The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 1337 Training camp opens

The next few may have good talents, but there are none like Duan Lu.

Contentment and contentment, Lu Li was already satisfied with the first phase of the training camp. He took the fourteen students from the first phase to the entrance ceremony. The youngest was eleven years old and had just entered junior high school. The oldest was Duan Lu, who was already in his second year this year. 10. If you are still in school, you are a college student.

The road is not bad, and with a little training, I can start with small events.

These small ones cannot be put to use within three to five years. This is the biggest investment of the training camp. The output timeliness is too low and the overall investment is too large. There is no visible effect or output at all. s things.

Some clubs don't even have training camps at all.

Take Jiangnan Nobles for example. They claim to invest tens of millions of dollars in training camps every year. In fact, they are just showboating and defrauding investors. Now their club is in a trough. The main players are seeking transfers and they can't even come up with replacements. New people come out.

The city with the best reserves is Glory City. Even if all the current players leave, they can recover most of their energy in a short period of time.

"Perhaps everyone already knows me. We have had contact before. Please allow me to solemnly introduce myself again. My name is Lu Li. I am one of the founders of Sword of Judgment. I have never gone to college..."

"You haven't been to high school either," Piao Ling curled her lips next to her.

Sir, can you give me some face? Lu Li paused and continued: "I've never been to high school or junior high school. I only went to elementary school for a few days..."

"Wow," a group of junior high school monks became excited.

"But I have read a lot of books, and all my free time is spent studying. Don't think that going to school is useless. I envy you very much. It's not that I don't want to study, but I don't have money to study. The assessment in the training camp will be very strict in the future. If you fail, you will be sent home, and your academic performance will account for more than half of your assessment scores..."


More than a dozen people looked at each other, some grinned, they were top academics, and some had sad faces. These people originally thought that they would no longer have to study hard after entering the club training camp.

"The reward and punishment system will be distributed to everyone later. Don't think I'm joking. I won't be soft-hearted at all in driving you home," Lu Li said fiercely. After saying that, he put on a gentle face and said, "Of course, as long as you do a good job, , I will open the door for you, whether it is pocket money, or anything else, even if you want to go to the competition stage, I can satisfy you."

Dawn prohibits players under the age of sixteen from choosing combat professions.

However, the club has the right to apply for professional qualification certificates for its players. Players with professional qualification certificates will ignore the age limit. However, ordinary clubs rarely do this. Laying a good foundation is the key.

Lu Li himself came from a wild background, and his ideas were somewhat unrestrained. He could even send elementary school students to the battlefield.

After a few minutes of lectures, these children had officially become members of the Sword of Judgment. Duan Lu went to the finance department to withdraw the money Lu Li promised to him, and then went to Ivy Hospital to see a doctor. The others were punished by the Judgment. The sword elite group unanimously welcomed him.

Several hundred people even held a special party.

The children were absolutely delighted, and their parents were relieved. On the one hand, Lu Li has very high requirements for students' academic performance, and on the other hand, the learning and living atmosphere here is good.

Next to it is a university town, with only a handful of affiliated junior high and high schools in the city.

The food of Sword of Judgment cannot simply be described as good. It is hard to imagine that the Sword of Judgment Guild, which has never raised funds, has the courage to invest money in these hardware facilities.

The accommodations are all apartments, with two people per room, so you won't feel crowded or lonely.

Unfortunately, parents like them are not allowed to accompany them. The children must live independently. They can go home for one month every year. The time can be used together or separately. However, if the time is exceeded, points will be deducted in the assessment.

Lu Li needed these children to become independent as soon as possible.

A person's living environment determines his personality and behavior. Lu Li's ability to reach this point has a huge role in promoting him. He already likes to move forward without stopping, fearing that he will be killed by the poor people behind him whenever he stops. District engulfed.

The establishment of the Sword of Judgment novice training camp made some people in the industry aware of Lu Li's ambitions.

Not long after, everyone started to recruit new players. Even the City of Glory joined in the fun. Normally, they only recruit new players every other year. They seemed to be worried that Sword of Judgment would recruit all the potential players in the future. gone.

Some people are also asking how often Sword of Judgment plans to recruit new players in the future.

Lu Li smiled bitterly in his heart. It cost a lot of money to recruit a new player this time. If he were allowed to play three or five times a year, there would be no need for other clubs to take action. The Sword of Judgment would immediately collapse due to the break in the financial chain.

Back in the game, Lu Li received a call from his mentor.

Also summoned was the water elf. When Lu Li got online and arrived, he only saw the water elf and Garona sitting together - very close to each other, holding hands.

"...I don't know when it will end, but I thought it couldn't get worse, so I kept living until I met Gul'dan - he is an evil person, but he also has his own The warmth..."

Lu Li thought it was ridiculous. No one in Azeroth, including Gul'dan's kin, thought he had any warmth at all.

He is the first warlock who appeared in the history of Dawn, the founder of the Shadow Council, the most shameful traitor of the tribe, one of the key figures in sowing chaos in Azeroth, and the one who betrayed the tribe to the devil. He is famous Gul'dan.

"We are destined to move towards a greater, darker, and more glorious path!"

This was this person's declaration. Lu Li really couldn't imagine that he had any tender side. Could it be that he reached out and saved a little girl? However, Lu Li had no intention of refuting his mentor. His mentor's experience was indeed a bit rough.

"You're here, how are you doing with your poison-making skills?" Garona asked.

"I've been a little slack lately, so the progress is a bit slow," Lu Li said with a look of shame on his face as he took out a small bottle of light red potion from his backpack and handed it over.

Garona took it, unscrewed the cap and brought it to her nose to smell it.

There was a strong aroma in the air, sweet and greasy. This smell was unbearable for Garona, so she took the medicine bottle farther away from herself.

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