The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 1311 Skinning Knife

Not violent?

While everyone else was rejoicing that the BOSS was not violent, Piao Ling could only watch the behemoth slowly fall down with a disappointed look on his face.

What made him even more frustrated was that Azure Sea Breeze actually received a skill point reward.

It is all lies to say that good will be rewarded with good and evil will be rewarded with evil.

"Quickly explore the equipment and defeat the BOSS in one go. How long do you plan to rest," Lu Li urged.

"Lu Bapi..."

"What are you talking about?" Lu Li finally heard it clearly this time. He often heard similar voices before, but every time he didn't listen carefully. These guys actually called him Lu Papi behind his back. Such an unpleasant nickname and such a flagrant frame-up. .

"It's nothing. We said it's no problem at all. Mengmeng hurry up and touch the equipment," Hachi-chan said, pushing her friend.

"Stones, skill books, materials, gold equipment, dark gold equipment, there is only one legendary equipment, which is not as generous as the previous BOSS," Can Meng quickly took out everything.

"Be content with yourself. Apart from the fact that the Behemoth likes disgusting MT, it's actually not too difficult. It would be nice to get legendary equipment. Paladin's output equipment is not suitable for Mu Qiu. It's too wasteful for you to use Piao Ling. I'll throw it away in the warehouse. Let's go." Lu Li quickly distributed the equipment and stones.

It is only possible to store legendary equipment in the warehouses of club guilds.

As long as you have enough points, you can exchange legendary equipment. Although 90% of players are unlikely to have the points to exchange for legendary equipment, relatively speaking, this is the fairest distribution principle. At least everyone still has A hope.

What's left in the end is a rather special piece of equipment.

Funk's skinning knife!

In everyone's eyes, this may be a dagger with extremely low attributes.

But Lu Li knew how valuable this humble knife was. It should be said that even the output equipment of the Paladin might not be as valuable as this knife.

Funk's Skinning Knife (Gold): Damage 32-48, Agility +25, Strength +12, Hit +15%, Groove 1, Effect 1: Attack Speed ​​+10%, Effect 2: Blitz, Instant, after use Quickly rush to the target. The first attack will be a critical hit. The equipment requires level 55 and durability 130/130.

If this piece of equipment is level 30, then it would be nice to have such attributes.

It's a pity that this is level 55 equipment. No matter how bad the weapon is, the damage of this weapon is higher than that of this weapon. For example, the Devil's Strike in Lu Li's hand has an enhanced damage of 96-135, and the lower attack limit is twice its upper limit.

Even if it is thrown into the guild warehouse, no one will give it a second glance.

In fact, many people got this piece of equipment in the early stages of the game, and almost all of its functions were broken down into enchanting materials by the enchanter.

Until one day, a player was wondering why this piece of equipment was called Finck's Skinning Knife, and there was a line of small words at the bottom of the equipment that read "Property of the Great Traveler Finck Emhor" - there are only a few in Dawn Equipment only has such small yellow characters, which either means that the equipment is truly top-notch, or it means that there is a story behind this equipment.

So, what is the meaning of the fortune of the great traveler Fink Enghall.

What is the profession of the Grand Traveler, who is Finke Enhor, why is his property such an inconspicuous knife, and why did this knife fall from the Behemoth.

In short, this player who likes to think about life is confused.

He visited many people with this knife, but unfortunately he never gained much, until one day, he accidentally used this knife to skin the corpse of a beast-like BOSS.

There is a special skinning knife for skinning. Ordinary weapons cannot bear the task of skinning. When the player peeled off the BOSS's leather, he realized that he had fallen into a ridiculous blind spot - the so-called Funk's skinning knife was actually Literal meaning.

It's a skinning knife!

This discovery disappointed the player, but his long-term obsession made him unwilling, so he decided to continue studying the skinning knife.

Finally, he discovered the value of this skinning knife.

In fact, this skinning knife should have a third hidden special effect - Special Effect 3: Skinning skill points +20, which increases the success rate by 50% when the target is a BOSS.

It increases the skinning skill points by 20%. This is easy to understand. If a level 55 beast requires 240 skinning points, but the player only has 220, it cannot be skinned. No matter how lucky it is, it is useless. But if the skinning knife in his hand is Fink's skinning knife, then the situation is different. The player can treat his skinning points as 240.

Of course, this function can only be said to be excellent, but it is not enough to make this skinning knife worth legendary.

The key is to increase the success rate by 50% when peeling the BOSS. This is the real best part. If you want to understand it, you must talk about the skill of peeling.

Peeling, as the name suggests, does not necessarily mean a lot, it mainly talks about the success rate of peeling.

Any monster can only be skinned once. If it succeeds, you will get different levels of leather. It does not mean that you cannot skin it a second time after failure, but it is impossible to skin it completely. Damaged leather is almost equivalent to garbage. This It's different from reality.

However, for ordinary monsters, the success rate is very high, and you can successfully peel them off as long as your luck is not too bad.

The key is BOSS. According to the analysis of authoritative game theory experts, when the player's skinning skill is dozens of points higher than the skinning level of the skinned object (no matter how high it is, it is useless), the probability of successful skinning is only 10%. If If it's not higher than ten points, one percent would be pretty good.

Therefore, ordinary leather in the game trading market is not expensive. The most expensive leather is the best leather that can only be peeled off the BOSS.

Now, the appearance of this knife has completely subverted the rules of skinning.

You can imagine that when others' peeling success rate is only 10%, your peeling success rate is 60%. How terrifying this is. You have more than half the probability of being able to peel off a complete high-end card. leather.

This player kept silent. He spent money to join the dungeon gold group and skinned bosses to make money.

In order not to attract attention, he would change places from time to time and never stay in the same team more than twice. Therefore, at the beginning, he gave the impression that he was a skinning fanatic and maybe a bit mentally abnormal. .

But there is no impermeable force in the world. He has sold so much high-end leather that he has long been noticed by the cunning and fox-like big businessman.

This lucky man soon met a weak and well-behaved girl, and then he naturally fell in love. Money, love, and the status gradually accumulated due to the accumulation of wealth, all of which are developing in a beautiful direction.

However, keeping secrets is a very painful thing, so he finally shared everything with the girl on the day of successful proposal.

After that, it was like a soap opera.

Everything was a scam. After the big businessman got the secret, his weakness was pitiable. The girl he swore to take care of for the rest of his life completely disappeared from his life. There is a big businessman on the market who can supply high-end leather. He has more power than lucky players to make Funk's skinning knife more rich.

The lucky player gradually realized that his anger could not be resolved, so he did something that was harmful to others and not beneficial to himself.

He stood up and announced everything, from how to obtain Funk's skinning knife to its specific effects, and listed in detail every location and BOSS where precious leather was obtained. These things were later regarded as skinning textbooks by life players.

Lu Li learned about skinning in his last life, so he read the skinning guide written by this lucky player countless times.

It's a pity that he never got a Finke's skinning knife. There were very few Finke's skinning knives on the market, and even if they did, they were a flash in the pan and were immediately bought at exorbitant prices.

This knife can only be dropped by the Bith Behemoth in Nightmare Difficulty, and can be defeated by guild groups. The skinning knives they play on Funk are given to the skinners of their own guilds first. Wild groups can actually kill the Bith Behemoth. It was a beast. It was a pity that Lu Li didn't have the chance to join such a powerful team, and even if he defeated the Behemoth, he might not necessarily drop this skinning knife.

"I've heard about this knife. It..." Lu Li thought for a while and used an unknown game novel as an excuse to tell the secret of this skinning knife.

There weren't many idiots here, so after listening to Lu Li's explanation, everyone immediately understood the value of this skinning knife.

"Give it to Memory. She spends all day fighting monsters outside, so she has more opportunities to use it for skinning." After discussion, everyone basically had no objections to giving Luo Ying a skinning knife to Memory.

As for the other Can Meng who learned the skinning skill - in fact, the hunter is the best profession to learn skinning. Can Meng also learned the skinning skill obediently. Unfortunately, she spent less time fighting monsters and most of them were waiting on her monsters. She doesn't have the heart to skin pets and cute-looking monsters, so until now, her skinning skills haven't reached a high level.

After getting the skinning knife, Luo Ying recalled skinning the Biss beast without any ceremony.

Whether it's a lava dog or a husky, it's still a dog, so it naturally belongs to the category that can be skinned. It's perfect to use the skinning knife it dropped to skin it.

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