The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 1176 Brother is cheating again

The next day, Lu Li entered the game a little late, so he took Lu Xin to Jinling City for a review.

Lu Xin's recovery effect is amazing. After all, she is young and has good physical fitness. It is estimated that she will be like a normal person in a few months. However, the doctor suggested more advanced treatment methods - more advanced means more treatment is needed. Money, fortunately, no matter how poor the Sword of Judgment was, Lu Li already had enough money to treat his sister.

After playing the game, I was faced with bad news.

"Glory City must be crazy," Root Number Three said with a gloomy face. Once this old man shows such an expression, it means that the matter is serious.

"What did they do?" Lu Li would never look down upon the City of Glory, but he was not too afraid. After all, he had just tricked them once, and the gap in levels had basically been leveled. The City of Glory wanted to suppress the ruling. The third level of the sword is undoubtedly a dream.

Besides, those who are barefoot are not afraid of those who wear shoes. The Sword of Judgment was just established this year. Even if they are at a disadvantage, no one will say that they can't do it.

"There are several guilds blocking our people. I guess they are all hired by people from the Glory City," Root Number Three said bitterly. Although they have a certain strength, they still seem very powerless when encountering such a thing.

It's not that those who wielded the Sword of Judgment didn't dare to fight. As a guild leader, Root Hao San's first thought was what the consequences would be if he continued to fight.

If there are no very attractive benefits, you have to consider how much it will cost. If everyone goes up and fights and suffers losses, the guild will always have to show some mercy, otherwise everyone's heart will become cold in the long run.

"For leveling, just use BUG. Anyway, it's not less experienced than outside, and it's very efficient," Lu Li said.

"Of course I know this. The key is how can we defeat the wild BOSS like this? It's difficult to get legendary equipment in Blackrock Abyss, and dark gold equipment is of no use to players at all," Root Number Three was very worried. He barely got anything yesterday and today. Wild BOSS.

The wild BOSS is more difficult to defeat than the dungeon BOSS, and many people rob it, but the items dropped are definitely better than the dungeon BOSS.

As the general manager of the Sword of Judgment, he was worried about the price of rice and firewood.

"That's right, it's indeed a problem. They probably felt that they couldn't level up, so they started working on equipment. Our equipment is quite inferior, and our technology is not necessarily better than that of the guys in Glory City. It's a bit difficult to deal with. "Lu Li rubbed his face. He couldn't solve the problem of the wild BOSS for a while.

Of course there is a BOSS that has not been discovered, but it is too difficult to fight, the sword of judgment is too short, and the loyalty of the personnel cannot be fully trusted.

If you fight until someone picks the peaches, it will definitely be more frustrating than fighting without a BOSS. Glory City can really do it. As for bringing Weiyu Pavilion and Wushuang City together to deal with Glory City, it is not impossible, but The conflict has escalated since then, and I'm afraid the City of Glory is just waiting to drag them into the water.

"There are just two of us here, Lu Li, please tell me how confident we are if we face the Sword of Judgment," Root Number Three asked cautiously.

This is a very professional question. Lu Li pondered for a moment and then replied: "A few days ago, I thought we had a 70% winning rate. After seeing the equipment of Xiao Mo and Xishan Bai, I think we only have a 40% winning rate. If If they are really equipped with legendary equipment all over their bodies, then they will only be 20% at most. If it is more serious, if they are all replaced with level 60 legendary equipment, then we will have no hope."

"Fuck, no matter what, just keep fighting. I'll find a way to get the equipment. If it doesn't work, I'll go to major clubs to borrow it with shame," Root No. 3 said a little impatiently.

"Third brother, don't be stupid," Lu Li quickly grabbed him.

"How will you know it's useless if you don't try? I think everyone doesn't want Glory City to win the championship," Root Number Three was unconvinced.

"Of course they don't want the City of Glory to win the championship, but they don't want us to win the championship even more. If you don't believe me, just find a club and try it. I guarantee they won't even bother to find a reason to refuse." In fact, Root Number Three doesn't want to He didn't understand, he was just stimulated by Lu Li's winning probability which was not reduced.

"Then what do you think we should do? I guess Wushuang City won't lend us equipment now, unless we face the City of Glory in the next game," Root No. 3 sat back in his chair dejectedly.

"Let's just attack the Black Stone Tower," Lu Li's eyes lit up.

Previously, it was because everyone was at level fifty-five or fifty-six, so there was no way to fight in the Black Rock Tower. After all, the mobs there were more than level fifty-five, and the BOSS was at level fifty-eight or even sixty.

The three-level crushing theory cannot be ignored, especially for defensive professions.

The so-called crushing generally has two situations. One is when the level difference is more than three levels, and the armor value will be reduced to a certain extent based on the original value. The specific manifestation is that it is more likely to suffer the maximum attack, which is not fatal. What's really fatal is that you're more likely to get critical hits when you're being crushed.

It is very dangerous for any MT to be critically hit, let alone consecutive critical hits, three critical hits...

Another situation mainly occurs in BOSS and MT. When the BOSS's attack is higher than a certain basic armor value critical point corresponding to the player's equipment, a special attack may occur, which will cause at least 1.5 times the damage of the normal attack. If it exceeds this critical point, The farther away you click, the more exaggerated the damage will be.

Therefore, when wild groups are looking for MTs, they often first examine the MT's basic armor value. Sometimes they also examine a certain aspect of individual resistance due to special bosses, such as fire resistance, etc.

Of course, even if it won't be crushed, it doesn't mean that the copy can be easily broken.

"Is Blackstone Tower okay?" Don't blame Root Three for being doubtful. The main reason is that there are too many people who want to fight, but there are almost no people who can really defeat the first BOSS. Even the wasteland development team from Seventh Heaven went in and fought for a long time. Unable to make any progress, some of them came out and cursed loudly, which made everyone aware of it.

"How will you know if you don't try," Lu Li certainly couldn't say. He was reborn, and he couldn't help but cheat.

Blackstone Tower and Blackstone Abyss are very close to each other, and are divided into upper and lower levels of Blackstone Tower. According to Lu Li and his current strength, it is best to attack the lower level, because the monsters in the lower level are slightly easier to defeat, and there is no need to complete quests to obtain keys in the lower level. You have to get the key to the upper floor first before you can enter.

There are actually quite a lot of people going to the lower levels of Blackstone Tower now, and PKs also happen from time to time.

The most hateful thing is actually the quail - that is, the bird virtue. Although there is no specialization system yet, the cute quail has already occupied an important part in the Druid profession.

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