Huadi Liqing has never felt so good!

As a mage, is it normal for a mage who doesn't like PK?

For most people, it should be normal, and everyone has their own way of playing. But for Huadi Liqing of the Sword of Judgment, there is nothing normal about it. He is a regular in the top three of the Dawn Rankings, and is the first in the mage profession. , has been weighing on Xiao Mo's head for a long time, and even Xiao Mo pays attention to him from time to time.

Moreover, he is also the main force of the Sword of Judgment land reclamation team. As long as there is a mage with good equipment, it will be equipped on him first.

Many people think that his equipment is better than Xiao Mo - this is of course impossible. Xiao Mo spent an unknown amount of money on his outfit, which reflects the overall strength and courage of a super old guild.

But this guy doesn’t know how to PK!

In fact, even if high-end PVE players are poor in PK, they won't be that bad. After all, no matter what you do in the game, it tests your adaptability and operation. If you can beat BOSS, why can't you beat people?

But Huadi Liqing is an exception. The otaku with social phobia panics when seeing others.

Now, he is standing next to his sister, with his hands open and his arms slightly raised. A cold blizzard is constantly washing away the graveyards of tribal players under the guidance of his spells. As long as a player is resurrected, they will be greeted by a blizzard. .

The equipment level of this guy is incredible, and the damage it does is of course outrageous.

At least Lu Li couldn't get involved at all. He could only watch these poor individual players get up and die, then get up again.

There is honor for killing, not only for the murderer, but also for the accomplices, so everyone is not in a hurry to grab the heads, just watch a few guys wreak havoc there using group attack skills.

The battle didn't last long as the tribe players lost all their resources.

The system reminded Lu Li that they had won the victory, and then teleported them out of the battlefield. Lu Li did not delay when he came out, and immediately queued up the next match. To play this game, you need to be quick. After all, it takes a while to queue up the battlefield, and it is not possible to queue up in seconds every time. (I have never been able to figure out why the Alliance queues in seconds, but the Horde has to wait).

The second scene appeared in the same place.

But this time the opponent is not a single person, but a team. The professional mix is ​​more reasonable. It seems that they are born for the battlefield.

You can't see the names of people on the battlefield control panel, but you can see the professional composition. After the battle starts, the player's number of kills and kills, the number of auxiliary kills, the total amount of damage caused, and the number of players killed in this battle will be counted. The honor value gained from.

"Why are you no longer a single person this time?" Huadi Liqing expressed his displeasure. He really liked the feeling of cutting people off just like mowing grass.

He was high on the kill list, surpassing the second place Yueguang several times. His sister Sanyueyu looked at him with admiration in her eyes - at least that's how he understood it. In fact, Sanyueyu was very surprised why his brother So perverted and murderous.

"It's normal. The system will allocate it intelligently," Yiren Lei Laozhirou has been on the battlefield recently, so she knows more about it.

The so-called intelligent allocation only exists for teams of five people or more. The results of the battles they participated in will be used as a reference data. In the next battle, the system is very likely - but it may match the strength. Approach their team.

Lu Li spent a lot of time in the second match just now, probably because of the difficulty in matching.

It is indeed very difficult to find a team with strength close to theirs.

The opponents in this battle were all players who were at least level 55 or above. They seemed to be members of an elite group from a certain guild. As soon as they left the gate, they rode their mounts and rushed towards the gold mine, lumberyard and blacksmith shop.

The strategy was no different from the previous game. Lu Li still led the main army to the blacksmith shop. The blacksmith shop is located in the center of the map. If you win this place, you can go to the other four bases at any time, so it is very strategic. The same is true for the general blacksmith shop battles. The most intense thing is that Lu Li can calmly control the overall situation by attacking here.

When Lu Li came to the blacksmith shop, he didn't even have time to open the flag when he saw a mage riding an ostrich and rushing towards him.

Ostrich is the blood elf's racial mount. It's quite funny when it runs wildly. Its movement speed is not outstanding. The current mounts are all about the same speed, so he and Lu Li arrived at the blacksmith's shop at almost the same time.

Of course, Lu Li would not raise the flag in vain. He jumped off his mount and rushed towards the mage who was stunned for a moment.

The mage was obviously not a fuel-efficient lamp. He retreated while summoning the water element. Lu Li's dagger had just stabbed him, and his ice shield had already covered his body. He harassed Lu Li while calling his teammates to come to the rescue. Shan said Combat experience shows that these people often mess around in the battlefield.

The battlefield is different from the arena, and the fighting inside is more scattered.

For example, right now, a few of them were attacking Lu Li, a leather-armored thief, and Lu Li had to retreat to his own camp.

"Wandering entangles them, Noyu treats them!" Of course, he can't be idle. While letting other players who are more resistant, such as the paladin Rain Like Wanderer, go up and charge into the battle, he and Noyu team up with other healers to hit the opponent. Druid.

The most feared thing on the battlefield is fighting alone and not obeying orders. Among them, the worst thing is to only think about killing people without healing.

Fortunately, Lu Li's side was all members of the Sword of Judgment, and there was no such thing as disobeying orders, so this poor druid died after barely holding on for a few treatments. Once the healer died, the remaining few would naturally die. It's hard to do anything. Besides, there are two more Swordsmen of Judgment at the blacksmith shop.

"Lumberyard crisis, lumberyard crisis, please support, fuck," the fat monkey's voice yelled in the chat channel.

From the last tone, I guess he gave up, but I don’t know how.

"Mu Qiu, Memories, and Nuo Yu, the three of you are here to guard the blacksmith shop. The others will follow me to the lumberyard. How is the situation at the gold mine?" Lu Li summoned his mount and rode up, asking as he ran.

Flying mounts or similar methods cannot be used in the battlefield, so Lu Li cannot become a crow flying to the high ground in the logging camp. He can only run all the way there with his mount. This is considered a good thing for him. He is a poor guy who has no money to buy a mount. I could only move over little by little with my short legs.

"The gold mine is in good condition. Just two of them came over," Piao Ling replied.

It seems that the people on the opposite side put their main force in the lumberyard and then the blacksmith shop. The gold mine was probably planned to be abandoned from the beginning.

"There is a thief in the animal pen, what should I do?" Bai Renyou asked.

"Don't let him raise the flag, just go!" Lu Li looked at the position of his teammates on the map and asked Yueguang to go over to support him. If there were two defenders, Yueguang and Bai Renyou, even if there were two thieves on the opposite side, it would be useless. Moreover, Lu Li felt that the other party was just trying their luck by sending people to the animal pens. It was unrealistic to steal the animal pens when they had not yet gained an advantage in the middle of the battle.

"Sun, I don't want to hold the flag," Moonlight protested.

"If you can kill the thieves in the farmland, then go to the blacksmith shop or the gold mine. I guess they will go there after they are resurrected. Hey, senior brother, why are you not dead yet?" Lu Li had already run to the woodcutting area as he spoke. Field, the strange thing is that Fat Monkey did not die.

"Tch, I won't die even if you die. Some idiot almost pushed me down just now," Fat Monkey pointed at a shaman from the opposite camp.

Lu Li suddenly realized that it was probably the Shaman's Thunder Storm, which could summon a lightning bolt, causing damage to all nearby enemies within 10 yards, pushing them away from the Shaman, and reducing their movement speed by 10%. Forty, this skill is not too common, it is a mission skill, and only players with an affinity for elements - to put it bluntly, elemental shamans - can access it.

"Then how come you weren't pushed down? It's such a deep cliff. You probably won't die or be disabled."

"Mao Yao, my brother showed up right away. His moves were so cool that he had no friends at all," said Fat Monkey very proudly.

How could a player at the level of a racer be proud of bullying ordinary elite players like this? Lu Li was too lazy to complain about him. He defeated his opponent with three strikes, five additions, and two. He summoned his mount and left directly.

No crisis calls have been received at several points, so he, the leader of the group, planned to do something exciting and directly attack the opponent's farmland.

The Arathi Basin is a valley with ups and downs of mountains, but there are some farmlands in it that can be considered the most suitable for farming in the Eastern Kingdom. The farmland is the closest to the tribe's base camp, so it is generally regarded as the tribe's territory by both parties.

There will definitely be some people left behind, but I don’t know how many people are left behind and what their occupations are.

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