The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 1315. Carry a Hachi-chan with you

Lu Li had a chance encounter with Marshal Maxwell, but they didn't have a deep friendship.

That's why he brought Hachi-chan together. This little girl had a high charm, and even a minotaur NPC from the hostile camp was kind to her.

Some people's charm value is high, and tasks are easily triggered. NPCs will also provide various conveniences, including equipment and potions. They may even roll up their sleeves and help in person. However, if their charm value is low, they will just leave. Athletes have a task, which is also full of difficulties.

It is said that there was a beggar in Silvermoon City who was about to starve to death, but he still refused the player's bread - his charm value was too low.

I would rather starve to death than give you the task!

Marshal Maxwell's location in the Flame Peak Cave in the northern part of the Burning Plains is nearby the tribe's flight point, which just confirms the saying that the most dangerous place is the safest. I don't know whether he is a brave person with a high skill or a fool who can't understand the situation. .

Lu Li turns into a crow, and Hachi-chan also turns into a moth—oh no, it's a butterfly, so it's easier to fly up.

"Who are they!" Two guards emerged from the shadows. Judging from their attire, they should be scouts. They camped under the nose of the tribe. These scouts are probably very powerful.

This camp has always existed. Even when it was reborn, no guild was heard of that dared to rush over and level it.

"We are alliance adventurers," Xiaobajiang returned to his original form and came up to say hello. Lu Li followed. He was very speechless when he saw the two menacing guards relaxing their guard. If it were him, he would probably need a knife to come to the door so rashly. He spoke on his neck.

"Strangers are not welcome here, please state your purpose of coming," the guard said seriously in a gentle tone.

"We're looking for Marshal Maxwell," Hachi-chan said obediently.

The two guards looked at each other and began to look nervous. It seemed that these two guys were well prepared and actually knew about Marshal Maxwell's existence.

"There is a piece of information about Blackstone Tower that I want to present to Marshal. By the way, I once rescued Marshal Windsor from Blackstone Abyss. Unfortunately, I failed to protect him, and he eventually died in Under the claws of the black dragon." Lu Li raised his voice slightly.

"Wendsor..." A sigh sounded not far away, and then Lu Li saw a human warrior in heavy armor appear.

The two scouts bowed to the warrior, and then disappeared silently into the darkness again.

"Hello, Marshal Maxwell," Lu Li greeted Xiao Bajiang.

The warrior did not deny his identity. He first greeted Hachi-chan with a smile, and then started to officially leave.

"I remember you as a brave adventurer."

"Ashamed. Although he was brave, he was extremely weak and could not save Marshal Windsor from the black dragon's claws," Lu Li said humbly immediately. In fact, these words were not just to please the other party, he really felt that This is very regrettable.

Lu Li regarded Marshal Windsor as his friend. He met this old knight when he was mourning Anduin Lothar in the Burning Plains. Together, they exposed Major Samuelson, the faceless man lurking in Stormwind City, and then... Release him from the prison of Blackstone Abyss, face the black dragon princess together, and eventually die under the claws of the black dragon just like he saw in the fantasy of Medivh's Tower.

Lu Li was helpless as he watched his friend die tragically. There was a time when he regretted releasing Marshal Windsor from prison.

"You don't have to blame yourself too much. He is an admirable warrior who is not afraid of hardships for his principles," Marshal Maxwell praised his colleagues.

"I will definitely kill Onyxia. The warrior's blood must not be shed in vain," Lu Li said firmly.

"I believe you, friend," Marshal Maxwell patted Lu Li on the shoulder and said sincerely: "But you must act within your ability. Going hastily without strength will only lead to tragedy. Onyxia will definitely Pay the price, and the days when the black dragon will be rampant are numbered.”

The implication is that you are too weak. To kill the Black Dragon Princess is to seek death.

"Yes, I will work hard to improve my strength," Lu Li circled a trap and got close, then bumped Hachi-chan with his elbow.

"Uncle Marshal, we are in trouble now. In Blackstone Tower - the Blackstone Tower controlled by Onyxia and her brother, we met a very powerful dragon man. He was fierce and unreasonable. He brought Six little brothers..." Hachichan chirped and complained.

If this were said to Lu Li, Marshal Maxwell's most likely reaction would be to pat Lu Li on the shoulder and tell him to wait until he was strong enough before fighting again.

But it was different for Hachi-chan. Marshal Maxwell asked Hachi-chan to describe the characteristics of this dragon man, and then he pondered for a while and said: "From your description, this dragon man should be Dakisa. That butcher Si, he led Nefarian’s army, invaded our territory, and killed our people. Yes, we should make him pay the price.”

"We must kill him," Hachi-chan agreed with great force.

"If you can kill him, I will give you a generous reward," Marshal Maxwell said.

Then Lu Li and Xiao Bajiang were prompted to receive the mission, to kill General Dakisas and bring General Dakisas's token to Marshal Maxwell.

"We can't defeat him. He will ignite him and then we will lose all our armor. Even the mobs can kill us," Hachi-chan said with a slight exaggeration. In fact, General Dakisas The ignition only reduces a part of the armor, and it has not completely returned to zero.

"I have some potions here that may help you."

The man silently cried and the woman cried. Although Lu Li already knew that bringing Xiao Bajiang would be beneficial, he did not expect to get Marshal Maxwell's potion without any difficulty. If Lu Li remembered correctly, these potions were good for increasing armor or reducing fire damage.

"Thank you, Uncle Marshal. We will definitely kill General Drakisas, as well as his master Nefarian, Nefarian's sister Onyxia, and Nefarian's father...he what do you say that is?"

"Nesario," Lu Li wanted to cover his face, but he couldn't bear to look at this. Although you are indeed very young, Bacchan, is it really okay to be so cute and pretend to be good?

"General Dakisas is indeed difficult to deal with, so let's do this," Marshal Maxwell said seriously: "There is an orb in the command hall of General Dakisas. It is a teleportation orb. As long as you put this Once the brand is engraved on it, we can teleport from the teleportation orb in the camp. Although I can't leave without permission due to accusations, I can send two soldiers to help."

Lu Li couldn't say anything anymore and could only nod his head in thanks.

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