The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 1301 Chief Red

So, everyone started a heated discussion on how to rush into this room without dying.

"Why do you have to go in?" Lu Li interrupted them: "Go forward, maybe you can enter the next room."

In fact, no one knows what is in this room. There are also paladins who have used invincibility to break in, but unfortunately they can't get to the end. In addition, the light inside is very dark and you can't see clearly even if you light a torch, so you have no way of knowing what the room is like. There is something deep down.

Everyone thought so, so they stopped worrying about what was inside.

Only the blue sea breeze turned pale. He was not afraid of death. It was a game anyway. As a MT who faced the BOSS every time, he had long been accustomed to death. However, the unknown dangers in the dark always made people scared. As soon as he stepped into the room, his eyes were filled with darkness. The feeling of darkness and then being hung out was just awful.

"Don't be afraid," Lu Li comforted him and said, "We will take turns, and I will enter the second room."

Azure Sea Breeze suddenly felt that Lu Li was more pleasing to his eyes, and he decided to take back the words he had scolded Lu Li before. In fact, Lu Li was quite a good person, and he was actually willing to take on such a dangerous job. Poor kid, he probably forgot that thieves were originally supposed to be scouts. role.

Lu Li swaggered in and rushed out a few seconds later with a group of mobs.

Azure Sea Breeze numbly mocked the mobs, feeling very aggrieved. Why did he die when he entered the first room, and there were only mobs in this second room? Is his character really bad, worse than Lu Li?

Lu Li smiled and output monsters. The second monster was the correct path. Of course there would be no problem. Rebirth was so awesome.

After the monsters in the room were cleared, the innermost door opened automatically. After entering, there was a hall filled with groups of monsters. Most of them were Black Hand veterans, and they were the kind that could fly.

Everyone knew how to fight without Lu Li's orders.

Many teams will be wiped out here. The reason is that they take the mobs lightly. Some people are rushed away by the mobs and fall into other monsters. Everyone has to run over to save them. After the formation is chaotic, other people are knocked away. , over and over again, more and more monsters are attracted, it would be strange if they are not destroyed.

Lu Li and others chose to pull into the corner and clean up with their backs to the other monsters. Even if they were knocked away, they would still be pushed against the wall.

The mobs were quickly cleared away, revealing the Black Hand Legion Armor Master Guraluk hidden inside. He looked like an old orc, with slightly gray skin and a large chin that protruded forward. With exposed fangs, other parts of the face are small and sinister.

Lu Li's attention was mainly focused on the armor on the opponent's body. He wanted to know what the abilities of this relatively well-known armor caster in Dawn were.

But he quickly gave up. Graluk's armor was dark in color, and the texture was not metallic as Lu Li thought. It was really funny that an armor-smith actually wore leather armor sewn by a tailor. .

Gulaluk held a torch in one hand, and the firelight deeply outlined the facial features, making the entire face look even more terrifying. In its other hand it held a spear decorated with a string of white objects.

In fact, you don’t need to fight this BOSS, since he won’t be able to produce anything good anyway.

The reason why Lu Li chose to beat him was because he would drop one of the armor-casting books. If he remembered correctly, it should be called the second half of "Advanced Armor-Forging Techniques: Volume One".

In his collection, he already has the second half of "Advanced Armor-Forging Techniques: Volume Two" produced by the Red Hammersmith of Stratholme, and "Advanced Armor-Forging Techniques" by the Black Guard Swordsmith of Stratholme. : The second half of Volume Three", the first half of "Advanced Armor-Forging Technique: Volume Two" dropped by the Blood and Bone Puppet of Scholomance Academy, and the "Advanced Armor-Forging Technique: Volume Two" dropped by Urok on the lower floor of Blackstone Tower. The first half of "Three Volumes".

Volumes 2 and 3 are ready.

The only thing missing now is the first half of the first volume dropped by King Gordok, the Hammer of Doom, and the second half of the first volume dropped by the guy in front of me.

Lu Li's main focus in casting is casting weapons. If his life skills are broken down in the future, he will also choose to cast weapons. After all, he himself does not know how to wear plate armor and mail armor made by casting techniques.

But stones from other mountains can be used to attack jade. There is at least no harm in studying the art of armor casting, and it may also bring enlightenment in other aspects.

The armor-caster Guraluk was not very powerful, and it only took a while to fight him. He was defeated in a few minutes. As expected, he didn't drop anything valuable. Fortunately, he dropped the "Advanced Armor-casting Technology" that Lu Li wanted. : The second half of Volume 1.

In fact, he may also drop the Great Armorer's Hammer, which is a tool used by Forging Life players.

Even if it's not as good as Lu Li's casting hammer, it can at least be used as an over-casting hammer in the early stage. Many casters without background can't even buy this hammer even if they want it, because the further they go, the fewer people will be able to use it. BOSS.

After solving it, go to the right and there are two stairs going up. There are dragons and orc guards in the middle of the stairs.

There are many difficulties here for ordinary teams, because patrol teams will suddenly appear. Going up the stairs, the view obtained is not wide, and the light in the tower is very dim.

Orc guards will fly away, dragons will blast, especially dragon-like creatures that can spray more than a thousand fire damage.

Fortunately, Lu Li and others are very strong. Not only the equipment, the racers are obviously easier to avoid the jets, and the monster's fighting methods can never be compared with other racers. After passing here, you will come to the Arena, which is a hall sunken in the middle.

"Who are those two cowards, the next BOSS?" Azure Sea Breeze observed for a moment, then locked his eyes on the BOSS who was across the arena from them.

There were two obvious bosses, one of whom was humanoid and the other was an orc. There was a dragon parked next to it. Because it was covered with a saddle, it could be judged that it was the mount of one of the bosses.

"Nefarian," Lu Li said, pointing to the humanoid creature among them.

"Na... Nefarian, shouldn't he be a black dragon?" Azure Sea Breeze shrank his head. No matter how ignorant he was, he would not find this name unfamiliar. At least in this place, Blackstone Tower, everyone should be familiar with this name. The name is maintained with a certain respect.

"Have you forgotten Onyxia, the black dragon princess? She was in human form when she was lurking in Stormwind City, and Krasus. You may not know who Krasus is. He transformed into a human form. He was the youngest companion of Alexstrasza, the Queen of Life, and Krasus was the name he used when he was in another form. He is a powerful mage..."

"Wait, the youngest partner?" Fat Monkey was puzzled.

"That's the literal meaning. Whether it's the Red Dragon Queen or the Green Dragon Queen, they all have many partners. Although Krasus is extremely powerful, he is still only one of the male concubines of the Red Dragon Queen," Lu Li said calmly. explain.

"Wow, idol," Hachi-chan exclaimed.

"Okay, if you are ready for the battle, let's start." Lu Li raised his hand and fired at the two big bosses on the opposite side of the arena. This shot seemed to have hit some barrier, causing the barrier to flood. There was a little ripple.

"It turns out they are a group of adventurers. They came just in time. The arena needs blood to make it more vivid. Red, greet them," Nefarian glanced disdainfully.

"Put it on me," the so-called Great Chief Red Blackhand bowed slightly and shouted to Lu Li and others: "Since you want to challenge Great Chief Red, you must first pass my test. Now, let me see It depends on your strength.”

A wave of monsters appeared in the arena below, and the purpose is self-evident.

"Jump down!" Lu Li kicked Azure Sea Breeze, who was standing at the edge of the upper edge of the arena. Fortunately, Yue Yue's quick eyes and hands made him float, otherwise he would have lost some blood if he fell like this. .

Azure Sea Breeze was no longer able to protest. He was facing the monsters in the arena.

Others quickly jumped into this arena using their own methods. If they want the chief Red to come down, they must accept the test in this arena. There are ten waves of monsters in total, and each wave is stronger than the last. Many teams They were all defeated by the constant onslaught of these monsters.

There is no time difference between monsters in nightmare difficulty, or it should be said that there is no interval between these monsters at all.

Even if you leave one monster to grind slowly, you won't be able to get any rest time. The next wave of monsters will rush out before the monsters finish killing them.

The difficulty level dungeon is slightly better. There is a very short rest period, where you can eat to restore blood volume, replenish medicines, etc. No matter how short it is, it is still a rest time, so the difficulty level dungeon is simpler here, and so on for other difficulty level dungeons. , only on the normal difficulty level can you have enough time to rest slowly.

"Don't use skills randomly, be prepared for a protracted battle," Lu Li said. It was impossible to spoil the ten waves of monsters in total, so he could only ask everyone to consider the continuity of the battle as much as possible.

"Do you want to start a fight? It's a bit slow," Huadi Liqing asked.

"It's better not to start an explosion or anything. We still don't know what will happen later. Although it looks scary now, it's not the real crisis yet." Lu Li actually didn't pay much attention to these little monsters, which really made him worry. He was worried about Chief Red. Although this chief's name had little value, he was the leader of a tribe after all.

The first few bosses are not too difficult, but the group will probably be wiped out several times here.

During the process of defeating mobs and accepting the test, the two guys above would chirp and talk nonsense. All they had to do was ignore it. Lu Li and others had no time to refute. These ten waves of mobs put great pressure on them. .

No one can die here, otherwise the next wave of monsters will be more difficult to defeat.

With great difficulty, everyone managed to hold on until the last monster of the tenth wave fell. What made Lu Li satisfied was that there were only some damage reduction and explosive uses with relatively fast cooldown time. Everyone managed to leave all their means to the coming Black Hand Chief. .

At this time, Nefarian shouted: "This is impossible, Red, get rid of these guys!"

"It's an honor to serve you. I will definitely deal with these humble mortals." Reid felt very ashamed. He sent out ten waves of arena masters, but failed to capture these adventurers, and let Nefarian blame himself. .

Nefarian is spinning around on it and won't come down - in this dungeon, players don't have to face him directly.

Reid rode a dragon and ran down from the top - I don't understand why he didn't just jump down. Lu Li and others can jump to such a height, how can it be so difficult to survive such a high-level BOSS, not to mention he is riding a dragon. Could it be that the dragon was flapping chicken wings?

But this was good, Lu Li and others could sit down and eat bread calmly to recover their previous consumption.

When the Horde was defeated in the second war, Red Blackhand, the son of the first chieftain, brought the remaining forces of the tribe to Blackrock Spire to compete with the Dark Iron dwarves for territory. Red led the orcs, allied with Nefarian and the Black Dragonflight, to defeat the dwarves and drive them out of the upper areas of Blackrock Spire.

When talking about Red's Blackhand, we must mention his father Blackhand. This man's fighting ability is quite explosive.

For his own benefit, Blackhand cooperated with Gul'dan's Shadow Council and became the chief of the tribe. But in fact, Blackhand was just a puppet. The real manipulator behind the scenes was Gul'dan. Since Durotan wanted to fly solo, Blackhand sent His sons Red and Maim went to kill the couple, which angered Orgrim. While Gul'dan fell into a deep sleep, he led his henchmen to attack Blackhand and succeeded in taking over.

But no matter what, Blackhand is at least a figure, and his combat effectiveness is also very strong.

Blackhand's two sons, Red and Maim, separated themselves from the Blackstone Clan to lead a group of their own. This clan was called the Blackfang Clan. With Orgrim's defeat at Blackstone Mountain, these two men escaped encirclement and came to Blackstone. Tower defeated the Dark Iron Dwarves and took over the mountain as king, and formed a new Blackstone Tribe. After Maimu was accidentally assassinated, Red Blackhand became the chief of the Blackstone Tribe.

Originally, I was just going to dominate the land and become a local emperor for the rest of my life. But who knew that Nefarian was also interested in this land? Now Red's black hand, who finally became the warchief, became Nefarian's subordinate again. Puppet Chief.

However, what he did as a puppet was too groveling.

For Nefarian, Red was useless to the extreme. Perhaps it was precisely because he was so useless that Nefarian kept Red alive. On the other hand, it was to win over these Blackstone Orcs and let them Willingly working for oneself.

Of course, Lu Li had a very clear understanding: in Nefarian's eyes, Red was very weak, but for players at this stage, Red was a very difficult to kill group-killing BOSS.

Warchief Red's appearance is very cool, because he rides a dragon named Geth.

Gas? Damn it?

Everyone almost laughed out loud when they saw the name of this dragon.

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