The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 1324 Lu Papi (please vote for recommendation)

The more important Captain Bookmead is to Marshal Maxwell, the greater the achievements of Lu Li and others, and the more rewards they can receive.

It would have been better if Captain Bookmead had been Marshal Maxwell's son.

It's a pity that he is not Marshal Maxwell's son, but this does not affect Marshal Maxwell's gratitude to Lu Li, because they are uncle-nephew relationship. It is said that Marshal Maxwell's younger brother died in the battle to protect his elder brother, and this is the only one left. son.

Therefore, Marshal Maxwell would rather die than his own son, the only flesh and blood left by his brother.

Bookmead told what happened. He was quite kind and magnified the role played by Lu Li and others. In his description, Lu Li and about ten people saved them from desperate situation. , and the subsequent thousands of reinforcements defeated the orc shaman army, as evidenced by the rows of severed orc heads.

"I'm not wrong," Marshal Maxwell let go of his nephew and came over to hug Lu Li fiercely.

Even though this guy was gray-haired, his strength still made Lu Li almost breathless. Lu Li once again expressed that all this was what he should do. Any responsible citizen of Azeroth, any No Alliance soldier would remain indifferent while watching his comrades in danger.

"I want to reward you," Marshal Maxwell showed his generosity without waiting for Lu Bapi to use any means.

"Long live the Alliance!" Lu Li imitated the etiquette of the Allies, clenched his fist and hit his left chest hard.

"Now, in the name of the military department, I appoint you as a second lieutenant of the Allied Forces," Marshal Maxwell solemnly announced, placing his sword on Lu Li's shoulder.

Damn it, Lu Li almost slapped him in the face.

Give yourself something?

The rank of second lieutenant!

He is already a captain of ten thousand men, okay? If he hadn't felt that the PVP military rank system was of little use and the bonus attributes were dispensable, he might have already reached the rank of general. Yueguang, a PK madman, could unknowingly He is already a military governor, one level higher than a general.

I didn't say much when I was given a military rank, but I was only given a second lieutenant.

Wait, when did the military rank include second lieutenant? Lu Li quickly pulled out the PVP menu and glanced at it, and was very sure that there was no rank of second lieutenant on it.

Private, Corporal, Sergeant, Sergeant Major 1st, Sergeant Major 2nd, Sergeant Major 3rd, Sergeant Major 4th, Sergeant Major 5th, Sergeant Major 6th, Sergeant Major 7th, Sergeant Major 8th, Sergeant Major 9th Commander, centurion, captain of thousands, captain of ten thousand, brigadier general, general, warlord, mid-level warlord, high-level warlord, marshal, grand marshal, if privates are not counted, this is the twenty-first level of the Azeroth Alliance. Military rank system.

There may be slight differences between tribes, but Lu Li is very sure that neither the tribe nor the alliance has military ranks such as second lieutenant and major.

But NPC...

Could it be that this military rank is not in the player's system, but that it was infiltrated into the NPC?

NPC: We have a traitor!

Sure enough, Lu Li quickly found the answer under his new title: Lu Li, race night elf, Alliance second lieutenant officer, can recruit ten soldiers in any military camp based on reasonable military needs.

In addition, there is a new attribute of command value. Lu Li's current command value is ten, which is the maximum number of soldiers he can recruit. According to the description of the new attribute, once the soldiers recruited by Lu Li die during the mission, he will lose the corresponding number of soldiers. Commander value.

How should I put it, at critical times, this rank of second lieutenant would be very useful, but Lu Li did not dare to use it casually.

Just like the Woking battle flag he got before, it had very good attributes, but it was a pity that he didn't dare to carry it with him.

Wo'jin Battle Flag (Special): Place a Wo'jin Battle Flag. The battle flag can increase 50% attack and 50% defense for teammates within 100 yards. Lasts for 60 seconds, and restores 5% of the maximum health of all allies within the range every 2 seconds, lasting for 30 seconds, with a 6-hour cooldown. Death must fall.

The rank of Second Lieutenant will be lost upon death. It is similar to the rank of Second Lieutenant. It is estimated that the loss of a soldier will reduce the command value.

He saved his nephew and hundreds of alliance soldiers from nearly a thousand Blackstone orcs. Such a great achievement and favor was only given ten points of commander points. It can be imagined how precious the commander points are. At least Lu Li didn't know how to do it. Increase his command value.

Lu Li had never heard of the so-called commander-in-chief in his previous life. It was obviously a very high-level thing.

Take Lu Li's case this time. Just imagine who would happen to encounter a war between NPCs. Even if they did, how many people would be able to intervene in this war? Even if they call for thousands of people to call their friends, Save Bookmead, Marshal Maxwell is not familiar with you, and he may not give you the rank of second lieutenant.

In addition to being able to deploy ten soldiers, the rank of second lieutenant also brought Lu Li a benefit of adding ten to all attributes, which was better than nothing.

"In addition to military rank, I can also improve your strength," Marshal Maxwell found his nephew safely, and he seemed to be in a very good mood: "But you have two choices, one is to enjoy this reward yourself, and the other is for all of you Let’s enjoy this reward together…”

Sir, do you dare to chat privately?

"Of course we accept this honor together. A qualified leader must consider his subordinates," Lu Li said righteously.

He made up his mind without any hesitation, even if he hesitated it was very short-lived.

Marshal Maxwell was very satisfied with this. He nodded and said: "Then, I will do as you said. In addition, in order to express my gratitude and appreciation to you, everyone who participates in the war today can hire soldiers from the camp for free. Conquer that idiot in Drakisas for them.”

"Your generosity is as bright as the sun and the moon," Lu Li said sincerely.

Not to mention anything else, so many people could hire camp guards for free to fight General Dakisas, and the huge profits made from this made their operation a huge profit.

Then, Lu Li received a prompt from the system and gained a certain amount of reputation and experience.

The same was true for others. To Lu Li's expectation, the experience value was not that shabby. Thousands of people gained experience at the same time. But when he thought about it, he felt his heart ached again. If these experiences were given to him alone, he would be at level 60 now, okay?

In fact, if Lu Li chooses to enjoy the rewards alone, the experience points will indeed allow him to reach level 60 in one go.

However, there is no free use of camp guards at the back.

A selfish guy, Marshal Maxwell couldn't be as generous as he is now.

Lu Li felt uncomfortable, so he decided to maximize the use of Marshal Maxwell's reward. For example, if these thousands of people were all captains, each of them would lead a team into the dungeon, and then he could hire thousands of guards to help fight against Darki. General Sasse, rather than what Marshal Maxwell thought, these thousands of people formed a team of fifteen, and it was as simple as hiring two guards per team.

Lu Papi's name is not for nothing, even an NPC or a marshal has to shed a layer of skin.

It is said that there will be a second update if there are too many ticket rewards (????????)

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