The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 1180 Little Frog

In the player's system, there is no such profession as Shadow Hunter, but it has at least some similarities with Shaman.

Each of them is a voodoo mage and uses mystical soul powers to heal their injured companions and cast terrible curses on their enemies. Shadowhunters wander the line between darkness and light, hoping to bring relief to those who suffer Suffering compatriots find a bright future.

This knowledge is easy to collect, whether it is the Scarlet Library or the North County Monastery, you can find materials in this area.

Knowing these things, it is possible to have a more comprehensive understanding of Shadow Hunter Washgas. Lu Li told his companions some relevant knowledge about this BOSS, which will help everyone use their brains together. What he needs is teammates, not puppets. If Without him, I at least hope that my teammates can analyze and fight on their own.

Four troll shamans surrounded Shadow Hunter Vashgas, seemingly just holding a summoning ceremony. The magic circle under their feet glowed with dark green light, and a faint roar could be heard coming from behind the magic circle. Passed out.

"We must fight this monster together," Azure Sea Breeze drank a bottle of potion, and the others drank the potion when they needed it, and boosted each other's health when they needed it.

"Try it," but Lu Li knew that killing the mobs was useless, because the lives of these mobs were connected to the BOSS. They could only be killed when the BOSS died, and there was no need to kill them. They are maintaining the operation of the ceremony and will not attack anyone at all.

Azure Sea Breeze went up to hold the BOSS, and his deputy T floated and taunted several mobs.

What's strange is that the mobs don't pay attention to such taunts at all. When the attack falls on them, they only suffer a pitiful one or two points of damage - two points are a critical hit. As long as there is not a large gap in level, However, the amount of damage does not affect the critical hit probability.

"It doesn't seem like that, let's fight the BOSS," Lu Li said.

"It feels wrong to have these little monsters around," Piao Ling gave up on the little monsters and went to fight the BOSS, but his attention was still on the little monsters. There was no way to solve this problem before fighting the BOSS. The mobs are generally his responsibility.

"It can't be beaten anyway, do you have any other options?" Lu Li dealt with the BOSS very hard, and he occupied the second position in the DPS ranking.

Piao Ling shrugged, obviously knowing that he was talking nonsense.

The health ratio of these four mobs will never be lower than that of Shadow Hunter Vashgas, which means that you must kill 10% of the HP of Shadow Hunter Vashgas before you can deal the same damage to the mobs. Proportional damage.

Therefore, in normal strategies, these mobs will not be fought at all.

"Why is Huahua's damage so high?" Nuoyu asked in surprise. He was actually pretty good, but compared to Huadi Liqing, he was more than a step behind.

"Technical problem," Huadi Liqing said.

"Uh...can you talk to me, Brother Hua..." Nuoyu chuckled, standing next to Huadi Liqing and outputting.

"Okay, but these are things I have slowly figured out. You should try your best not to spread the word." Seeing that Nuo Yu even changed his title, Huadi Liqing was not too much and began to explain the spell-casting gestures and skill locks of the legal profession. , skill connection...etc., other legal professions are also listening carefully.

Huadi Liqing didn't like PK, but he never stopped studying the profession. Moreover, he got together with Lu Li not long after the game started, and they often discussed some technical issues.

Most of the time, he would not come into contact with other people, which is why Nuo Yu was so shocked.

The PVP route that Fat Monkey took was different from Huadi Liqing, but the rules always had something in common, and he also benefited a lot from Huadi Liqing's explanation.

"Attention, the ritual has changed," Lu Li reminded.

Four mobs were maintaining the operation of a ritual. The magic circle under their feet was originally dark green, but now it has turned red.

"Want something really scary?"

"Then let's get started!"

Shadow hunter Washgas said with a sinister smile. Following her words, a group of insects rushed out of the magic circle.

It's not surprising that trolls summon bugs. Trolls are one of the first intelligent creatures born in Azeroth. More than 16,000 years ago, trolls split into the Amani Empire and the Gurubashi Empire. They ruled Covering most of Kalimdor, their biggest enemy at that time was the third largest empire, the Aqir Empire.

The founders of the Aqir Empire were a group of intelligent insectoid creatures. Together with the Zandalar trolls, they were one of the oldest races in Azeroth, and their appearance even preceded the Old Gods. The aqir rule the western part of Kalimdor. These intelligent insectoid creatures are eager to expand their territory and are very evil. They are dedicated to clearing Kalimdor of all non-insect creatures.

The trolls of the Amani and Gurubashi fought against it for thousands of years, but never gained overwhelming supremacy.

In the end, under the tenacious will of the trolls, the Yaqir Empire was defeated and split into two halves. Its subjects fled to settlements in remote areas in the northern and southern parts of the continent to survive. The remaining Zerg established two city-states. Azjol-Nerub and Ahn'Qiraj in the Southern Desert.

During the long war, some Shadowhunters began to study their enemies and gained a certain degree of melee combat.

In the eyes of players, bugs are something that cannot be put on the table, roughly equivalent to the wild boars in Novice Village, so they paid an extremely heavy price. In Shadow Hunter Washgas, they suffered their first group annihilation.

Lu Li never thought about killing Shadow Hunter Washgarth in one go. That was simply unrealistic. After all, he was still a level 58 regular BOSS.

If it weren't for the fact that the defense profession couldn't withstand King Ormoc, King Ormoc wouldn't necessarily be as difficult as Shadow Hunter Vashgarth.

After the group was wiped out, the one who suffered the most was of course the glutinous rice balls stuffed with sesame filling. He had to jump back from the original place. Lu Li disappeared quickly when he saw the opportunity. He was one of the very few who survived. Besides him, there was Yueguang, and this guy also He was very discerning. Seeing that the group was about to be wiped out, he ran to a corner far away from the BOSS and used Shadow Escape.

After the second land reclamation, everyone will not dare to underestimate these insects with super abnormal attack speed.

Their attacks may not be very high. When they catch people, they are so fast that they can almost see their afterimages. Everyone is wiped out by the insects.

"When the bugs come out, Huahua will do the first wave. When I call number two, Senior Brother, you will come for the second wave, and Nuoyu will do the third wave." Lu Li didn't need to be secretive this time, as long as he knew the bugs' Characteristics, dealing with them is not too difficult.

"These bugs have so little health, why do they need three ice rings?" Piao Ling asked in confusion.

In his opinion, if these bugs with only a few hundred points of health had not been underestimated just now, they could have been wiped out directly. There was no need for three mages to go up and take turns taking turns in the ice ring.

"I've talked so much about BOSS's professions before, why do you think I'm joking," Lu Li sighed.

"Shadow Hunter..." When Lu Li mentioned the BOSS's profession, Piao Ling instantly understood that monsters like Shadow Hunters occasionally appeared in Dawn. They all seemed to use a group-added skill - Healing Wave - to summon them. A wave of energy that jumps between our units and restores health. Each jump weakens the healing ability a little.

The health points of the mobs were almost wiped out, but under the influence of this healing wave, all their health points were restored to full.

Fortunately, under Lu Li's command, Huadi Liqing's ice ring worked almost simultaneously with the healing wave. This is why Lu Li arranged for Huadi Liqing to be the first to go up to the ice ring. The long-term tacit understanding and trust made Huadi Liqing unable to do so at all. To question any of Lu Li's decisions, if it were Nuo Yu, he might have saved this skill because the mob was about to die.

There are three healing waves in total, which add blood to the mobs exactly three times.

Without the positioning and group control of the three mages, everyone would probably have to fight monsters on the move. Anyone who gets close to these bugs would be doomed.

After three healing waves, Shadow Hunter Vashgarth needs to take a rest. This wave of mobs lost the support of healing and were destroyed in an instant. At this time, the strategy for Shadow Hunter Vashgarth has entered P2. stage.

The P2 stage requires two MTs. Lu Li did not remind Piao Ling. He believed in Piao Ling's adaptability.

Shadow Hunter Washgarth's eyes suddenly lit up, that kind of radiant brightness, and then the blue sea breeze felt like his mind was blurred. The whole world has undergone earth-shaking changes. The most intuitive thing is that everything in front of him has become Tall and unreal.

And in the eyes of his teammates...

"Wow, so cute," Hachi-chan exclaimed as she watched the blue sea breeze turn into a little green-skinned frog.

As for Can Meng, the poor kid didn't even think about it. He had reflexively cast the taming technique on his hand... Such a cute little thing must be captured and made into a pet.

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