The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 1193. Something in mind

Azure Sea Breeze was beaten into a pig's head within a few minutes, and even a few treatments to increase his health could not save him.

After the group was destroyed and resurrected, Lu Li patted Azure Sea Breeze's shoulder and said a serious lesson: "Do you still think you have a lot of damage reduction skills? See, if you hadn't squandered your damage reduction skills carelessly, I guess you could at least be able to use it again. Hold on for a while.”

"I know, it's an afterthought!" Azure Sea Breeze grunted.

As a dragon, Wimsalak is only a dragon man, but he is different from the Tyrannosaurus rex that roam around in the wild. He can at least breathe fire. Even though he only spits some sparks, it will still burn if it falls on the blue sea breeze. Causes continuous and stacking burning damage.

It would be great if the fire resistance potion was made, but unfortunately it was not made.

"Substitute," Lu Li said aloud. If he didn't say anything, Azure Sea Breeze would be killed again. At this time, it was more suitable to leave it to Piao Ling to resist for a while, and then switch to the boss after the burning effect on Azure Sea Breeze's body disappeared.

If anyone thinks that Wimsalak only has this ability, they are completely wrong. This is just his most conventional method, and it is not even a skill.

"No one has ever been able to challenge my master, not even you," Vimsalak roared.

This is not an ordinary line, but a skill - Demoralizing Roar, which reduces the intensity of nearby melee attacks for thirty seconds, which means that within these thirty seconds, melee combat is completely useless. Lu Li's The attack damage dropped from about two hundred before to less than forty, and most of the others were the same.

Not only that, he also used cleave.

This common skill has been rejuvenated in the hands of Wimsalak. He can attack three people at a time, causing damage ranging from 1,200 to 2,800 points. It can affect up to three targets. If it hits a critical Can completely kill melee combat instantly.

I have to say that this BOSS is not very suitable for melee strategy.

"When Cleave is reading, leave the melee, and come back to fight after the roar effect ends. Everyone is ready to reduce damage." Lu Li took the initiative to retreat. He didn't want to die from this fool's skill.

"Fuck, I can't take it anymore, Master Feng, help me," Piao Ling was also bleeding from the heat and had to ask for help.

Azure Sea Breeze didn't care about teasing Piao Ling, and quickly went up to pull the BOSS to his side. In fact, the burning effect on his body had not completely disappeared, so he had to bear it with all his strength.

"Wander away from the BOSS and recover," Lu Li said briefly. Under normal circumstances, it would take a long time for players to realize that the further away from the BOSS, the faster the burning effect on the body disappears. Standing on the BOSS It's the stupidest way to output while waiting for the burning effect to disappear.

Piao Ling is very smart, and he immediately discovered this pattern after standing far away.

"Hey, Lu Li, how do you know that the burning will disappear quickly if you stand far away?" He was very curious.

"Will it disappear quickly if you stand far away? How could I know? I just think that you can't do any damage anyway, so why don't you stand here and get in the way, which will affect the completion of my skills," Lu Li said unceremoniously. .

He, a high-attack thief, could only draw thirty or forty points of health after being roared, let alone the defensive knight Piao Ling.

"Your uncle, if you don't complain, will I die?" Piao Ling cursed angrily. Even if it was true that he beat less, it still hurt people to say it like this.

"Stop chirping and get ready to take over for Mr. Feng. He's almost cooked." Lu Li successfully fooled a smart man. It's not nonsense that standing too crowded will affect his skill completion. Physics The degree of completion of the system's skills has a great relationship with the execution movements.

It is a very mature strategy for two MTs to take turns to resist, which can at least ensure the smooth completion of Wimsalak's P1 stage.

When Wimsalak's blood volume drops to 50%, it enters the P2 stage. This stage mainly involves fighting two waves of summoned creatures. The first wave is the Blood Ax Soldier. There are a lot of monsters in this wave, which is enough. There are eight of them, and each of them can use skills like punching and kicking.

The so-called punching and kicking are common skills used to defeat monsters. Punching is called boxing here. It can cause physical damage and knock the player away. Kicks can cause damage and interrupt spell casting.

The former is for the physics department, and the latter is for the law department. Whether it is the physics department or the reading department, they can all be taken care of.

I must be thankful that there are enough people here, fifteen of them, and they are all players with well-equipped equipment and level over fifty-six. It is not too stressful to fight eight elite blood ax soldiers of level fifty-eight.

After destroying the Blood Ax soldiers, two monsters appeared again.

In fact, these two monsters are not considered summoned, because they also drop things, and ordinary summoned creatures do not drop anything.

These two new ones are no longer mobs. According to their health, armor, attack and other standards, it is undoubtedly more appropriate to call them quasi-BOSS. One of them is called Burning Thorn Berserker, and the other is called Sharp Stone. warlord.

"Master Feng, pull one more," Lu Li quickly asked Azure Sea Breeze to pull the monster.

If Burning Thorn Berserker and Sharp Stone Warlord are used together, Piao Ling will not be able to hold it at all. Since the melee attack is weakened after being roared, and it will also be damaged by cleave, so most guilds will use it when fighting this BOSS. There are three defensive professions, and the rest, except for treatment, are almost all long-range.

Lu Li didn't plan on substituting someone in temporarily, so he could barely fight in this way. Those who are capable should work harder. It seems that the blue sea breeze will not kill one more monster for a while.

However, what kind of trouble was he going to make by grabbing the Burning Thorn Berserker?

It was clear that the Sharp Stone Warlord was closer to him, so Lu Li asked him to pull a certain one without naming him. Now, the Burning Thorn Berserker would teach him that pulling monsters randomly will kill people.

Mortal Strike - Burning Thorn Berserker inflicts serious injuries on a player, causing physical damage and reducing all healing effects received by the player by 50% for 15 seconds. He had already killed two people, one of whom was the BOSS. Now he was not only seriously injured, but his healing effect was reduced by 50%. Even the gods could not save him.

The group is destroyed!

Starting over again, this time Azure Sea Breeze finally knew that he should not pull the Burning Thorn Berserker.

Although the Sharp Stone Warlord is quite difficult to deal with and can even become violent, as long as it is not a real BOSS, Azure Sea Breeze can ignore its violent behavior.

This stage was finally passed with difficulty. At this time, Yiren Leihuanzhirou had already replied that the City of Glory had defeated the second BOSS in the black area, Shadow Hunter Washgas, and had begun to conquer the third BOSS. Lu Li had to admit that the speed of this group of people was quite fast. If they started fighting from the same starting point, the Sword of Judgment might not be able to compare with the City of Glory.

Fortunately, he has something in mind, and he can also use it in the third stage.

In the P3 stage, Wimsalak began to show off the long-handled weapon in his hand. This weapon seemed to allow him to frequently use Sweep Slam, a group attack ultimate move. Therefore, Lu Li and others faced group injuries one after another. , their blood volume is constantly losing, even if there is treatment and desperately increasing blood volume, it will not help.

Under normal circumstances, after players have eliminated groups many times, they will sum up some positioning experience.

Sweeping Slam is not a 360-degree attack with no dead ends. It will have a cone-shaped attack range. This means that if it targets a player, the player should be at the tip of the cone of the skill. , the fan-shaped area formed between the BOSS and the player is the damage range.

If this is the case, then it would be natural to not let players stand within the cone between other players and the BOSS.

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