"Then what happened to your dodge before," the water elf couldn't wait to know.

She felt that after learning, she would be able to surpass most thieves. They were afraid of killing wood with blood daggers, and she would kill Lu Li at will. She wouldn't want to kill Lu Li, after all, it was Lu Li who taught her.

"If you want to master this technique, you must practice more. At the end of the first stage of acceleration and the beginning of the second stage of acceleration, there will be a moment of frustration under normal circumstances. At this moment, the caster will decide the contact point and direction of the force of his attack. You need to What you do is make a judgment and then react based on your judgment..."

Then Lu Li re-tested it and replaced him with the attack. Unfortunately, the degree of completion was still very high.

Several times in a row, Lu Li could not be satisfied with what the water elf did, but he also discovered the problem and immediately held the water elf's thin waist: "It's not your shoulders or legs that exert the force, it's your waist, the waist is The core of everything, now twist it and let me see..."

Then Lu Li saw the water elf looking at him in embarrassment, and he realized where his hand was, which was only a tiny distance away from the water elf's butt.


Although she had no words to speak out, there was such an accusation in the eyes of the water elf. No matter how elite she was educated, no matter how proud and independent she was, in the final analysis she was just a girl, a little girl who received the traditional education of the aristocracy, and she had not yet had a heartbeat. kind of.

"Well, try more of the areas where you exert force," pretending like nothing happened.

The water elf wasn't too angry. After all, Lu Li didn't seem to mean it. Her attention was quickly attracted by the new technique.

It was almost like giving everything to everyone. What the water elves lacked was just practice and understanding. Then they continued to increase their points as a team of men and women. Once they let go of the fight, the points would be increased very quickly.

Soon, people began to pay attention to them. After all, it is extremely rare to go hundreds of games without losing a single game.

The dealer who opens the betting market will arrange for dedicated personnel to pay attention to these things around the clock, and then identify good targets and use them to open the market to attract gamblers to place bets. A good target can earn the dealer millions of wealth.

The premise is not to encounter professional hunters.

Professional banker hunters dig holes for these bankers to jump into. They don’t need to do anything. They just need to find a target that looks very attractive. After the banker takes the bait, they will first fatten up the banker and then kill the banker and the banker with their skin and bones. Gamblers' money was wiped out in one fell swoop.

Whatever you do these days is risky, and the police will catch you if you do anything.

The target of the dog man and woman was quickly placed in front of the cases of several big bookmakers.

Team 22, just registered today, is said to be two thieves - two thieves are good, except for mixed teams, there are rarely two-thief lineups. The bookmaker likes this kind of eccentric, and it is a combination of one man and one woman.

But soon some people speculated that these two people might have a close connection.

According to someone who didn't want to show his ID, the dog man and woman this time were probably real. Their sharp movements and erratic tricks made him couldn't help but jump at the sight of thieves. There is a psychological shadow.

Another one, Ba Bolben, who did not want to reveal his ID, even swore that he had seen the true face of the male thief, and it was indeed Lu Li.

The female thief didn't think carefully about it at the time, but now that she looks back, she does look like the legendary beauty. The key is that her wife did something stupid. After leaving the arena, she hurriedly visited the forum to see if anyone wanted to ban them. .

More and more evidence points to a fact.

This couple is indeed a dog couple!

Regarding the entries related to dogs and men on the Internet, there are only two that are related to Dawn. One is Whitemane and Mograine, the chief prosecutors of the Scarlet Monastery, and the other is the star racers Lu Li and Water Elf. pair combination.

There are only a few female celebrity racers, and even fewer are capable of teaming up with others. It took a lot of effort to get a pair together, and there were a lot of people watching.

There are many people who have joined the support group of this couple, not only planning their rape! Love, oh no, it’s the progress of their love affair. They also planned the scale of their wedding. Those racers should be invited to attend...

Do you think this is the end?

So naive, these people even planned the date of the baby's birth, the baby's nickname, nickname, how many boys and girls should be born...

Fortunately, Lu Li and Water Elf were not people who paid too much attention to these gossips, and no one was idle enough to show them to them. As for Lu Xin, although she liked attention, she became numb after watching it for a long time.

Several bookmakers gathered together to discuss it.

I found that it is too difficult to operate Water Elf and Lu Li, and once their identities are exposed, the gamblers will definitely buy them to win. In terms of the game, there are not many people who can beat them, unless Xiao Mo , Don’t forget to form a team at this level.

But the key is that this kind of random field is difficult to win.

Tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of teams are randomly chosen together, so the pair of water elf and Lu Li will probably keep winning. If such a goal is regarded as a bet, the dealer will lose even his underpants.

However, before the real identity of the dog man and woman is discovered, it might as well make a profit first.

After all, there are people pretending to have the names of Dogs and Girls everywhere, including Dogs and Girls fashion stores, Dogs and Girls bars, and Dogs and Girls bakery in Stormwind City. Lu Li and Water Elf have not applied for a patent anyway.

There are hundreds of arena combinations with the words "dog and man" in the arena.

Lu Li had no idea that he had become a money-making tool for a black-hearted businessman. As the leaders of two powerful groups, he and Water Elf certainly could not continue fighting like this endlessly. An afternoon spent together was stolen by practicing skills.

After bidding farewell to the water elf, Lu Li went back to repair his equipment, spending a lot of gold coins.

Then he began to sort out the recent gains. He would only use what he could use after reaching level 60. Anyway, there were no competitions recently, so there was no need to waste stones to reduce demand. Lu Li would usually choose those items that were unused or eliminated. Mark a price and throw it into the guild warehouse.

The price here is generally guild points, and other players must pay a certain amount of points to take it away.

For the points he paid, Lu Li would get part of it, and part of it would be deducted by the city, similar to paying taxes. Regardless of his club boss, he had to pay points to get equipment, which was no less than others, or even higher. Out of average level.

However, it is difficult to use up his points. After all, there are few people like him, who are not only racers, pioneers, but also commanders of various activities.

Now, in front of Lu Li were three pieces of Night Killer suits, which were things given to him by March Rain before.

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