The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 1319 Two critical minutes

Chapter 1315

By the time the two MTs finished pulling the BOSS they wanted to pull, three of the fifteen people had already been defeated.

As a summoned object, Shahram's attack is strangely high, and the black sword in his hand is obviously not a parallel import. This virtual black sword is even more powerful than the real one in General Dakisas's hand.

Only thirty seconds passed, and three people were dead!

One for ten seconds. If you really think about it this way, after Shahram's two minutes of existence ended, Lu Li and the others would have been almost completely wiped out.

"Pull a little farther away. Major Feng will pull Shahram behind the throne. Yeshe, you add some health to him. Bacchan, you just need to keep an eye on Yeshe and March's health. If either of them dies in front of you, , Today we will stew your dragon meal," Lu Li's focus is on protection and treatment.

Neither Azure Sea Breeze nor Piao Ling were fools, and they quickly understood Lu Li's purpose.

One was pulled behind the throne, and the other was almost pulled out of the command hall, so that the players did not have to bear the double blow of the two BOSSs. Some people once thought about whether General Dakisas could be completely pulled out. Facts have proved that this This so-called shortcut will not work. After all, Shahram is just the summon of General Dakisas. The summon cannot be too far away from its owner, otherwise it will be automatically teleported.

"Tangyuan, drink the medicine!" Lu Li shouted.

Tangyuan with sesame filling originally thought that he had plenty of blood and was not in any danger. Besides, the person standing next to him was a healer. He didn't expect Lu Li to call him. However, his biggest advantage was that he was obedient and didn't think about why at all, so he didn't say anything. He immediately raised his head and drank a bottle of potion.

As soon as he drank it, he saw Shahram's black sword slashing towards him.

Wait, wasn't this guy pulled behind the throne by the blue sea breeze? Looking at other places, there were actually several more Shahrams in the field.


Lu Li only had time to remind Tangyuan with sesame filling. Others had more blood and would not die immediately. However, Luo Ying's Memories and Can Meng were more unlucky and were instantly killed by the Black Sword.

After killing two players with just one strike, Shahram's clone completely dissipated after completing his mission.

"Everyone, please pay attention. Keep your blood volume as high as possible. The treatment pressure is high. If you can drink the medicine by yourself, drink the medicine by yourself. Don't save any skills and special effects. In the last forty seconds, if you hold on, you will complete the strategy today. If you can't hold on, If you go down..."

Lu Li wouldn't say anything else.

Some people also arrange to remove all output professions from this place, leaving only healers and MTs to survive here. In fact, it depends on luck. If you are lucky, you can really save the output professions to the greatest extent, but if you are not lucky, the team may be wiped out. .

Lu Li can only retain as many output professions as possible while saving MT treatment.

"Thirty seconds, drifting blood. In March, forget about the damage output profession. Prioritize adding drifting." Lu Li looked around and listened in all directions. He was highly concentrated and was just a little bit close.

"Twenty-five seconds, don't be stingy with damage reduction!"

"Twenty seconds, okay, good job, oh, it's okay, it's okay, I'm stable. It's not like I can't fight without your brother. If he fails, he will fail. You should pay more attention in March..."

"Fifteen seconds, stay away from the BOSS, stay away from the speed. Give up drifting in March and specialize in the output profession. Stay away from the BOSS. Hachichan will revive Huahua Zhan."

"Uncle Lu Li, why did you give up on me?"

"Shahram's whirlwind attack will last for at least ten seconds. Once he finishes spinning, he will basically have nothing to do with him. It doesn't matter if he does it with you or without you. Just wish yourself well."

"Fuck, don't forget that I am a Paladin, I will be invincible, and I am not useless at all, I will interfere!"

"Interfering with Maomao, yes, that's right. Now you can die."

"Not dead!"

"I'll go, you won't die even if you do this, then you can continue to hold on. If anyone dies within these five seconds, guild points will be deducted. Please be careful. Anyone who doesn't want to have points deducted should be careful."

"3, 2... Haha, you can do it, Second Senior Brother. Damn it. Not only will your points be deducted this time, but you will also have to double your points to buy your equipment. You will cause trouble every time at the end. …”

Shahram here has been wiped out with unwillingness and hatred.

After all, he is just a summoned object. He can have BOSS-level strength within two minutes of being summoned. That is because of the black sword. He is the master of the black sword. He once wounded the King of Thunder Golgan with this sword. Nice.

Although it was only a minor injury, if you consider Galdanis' identity, everything will look different.

?Gorganis, Lord of Thunder, is the flesh and blood of Aman'Thul, the father of the gods and the child of Iona. He is the creator of the sky and the sea. This tall male Astitan has platinum skin, holds a giant horn as a weapon, and has eternal lightning flowing in his eyes.

In the beginning, he created the skies, oceans, and all marine life in the world of Azeroth. He created sea giants to help the earth spirits. The earth spirits reshaped the mountains and dug deep caves to create the continent later known as ancient Kalimdor, while the sea giants were responsible for shaping the deep sea.

Golganis takes great pleasure in his creations and assists the pantheon in bringing order to chaos. Yet, deep down he loved the power of natural rage.

In battle he blows his pirate's horn-like weapon, the Shargaon, which can crack mountains, but Gorganis doesn't like to use it often, as his mission is to create rather than destroy.

Gorganis is the personification of thunderstorms, lightning, and tempests.

In fact, after traumatizing the King of Thunder, the Black Sword of Shahram was contaminated with the blood of the Titans and was already cursed. This artifact, which could cause harm to gods, was reduced to a mortal soldier.

In the 1960s when Lu Li was not reborn, many people firmly believed that once there was a new opportunity, the Black Sword of Shahram would be reborn and once again become a magical weapon that transcended the legendary level.

After Shahram disappeared, General Dakisas fell silent.

He looked a little sad, and the black sword of Shahram in his hand seemed to have lost its sharpness. The damage caused by the slash on the blue sea breeze was not even fatal - he was weak!

In fact, Lu Li and his team were in quite a miserable situation, with two MTs and three healers. Under Lu Li's deliberate care, no one was killed, but six of the damage-dealing professions were killed, leaving only four who could fight.

Fortunately, General Drakisas was weak and had enough MT and treatment to prevent him from making any waves.

What made Lu Li even more reassured was that the two guards who disappeared before actually came back to fight again. Although it was shameful to run away from the battle, their professional ethics had obviously not been lost.

This is also the reason why Lu Li chose to save the healing MT instead of the output. When General Drakisas is destined to be weak, there will be no problem of insufficient output. And if the output is saved first, once the MT or treatment really fails, even if the BOSS Only five seconds of violent rage are enough to clear out all output professions.

MT is the current hate unit. The current hate unit disappears. When no one causes damage, everyone is a hate target. At this time, the BOSS will definitely use a group attack to clear the area.

Now adding two guards, there are six output professions in total. It will be easy to deal with a weak BOSS.

It didn't take long for General Dakisas' health gauge to be completely reset to zero...

The guide to the upper levels of Blackrock Spire is complete!

It's a pity that there are no flowers, no applause, and the first kill announcement that is almost exclusive to Lu Li and others is gone - the bloody battle flag is the first kill winner in the upper level of Black Stone Tower, even though Lu Li and others are fighting a more difficult nightmare copy .

However, everyone does not need to be disappointed, such a powerful final BOSS is lying in front of them.

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