The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 1295 Virtual Stocks

The Sword of Judgment determines the country in one battle, and the City of Glory surrenders the Champions Cup!

This is the new media headline.

No matter what, the Sword of Judgment became the new championship team. From its establishment to winning the professional league championship, it only took a little more than half a year, second only to the Imperial Palace twenty years ago.

It only took three months for Emperor's Palace to win the championship of that professional league, and it was instantly popular. But now, who still remembers the name Emperor's Palace? Only some old players can get a glimpse of it, or from the pile of old papers. Their style back then.

The Sword of Judgment is different from the Imperial Palace.

The Emperor's Mansion was a wealthy man who spent a lot of money to gather some of the best professional players at the time. They had no club foundation, no long-term planning, and no rules and regulations. They didn't even have a serious guild to back them up. It was like a building built on The splendid mansion on the beach disappeared almost overnight because of financial problems.

Although the Sword of Judgment was short-lived, it was also established in a hurry.

Looking back, the Sword of Judgment is indeed not as rich as those old clubs, but looking at the present, the Sword of Judgment Club has a strong guild as its foundation, the internal elite group is growing rapidly, and the external alliance of Weiyu Pavilion Wushuang City has formed an alliance. It will get stronger and stronger. Looking forward, the training camp is also being intensively prepared.

Lu Li reminded himself all the time not to follow the same path as the Imperial Palace.

He looked at his teammates who were happy but exhausted, and knew that he was far from ready to relax.

Back at the headquarters, it was another celebration. The team was busy until very late, and Lu Li had time to meet with the club's players and senior management for a small meeting.

"We just won, it's like a dream, everyone worked hard," Root No. 3 still doesn't feel too real yet.

He saw the narrow-mindedness and short-sightedness of a group of rich second-generation college students from the Star-Moon Guild's treatment of Lu Li. If the Star-Moon Guild could treat Lu Li sincerely and make him feel a sense of belonging to the guild, then today's glory might be It's from the Star and Moon Guild.

Leaving Star-Moon Guild and joining Sword of Judgment wasn't exactly how convincing Lu Li was.

Root No. 3 is just tired of the traditional style of large clubs and wants to try a different path. Even if he fails, he should change his mood. It will only take a year or two at most. He is not a racing player. There is a problem of being too old to compete.

Unexpectedly, in just a short time, he would be managing a champion guild.

"Quiet, although we won, no matter how we won, it's gratifying, but please don't forget the gap between us and the big clubs," Lu Li came up and poured a pot of water when everyone was smiling. cold water.

"If the City of Glory hadn't been intimidated, we would have defeated them head-on," Fat Monkey said with great regret.

"No, you are wrong. If there is really another game, we may not win," Lu Li shook his head, took out a list, put the list on the instrument, and a string of data came out: "This is what Lao Shen passed on to me today. You can see what a large club is."

What is shown above is a purchase list, as well as some transaction records. Most of them are materials and medicines, and there are also various levels of equipment, from gold to legendary. The amount is huge. It is roughly estimated that these transactions add up to at least hundreds of millions. Forehead.

Shen Wansan first formed an alliance with Lu Li, and later formed an alliance with the Sword of Judgment. He was regarded as Lu Li's best partner.

Sword of Judgment's external transactions basically go through Shen Wansan. After more than half a year of cooperation, everyone cherishes this relationship. Shen Wansan was worried that Lu Li would be dazzled by the victory, so he tried every means to collect such a list from his colleagues.

At present, the major clubs are still in the investment stage of the Suguang game.

Putting aside factors such as management and opportunity, there is no doubt that whoever spends more money will be more powerful. Lu Li has developed a guild from scratch, and it cannot be compared to these people who are willing to spend money. of the Great Guild.

"This deal is an order jointly received by more than 120 large-scale mercenary groups. The rare materials involved are at least three times more than our inventory. Do you still think we can defeat them head-on?" Lu Li's hand With a pull in the void, a transaction record was pulled out.

"As well as these sixteen pieces of legendary equipment, the City of Glory has emptied the inventory of the largest chamber of commerce alliance in the gaming industry at once..."

"This kind of fire resistance potion is very useful for dungeons. The City of Glory directly bought back the pharmacist who made the potion. This kind of method and courage makes me tremble with fear."

"We have many means that we can use in the game. For example, in March, your big drive unfortunately didn't have a chance to be shown. Others have it, and so do I, but we have a trump card, and there are more in the City of Glory... …”

If it was a wild carnival during the day, now everything has cooled down.

"We still have a long way to go, so you all have to keep working hard," Lu Li paused and turned to ask Root Number Three: "How much funds do we still have, and how much money can we get this time?"

"We have no money," Root Number Three said about the lack of money. Not only was he not depressed, but he was a little excited: "But we will soon make a lot of money. Because we won the championship, we will be able to win the championship with both hands." The ticket sales will be divided into 20% of the total, and there will also be various bonuses, which are conservatively estimated to be 80 million."

Eighty million, Lu Li's eyes almost made stars pop out.

"What's more pity is our home game. Because the City of Glory gave up, we lost a lot of ticket revenue," Root No. 3 said with a pained face.

If the City of Glory abandons the game, it will pay a penalty to the league to make up for the organizer's losses, but this money has nothing to do with the Sword of Judgment. After all, the Sword of Judgment can win without a fight, and it seems effortless on the surface. Winning the race is a big money-making thing.

"Being contented and happy, the situation is much better than expected," Lu Li said optimistically.

Before his rebirth, he could only feed himself with food and clothing, and had no money left to equip himself in the game to enhance his strength and make big money. When he had some money left, his sister was diagnosed with a serious illness, and the money was not even enough for medical treatment. In the end, I could only watch my sister walk towards death step by step in despair.

After his rebirth, he was still poor, relying on the advantage of his rebirth to make money bit by bit. At first, he had to get the money for the helmet from the Star and Moon Guild without even a hint of cheating.

Now it’s finally different!

The Sword of Judgment has never been so rich. When the club's capital was at its highest, it did not exceed 10 million. They usually spent it immediately after earning several hundred thousand. A few million would allow them to relax for a while, and sometimes even Lu Li needs to come forward to find some water elf turnover to maintain the situation.

Of course, Lu Li couldn't use all of the 80 million to develop the guild.

First of all, 8 million must be handed over to the government at a tax rate of 10%. This is the result of the 10% paid by the organizer, plus the tax reduction to support the national game industry. Otherwise, if we follow the normal corporate tax payment method, these Money will continue to shrink.

Then some were taken out and distributed to the racers.

According to the practice in the professional circle, this ratio can be more or less, usually from 10% to 50%.

Don't think that clubs that can give 10% to the players are good. Only small clubs that don't make much money and a group of people who share the benefits almost equally will choose this method of sharing the spoils. If a large club only takes 10%, Not to mention making money and developing, even daily expenses are not possible.

Every time the City of Glory wins the championship, the commission is 50%, which is why it has such huge financial resources to develop.

"About the issue of commission, the club may feel aggrieved to everyone," Lu Li could have asked Root San to speak up, but he still chose to say it directly himself. Talking about money hurts feelings, and there is no need to always let things offend others. Root number three does it.

The conference room was a bit silent, and no one seemed to know how to answer the call.

The kind of thing where the protagonist's body is shaken and the people below are immediately stunned, it is almost impossible to happen in reality, and no one is willing to pay a dime rather than work hard. Everyone wants to eat, everyone wants to make money, and everyone wants to think Just buy whatever you want, don't worry about the price.

Even if my neighbors and relatives ask me how much I earn in a month when I go home during the Chinese New Year, I would be embarrassed to say that I didn’t take even a dime from home.

Dreams are something that can only be discussed if you have a full meal.

Therefore, no one will stand up and say that they do not want to pay for it, and even if they think so in their hearts, they will not say it.

For example, Fat Monkey doesn't want this money. He feels that he can't spend money by staying in the house playing games all day long, having food and accommodation in the club, and picking up girls just by looking good. But he hasn't had the brains to do it in public yet. Speak the thought.

If Fat Monkey says he doesn’t want the money, how can other people be so embarrassed to take the money?

You don't need money, but don't block other people's money.

For a poor person like Yue Guang, who even buys a pack of cigarettes for three yuan, it is completely reasonable to spend some money to improve his life and help his former comrades.

There are people like Mu Qiu, who has to support his family.

It is impossible for other people to live happily and comfortably without money. At least many people here have plans to buy their own houses in Jiangnan City.

"This time the club will take 50%, 30% will be used for development, 20% will be used for rewards, and the remaining 50% will be given to everyone here. Everyone can put forward their opinions. I am not a dictator, and everything can be discussed. Let's not hide things in our hearts, lest they affect the future," Lu Li saw no one said anything, so he had to announce the result himself.

"Based on our situation, this is a bit much," Mao Dad, who is a senior executive, was also present: "In my opinion, everyone can just share some pocket money. If you have so much money, you won't be able to spend it in a while. , I guess no one knows how to invest, right?"

It was not easy to offend other racers just now, but now I have to stand up.

"It has to be divided. If the guild is short of money, I can borrow it from everyone." It's not that Lu Li doesn't like money, he just doesn't want to damage everyone's enthusiasm because of short-term interests.

"The two of us can take a moment to talk. How about Third Brother and Piao Ling come together?" Cat Dad hesitated and said.

"Okay, let's have a meeting in the small conference room next to it. If you have any ideas, you can discuss them among yourself first." Lu Li stood up and followed Cat Dad out. As he left, he didn't forget to ask everyone to relax first.

Root No. 3 also felt that this matter needed to be discussed. As for Piao Ling, who looked worried, he probably didn't hear what Lu Li said at all.

After several senior executives left, the conference room was silent for a while.

Now the only ones left are the racers. Whether everyone admits it or not, there is a certain gap between them and Lu Li. When it comes to these disputes of interests, there is no way to talk directly.

"You still need money, right," Fat Monkey said bravely.

"The guild's development is quite short of money, especially at this stage," Yue Guang touched his chin, which had been smoothed just this morning, and felt a slight pain in his gums.

He is an orphan. He usually doesn't need money except for smoking and drinking. However, he has been living in poverty. He can't let go of the orphanage where he was raised. He has to send money frequently. Several people who brought him into the industry The old game player is not having a good life, and he often donates money, and he also has some friends who are in difficulty...

"What I mean is, our money is almost enough to buy a house anyway," Sanyue Yu and Huadi Liqing are both veterans. They have fixed shares in the guild and receive constant dividends.

Although it wasn't much, it was enough for them to buy an apartment in a community near the club.

Others also expressed their thoughts. Generally speaking, money still needs to be taken. Otherwise, why would you work so hard? Why can't dreams and money be taken into consideration at the same time?

It's just that everyone is either home or useless, and it doesn't make sense to have money in hand, so after discussing it, I came up with an idea. Can I keep enough to spend, and then give it to Lu Li to develop the club? This would be the best of both worlds.

Lu Li and the other four people here were also discussing what to do with the money.

"It's definitely not possible to divide it into 50% as you said," Piao Ling kept shaking his head: "Just do the math. After deducting 8 million in taxes, there are still more than 70 million left. If you divide it into 50%, you will only have 3,000. Six, of these three thousand and six, you must use at least one thousand as guild benefits..."

"The senior management and shareholders will also have to share some, about eight million," Lu Li added.

"Haha, there is less than 20 million left, what can the club do with this? Let's go to Dabao Sword together?" Piao Ling sneered unceremoniously.

"Twenty million is really useless. We might not even be able to support the next competition, unless we open the door to raise funds," Root No. 3 smiled wryly and spread his hands. A clever woman can't make a meal without rice. Normal development is pretty good. Twenty million can do a lot. It's over, but after just winning the championship, who doesn't want to accelerate development.

"Financing," Lu Li sighed, but still shook his head resolutely.

Regardless of whether he has a philistine mentality or is truly resolutely independent, he will never accept the manipulation of capital.

"Actually, I've always wanted to say, why get some virtual stocks?" Cat Dad couldn't help but ask. He called Lu Li out just to discuss the matter. "I know there are many flaws in financing, especially the current capital market. If we are too eager for quick success, we can issue virtual stocks."

"Virtual stocks?" Lu Li felt that this term was very familiar.

He had been studying this aspect some time ago, but unfortunately he was semi-illiterate, so he couldn't actually come up with anything useful in his research.

"There are still many clubs that use the concept of virtual shares. You can understand it as a kind of virtual equity issued by the club to specific incentive groups. The incentive objects can enjoy a certain amount of dividend rights and stock price appreciation income, but they have no ownership rights. It has no voting rights, cannot be transferred or sold, and will automatically expire when you leave the club..." Mao Dad introduced some knowledge about virtual stocks very professionally.

Lu Li was immediately tempted. On the one hand, this thing could solve his worries, and on the other hand, it could benefit everyone.

"Just allocate these virtual shares according to the number they subscribed. You just need to determine the amount to take out, but not too much. If it is too much, it will be worthless. And although this stock is virtual, the money is real. Yes," Cat Dad reminded.

After some discussion, Lu Li decided to adopt this method.

In fact, there is no need to release too many virtual stocks. As long as the money everyone invests can steadily increase in value, it is more profitable than putting it in a bank, and it is not as risky as investment. After all, everyone will be happy with the result.

When I returned to the conference room and said this, everyone immediately agreed.

Nonsense, I originally decided to lend it to the club so that the club can develop well, but I didn't expect that there would be dividends to be collected. It's okay for people like March Rain who got the dividend from the beginning, but those who came in later have been jealous for a long time.

If dividends are received according to the club's development level, it will not only be a matter of monetary interests, but also give people a strong sense of belonging to the club.

I am working hard for my dream and making money for myself.

The harder I work, the more I make.

Calculating this way, the money that can be used to develop the club ends up being 50 million. From less than 20 million to 50 million in the end, it is a matter of thinking about the problem from a different angle.

Although some benefits were given away in terms of dividends, compared with 50 million, those are just clouds.

With fifty million, Lu Li finally had great confidence.

No matter how the City of Glory plans to fight, the Sword of Judgment will not be stage frightened. Now that the tide has turned, whether it is a lucky win or not, the championship team is the Sword of Judgment.

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