The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 1317 Inner Demon

The two guards really couldn't hold on much longer. Although the BOSS was held firmly by the blue sea breeze, the high hatred caused by the high output of the guards still made the BOSS use group attack skills towards them.

The ultimate moves that Lu Li asked everyone to keep are basically used at this stage.

There is no doubt that the two guards helped a lot. Without the two guards, Lu Li and others would have probably had to kill the group dozens of times before they could get to the P3 stage with good luck.

In fact, in the early days, if players wanted to hack the dungeon, they had to go to Marshal Maxwell for help.

He will give players a few bottles of potions - far less than those given to Hachi-chan, and will also send guards to help in the battle. Players can choose guards from the warrior profession, guards from the scout profession, and guards from the mage profession.

Different guards have different prices. The scout type has the highest attack and the most expensive price.

Many teams lost money playing this dungeon, because all the money was used for Marshal Maxwell. Marshal Maxwell made a lot of money during the black stage of the player strategy, until a certain system update weakened General Drakisas.

General Drakisas will use a skill similar to Inner Demon in the third stage.

This skill probably belongs to the category of curse. After the player is hit, an inner demon will come out of the body. It has the same attributes and skills as the player. It will attack the player until it kills the player or is killed by the player.

The disgusting thing about this skill is that only the player himself can cause harm to his own inner demons.

Fortunately for the healing professions, their healing spells can also cause damage to inner demons, and the damage effect is better than other players' attack methods. The biggest drawback is actually the defense profession.

Their defense is high, causing the inner demon's defense to be very high as well.

In addition, their attack is pitifully low, so it is very laborious to fight.

Some commanders will ask the defensive professions to give up fighting their own inner demons. Anyway, the inner demons of the defensive professions have few attacks and will not cause fatal damage to the MT.

However, this is not without consequences.

If the inner demon is not killed, there will be three stages of growth. The first stage is when they first come out. They will simply attack the player and have no other tricks.

In the second stage, five minutes after it appears, a halo will be generated under its feet. This halo can increase the BOSS's attack by 10%, defense by 10%, and critical hit damage by 10%— —Perhaps this increase will not matter until the BOSS is weakened, but for now, this 10% is really a trouble.

The third stage is about ten minutes after the inner demon appears. If the inner demon has not been killed by this time, or the BOSS has not been killed...

Basically, there is no need to fight next. The BOSS will catch the inner demon and swallow it, and then his own blood volume will be restored to half of the state. In addition, there will be attack, defense and critical hit bonuses, and the progress of the strategy will return to the P2 stage. It means that all the previous efforts were in vain.

No group leader would continue to clarify after the inner demon has entered the third stage. It is a pure waste of time.

"Kill your inner demons quickly and use healing spells on them. You also have to fight Feng Shao and Piao Ling. Use whatever output means you have, including scrolls." Lu Li knew that Azure Sea Breeze and Piao Ling both had some scrolls. Collection.

Dawn is an open PVP game. As long as you are a combat professional, regardless of whether you are a MT or not, you may be killed in the wild.

There are even some perverts who like sadistic treatment and defense professions very much.

Azure Sea Breeze and Piao Ling occasionally were alone, but with their current status, how could they be willing to be abused, so the two rich people who were not short of money asked Shen Wansan to help purchase some explosive attack scrolls.

These scrolls are very valuable, an ordinary one costs dozens or hundreds of gold coins, and they disappear completely after being used once.

Rather than hitting people with scrolls, it is better to hit people with gold coins. Fortunately, these scrolls can increase their attack attributes, so that they may not be able to match the real masters for a short time, but they are more than enough to deal with ordinary players.

Hearing what Lu Li said, the two of them immediately looked distressed.

However, they are also people who know the importance of severity. Today, they only have one chance to defeat General Drakisas. If the fight cannot be completed after the two guards are killed, the follow-up is likely to be a rhythm of repeated group annihilation.

If the team is wiped out repeatedly, the equipment must be repaired. The cost of repairing equipment for plate armor professions is outrageous. By then, just repairing equipment may cost hundreds of gold coins.

Lu Li's inner demon was killed by him in three strokes, five divided by two. The thieves' professional defense was already low, and Lu Li's attack was so high.

Inner Demons are said to have the same attributes and attacks as players, but they are always just a thing without intelligence, and their skills cannot be said to be cohesive or skillful. Lu Li has been controlling him tightly from beginning to end.

However, the feeling of killing oneself is very strange, and many people look unhappy.

"I never thought that one day I would kill myself. Is this considered suicide?" Jiweika sighed.

"If you follow us in the future, you will see more of the world," Azure Sea Breeze said with a smile. He was also a slightly famous figure in previous games, but it was only after he met Lu Li in Dawn that he truly understood the top How players play the game.

"Brother Feng, which scroll have you smashed?" Qiweika asked.

"Holy shit, why aren't you dead? This is the third one. I'll do some loss-making business today. I want Lu Li to reimburse these scrolls at public expense." Of course Azure Sea Breeze felt distressed. At least dozens of gold coins were gone.

Although the gold price ratio is currently falling further, dozens of gold coins will cost at least thousands of real coins.

It is said that thousands of real coins can be used to go to a good place called Big Sword. Azure Sea Breeze has long wanted to see the world - just now he said that Shi Weika and Lu Li can see the world, but now he wants to go see the world by himself.

Although Azure Sea Breeze and Piao Ling had significantly improved their attack power after tearing up the scrolls, and also invested in skill scrolls, they were not professional output after all, and it was unrealistic to kill their inner demons in the first stage.

So General Dakisas quickly gained two layers of inner demon bonuses.

The defense increased by 20%, the attack increased by 20%, and the critical hit damage increased by 20%. General Dakisas, who was already a little tired, immediately became energetic as if he had taken a small blue pill.

"Young Master Feng, stop attacking him. Focus on fighting your inner demon. If you can't solve it within five minutes, let's just wait for the group to be wiped out." Lu Li couldn't help but roared. He continued, and the inner demon entered the third stage. Stage three is really not impossible.

"Fuck, Lu Li, you have to compensate for my losses." Azure Sea Breeze took out a golden scroll and tore it open with a squeak.

Then the MT's figure began to expand rapidly, and the damage caused by the BOSS's attack on him was also reduced a lot, and the more obvious effect was reflected in the damage he dealt to his own inner demons.

This is to make up for yesterday. There is another chapter today. Something happened recently and I am a little out of shape. I will adjust it as soon as possible.

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