The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 1187 What kind of juice does the Spider Queen have? (Please vote for me)

Yueguang originally planned to use an escape skill to avoid these little spiders, but after hearing Lu Li's order, a big whirlwind started spinning on the spot without saying a word.

Is it still too late? Even Azure Sea Breeze, the person with the highest defense on the scene, died just now.

Everyone thought that Lu Li was going to give up the moonlight to deal with these mobs. As long as he could knock off some of the mobs' health or help everyone delay the mobs, others could use group attack skills to focus on the mobs.

"No way, it's so brittle!"

Unexpectedly, wherever Moonlight's big whirlwind went, it rolled up a pile of corpses. These seemingly awesome monsters couldn't withstand the power of his blow. Looking at the health status, it was clear that there were no monsters at all. Hurt him.

Before the big whirlwind had finished spinning, all the mobs were dead.

"As expected, the higher the attack, the worse the defense. What's more, there are too many of these monsters." Lu Li pointed to the two people on the ground: "Pull them up. If you encounter such a monster, remember to strike first." "

The floating devotion can be laid on the ground in advance when the big spider is about to die. The moment the little spider crawls out of the big spider's body, it will immediately bear the damage of the paladin's devotion. In order to prevent fish from slipping through the net, the blue sea breeze also specially steps on it. A trample.

The mage's Blizzard can also solve the problem. This is a guided continuous skill. Just keep releasing the skill on the big spider's corpse.

Anyone who is killed in this place is usually frightened by the terror of the little spider and forgets to resist. The real solution is to release a group attack skill at the right moment.

Spiders can drop some cobweb materials, which are often used by tailors.

After I quickly saw the Smoke Web Spider - it was much larger than an ordinary large spider, and its body was emerald green. At least from the appearance, I didn't think it was an ugly big spider - don't look at it. its face.

The spider queen walked back and forth anxiously, feeling the mortal danger of the intruder's arrival.

"Everyone gets the antidote from Tangyuan. The latest product can cure all diseases," Lu Li joked. In fact, he also had a headache with this BOSS at first. Almost all spiders are poisonous, and the Smoke Web Spider Queen naturally also No exception, the biggest feature of its poison is that it is continuous. As long as no one removes it, or if it does not die once, it will continue to be poisonous.

There is a quest called Milk of the Spider Queen.

John in the Burning Steppes is a research maniac. He mainly studies poisons - Azeroth is a vast land with rich resources and different customs and customs. It is normal for a John who likes to study poisons to appear.

He overheard the Blackrock orcs talking about a deadly poison. The orcs called it "Spider Queen's Milk" in a very frightened tone. This name was derived from the name of the Smokeweb Spider Queen in Blackrock Tower. of.

It is said that many powerful Blackstone orcs died from the venom of the Smokeweb Spider Queen.

John was very interested in this, but since his research had entered a critical stage, he couldn't spare the time at all. This was indeed what he said, but Lu Li thought that he didn't have the guts to take this risk and liked to walk on the tightrope of life. It is also normal for people on the line to be afraid of death.

So this John issued a mission to the adventurers, a mission with very generous rewards.

"I need a sample of the "Spider Queen's Milk" flowing inside you. The poison sac is not enough... Let her inject the poison into you, then come back to me, and then... I can Got milk!”

Such a request is really too much, but there are still many players who will fight to get the rewards he promised.

To do this mission, you first need to be poisoned. After being poisoned, you cannot die. You can only go to John in the dungeon, see him, and let him drain the venom from your body to complete the mission. The trick is that sometimes you may not be able to hold on to the place. If you don't die, what's even more cheating is that there are always mean people in this world who will throw a dispel magic at you when they see you.

Closer to home, with the new antidote, the Smoke Web Spider Queen is really not a too difficult BOSS. As for the people in the team who need to complete the task, it is actually simple, and the group can be destroyed once.

Let everyone tie the hearthstone to the Burning Plains first, and after being poisoned, just hide aside and read the hearthstone.

Although the poisoning effect causes damage, it does not limit the player to a combat state. After everyone completes the task, they can kill the Spider Queen in one go.

A strengthening stone. Although this item has a high explosion rate and is often dropped by bosses, the demand is too high. As long as the price on the market is not too outrageous, there is no need to worry about not being able to sell the strengthening stone. Lu Li has a big guild that makes it. Now that I have a backer, I occasionally browse the trading houses, and when I see something with a suitable price, I will pay for it.

Strengthening stones are never too much to worry about.

The rare material is smoke web spider silk, which can only be dropped by this BOSS, so the price will naturally not be low. Lu Li collected it and put it in the rare material warehouse. If anyone needs it in the future, they can apply to him.

Equipped with the Spider Silk Robe, a golden equipment of the legal system, it has only one special effect and other attributes are relatively average.

But the price of this piece of equipment will definitely not be low, because the special effect on the robe clearly states that poison resistance is increased by 40%, although the various percentages in Dawn do not mean that there is 40%. It has a probability of being immune to poisonous damage, but equipment that adds forty poison resistance is absolutely legendary.

If you encounter a monster that is particularly poisonous and does not have a suitable antidote to resist it, you can almost ignore the opponent's toxicity by wearing this robe and matching it with some poison resistance equipment.

So Lu Li carefully put this piece of equipment into the union warehouse and marked it with a minimum point that basically no one could redeem. It was also regarded as public property. Anyone who wanted to use it could pay a certain amount of points to rent it, and it would automatically return to it when the time came. Come inside the warehouse.

Then there is a piece of dark gold equipment with average attributes and nothing special.

Lu Li gave him some glutinous rice balls stuffed with sesame filling, because he contributed the antidote, which made the Smoke Web Spider Queen's strategy a breeze, and he could afford to be rewarded with a piece of equipment.

The next one is very good, the Wild Heart Boots!

Druid suit, generally speaking, is something that you can only come across if you are very lucky. Unfortunately, when it came to Hachi-chan, she only got a blank blink, and then showed off the legendary boots she got from completing the mission.

Puff puff……

There was a sound of vomiting blood, and the glass heart was broken all over the floor.

"Don't ever say that the mage is your biological son from now on," Fatty Monkey sighed feebly, unable to complain anymore. The best time he did a mission was a piece of dark gold equipment, the kind that he didn't need at all. .

Well, there is a lot of demand for people in the guild. As long as you complete the tasks, you can rise to T0.5.

"There is one more thing. Could it be legendary equipment?" Can Meng thought happily, her hands getting redder and redder. As for the bonus for Nightmare's first kill, what is it and can it be eaten?

"Hurry up and find it. There will be rewards for being legendary," the others said anxiously.

"Wow, what a good thing. It's really good. How could there be such a thing?" Can Meng was excited again this time. The little girl became full of energy with surprise, but the others' hearts couldn't bear it, because Everyone’s aesthetics and values ​​are completely different from one another.

"Let me take a look," Lu Li couldn't help but act as a permission dog again and directly looked at the things she picked up.

Sure enough, he couldn't believe this girl too much. He looked at the newly touched egg dumbfounded. He really couldn't agree with it and thought that this was some kind of "good thing". Isn't it just a pet egg? It was a non-combat type with no serious function. pet.

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