrowed knife, and wanted everyone to die together.

Lu Li used the remote control to command the people with the Blood Flag to surround Xiao Mo. After hearing the movements of the BOSS over there, he had to convince Xiao Mo.

The players in the City of Glory who received the notice in advance were lucky enough to avoid the BOSS, but the people in the Blood Flag were not so lucky. They faced the wrath of the BOSS, and a large number of people were knocked down. The battle was almost one-sided. Because the addition of BOSS has created quite a few variables.

Lu Li carefully picked up the equipment dropped by a player.

He was very satisfied with the quality of the dark gold, and I guess the original owner was also very satisfied, otherwise he wouldn't have strengthened a dark gold equipment three times, inserted very high-quality gems, and probably spent a lot of money to enchant it.

Of course, it is also possible that the City of Glory is wealthy and the core elites have spent a lot of money on equipment.

There were a lot of people like Lu Li picking up equipment on the battlefield. There were people picking up equipment in the City of Glory and the Blood Flag. Lu Li was worried that he would attract too much aggro and be targeted, so he didn't dare to go too far with them.

"Boss, they are from the Blood Flag. I saw their flowers and jade." Someone finally discovered the origin of this enemy.

"Sooner or later, we will settle accounts with them. Let's go as far as possible. The thief scouts will pick up the equipment, and others will also help pick it up." Xiao Mo gritted his teeth, and he could only swallow the anger in his stomach.

He had long suspected that it was the Scarlet War Flag. Ordinary clubs did not have such strength. Even if they had such strength, they did not necessarily have such good discipline. Now he could not figure out how the people from the Blood War Flag could enter quietly. They entered the valley and gave them a sudden ambush.

"Coordinates XXX, XXX, don't let Xiao Mo escape," Lu Li sent a message to the little thief.

Xiao Mo and Xishan Bai are trying to get away from the battlefield as much as possible under the protection of a group of people. If nothing else happens, people from their guild should be coming in large numbers.

Appreciating flowers and jades was also a bit anxious. Of course, he knew the consequences of procrastinating. After knowing Xiao Mo's coordinates, he immediately mobilized the most elite forces and rushed towards the coordinates. Anyone who stood in their way was instantly killed.

The power of numbers played a huge role in this battle.

Many people in the City of Glory are already at level 55 and wear level 55 equipment, but they will still be instantly killed by a group of people with a lower level than them, even thieves who can storm step. Lu Li sees that With this momentum, he couldn't help but move towards the outside.

These people are in guild mode, and only people in their guild will be immune to damage.

Xiao Mo was stopped near the exit. A large number of Blood Flag players rushed in, cutting off their last hope of retreating.

The ensuing battle was simply brutal. Players in the City of Glory were killed one by one, and the Blood Flag also paid a huge price. In addition to the opponent's counterattack before their death, they also had to face the harvest of three big bosses. After all, there are the most people with the Blood Flag here, so naturally they have suffered the most losses.

In fact, this was Lu Li's ideal state.

Killing with a borrowed knife is too inferior. What is really evil is chasing the tiger away from the wolf, or in other words, promoting the fight between the two tigers.

Lu Li made a preliminary estimate. Even if the people of the Blood Flag could capture the 3,000 people in the Glory City, their losses would not be less than 3,000. What's more, a battle should have broken out outside, and the backup forces from both sides were coming. Desperately trying to enter the valley and intervene in the battlefield.

What really determines the fate of Xiao Mo and others is actually just a secret passage.

The people in the Glory City obviously discovered this. They noticed that the number of people in the Blood Flag had not decreased due to casualties, and then they discovered the direction of the source of the Blood Flag's troops.

Lu Li rushed forward and grabbed a piece of equipment, then rolled over and ran into the crowd.

No one knows this masked man, but it doesn't matter. Just hit him directly with your skills. As long as he is hit to death, he is not one of our own. If he is one of our own, he will not be hit to death.

Lu Li, who had a chance to escape, was covered in cold sweat. He took a few breaths before he dared to take out the equipment he had just snatched and look at it. This was Xishan Bai's equipment. He was being attacked by several players and had to protect Xiao Mo, so his magic value was finally exhausted. Almost exhausted, hung in the chaos of skills.

Of course, Lu Li kept an eye on this kind of equipment for a star racer.

In fact, the equipment he snatched did not disappoint Lu Li. It was indeed a legendary equipment, and it was also a level 60 legend. It was much better than what March Yu had. This made Lu Li have to reconsider the City of Glory. equipment level.

If any one piece dropped is a legend, then how many legends does Nishiyama Bai possess?

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