The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 1340 Strengthening Chisel Attack (please vote for recommendation)

The water elf must face the puppet thief alone. Lu Li cannot help her, otherwise her evaluation in Garona's eyes will not be too high.

Although Garona has a good attitude towards the water elves, the water elves are not her students after all. Since they proposed a trial, the results of the trial are very important.

Never feel too good about yourself in front of NPCs.

Lu Li entangled the other three monsters by himself. The water elf could deal with the one in front of him without any distractions. In fact, there was no need for Lu Li to worry about her.

After all, he is a star racer and has faced various challenges. She won't be vulnerable just because she has someone to protect her. She can be ranked in the top ten among thieves based on her skills alone. If she adds equipment and skills, she can definitely be ranked in the top five. The only ones who can defeat her are Lu Li and Shi Simumu. , Blood Dagger, and several others who had wins and losses with her.

The water elf gave the thief who was struck by Lu Li a knife to end his dizziness first.

If he continued to hit a stationary target after Lu Li was stunned, then the degree of completion would obviously not be bad, but the evaluation she would receive would not be very high.

While Lu Li was entangled with the three monsters, he was also paying attention to the battle of the water elves.

The water elf didn't panic, nor was she in a hurry to use chisel. Instead, she was fighting back and forth with the puppet thief. She was waiting for the opportunity to find the most suitable time to use her skills.

The puppet thief flipped the dagger flexibly, and the joints moved silently. If it weren't for the fact that the face was simply covered with a piece of leather, and even the facial features were not outlined, it would be hard for Lu Li to imagine that they were puppets.

I hope that in the future I can take a puppet from my mentor and go back to study.

It is obviously impossible to ask for it now. After all, the game must pay attention to balance. If Lu Li brings a puppet with this level of fighting, then his strength will be too incredible, and other players should simply stop playing.

The mechanical puppet thrust forward and hit the water elf.

Lu Li didn't believe that the water elf could be controlled so easily, so he still didn't go to help - as expected, the target hit by the surprise attack shattered into pieces like glass, and the puppet thief immediately knew that he had hit a phantom.

The real body is most likely behind him!

Turning around, she was greeted by a cold light. This time, the water elf even chose to attack the puppet thief's eye socket. The mechanical unit was also vulnerable here. The system reminded her that the completion rate had reached 96%, and she would stun the target for one point and six seconds.

It was actually higher than Lu Li's level of completion.

The reason is not that the water elf's understanding of the chiseling skill is much better than that of Lu Li. After all, many of the skills were given to her by Lu Li, but that she and Lu Li chose different timings.

Lu Li was the kind of person who went up and struck very arbitrarily, without waiting. After the sneak attack was over, he violently struck the mechanical puppet.

He was also facing pressure from several other monsters at the time.

The water elf was different. She only had to face one puppet thief - she didn't have to worry about the threat posed by the other three monsters. The water elf had no idea of ​​doubting Lu Li at all.

And she spent a lot of time preparing to take action at the most satisfying time.

With a completion rate of 96%, Garona nodded with satisfaction. The water elf's performance was a bit tricky, but being able to achieve such a high level of completion was enough to show that neither she nor Lu Li was lazy.

With Garona's approval, Lu Li and the water elf confidently learned the "Enhanced Chisel Strike" skill book.

Enhanced skills are a qualitative improvement compared to ordinary skills, such as the stealth that Lu Li has already learned.

Stealth: Instant, cooldown time is 8 seconds, allowing the thief to hide until the stealth state is cancelled.

Enhanced Stealth: Instant cast, allowing the thief to hide until the stealth state disappears. The stealth effect is improved. The stealth effect is further improved in shadow environments. Random special effect - Transform into a bat. After using this special effect, the caster will transform into a bat and fly for a certain amount of time. The cooling time is 2 minutes before reaching the designated location.

Now Gouge has finally been strengthened.

Enhanced Gouge: Stab the target's head from the front, paralyzing it for 1.2 seconds. The paralysis effect further increases with the completion level. It must be launched when the target is facing you. Any damage will cause the target to wake up immediately. Randomly Special effect: There is a certain probability that the damage attack after a successful gouge will not cause the target to wake up immediately. The cooling time is 20 seconds.

Compared with the gouge attack, it has been greatly improved, and the basic paralysis time has been increased by 0.2 seconds.

As for the improvement of the paralysis effect with the degree of completion, it is not just a simple increase in the paralysis time, but also a hidden attribute, which is a bonus for targets with high confrontation, such as elites and even quasi-BOSS.

The effect of 1.2 seconds on ordinary monsters may indeed last 1.2 seconds, but if the target is an elite, 1 second would be good. If it were a quasi-BOSS, I'm afraid it wouldn't even be able to stun it for half a second. As for the BOSS, there would be nothing. Come to think of it, most BOSS don't require control skills.

Then there are the random special effects. The random special effects of gouge are pretty good.

It's hard to say about probability. If it doesn't take effect, everything is versatile. If it takes effect, it's really powerful. After all, the Gouge skill has two flaws. One is that it must be activated face to face with the target, and the other is that "any damage will cause damage to the target." The target wakes up immediately".

Therefore, not many people pay attention to the completion of chiseling. Everyone uses this skill to gain the initiative.

As long as the gouge is successful and the initiative is gained, no one will wait for the paralysis time to pass before attacking. As soon as the attack is made, the paralysis caused by the gouge will end, so there is no difference between a 1 second and a 2 second gouge.

But what if the first attack after Gouge doesn't break the paralysis.

Then the caster is equivalent to one more attack, which is very critical for the same level of battle. This time the enhanced skill value and the reputation paid can be considered as rewards.

When it comes to reputation, Lu Li is so distressed that he can't even speak.

The enhanced skill book was given by his mentor, and Garona was indeed very powerful. However, the prestige deducted would not be discounted at all just because Lu Li's mentor was Garona. The prestige he had saved for so long was almost wiped out instantly.

Even if there is a new enhanced skill book in front of him now, he has no reputation to learn it anymore.

"Teacher, I don't know if there is anything else I can do for you," Lu Li said shamelessly, "You also know that a sword can only stay sharp with endless sharpening. Your disciples are never afraid of challenges."

He said it so high-sounding, and he was not asking for a mission. The water elf wanted to laugh when he heard it.

There was no way, his charm value was too low, and he couldn't receive many missions at all. Without the reputation from missions, Lu Li could only ask his mentor. After all, his mentor wouldn't refuse to give him missions because of his low charm.

No matter how ugly he is, he is still his own child!

I shamelessly approached the editor and asked for a limited exemption. Firstly, everyone has the May Day holiday, and secondly, the book already has three million words. No matter what, thank you for your long-term support. Without you, the author really cannot persist in the third chapter. A million words, touching myself

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