The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 1357 The end is approaching

"Boss, what should I do?" Everyone was dumbfounded.

This is the second time I have done it all over again. At first, I was charmed by an insignificant DPS character, and everyone killed him calmly - there was no guilt at all for killing my comrades, because this guy actually had a girlfriend. At this time Everyone finally found the opportunity to kill him openly, and they just felt happy.

However, the next person to be charmed is so important that no one dares to make their own decision.

It's not Azure Sea Breeze. Even if Azure Sea Breeze is charmed, you can kill him first. Anyway, there are two MTs, Youxing Tianxia and Piao Ling, who can always support him for a while.

"Kill... me!" Lu Li was also extremely depressed.

Emma, ​​what day is it today? Is this a counterattack by a single guy? First he killed someone who had a girlfriend, and now he wants to kill someone who was showing off his affection just a moment ago. It’s really satisfying.

With heavy expressions on their faces, everyone frantically unleashed their attack skills on Lu Li. They said they didn't want it, but their bodies were very honest. He even threw his ultimate move at him.

Lu Li was knocked down quickly, even five Lu Lis were useless.

"Hachichan, pull me up," of course he can't lie down all the time. After death, the player's field of vision turns gray-white, and the viewing angle and distance will affect the observation. As a commander, it is impossible to lie on the floor comfortably. Command the battle.

Xiao Bajiang obediently brought Lu Li back to his feet, and finally added: "Saving a life is better than building a seven-level pagoda. I only charge 300 gold coins. Thank you for your patronage. Welcome to come again next time."

Lu Li was too lazy to argue with her. He had to remind the guys who made mistakes last time: "Cheer up, my great mages. If it takes dozens of seconds to lift the curse this time, don't blame me for being ruthless." , especially you, Xingxing Nannan, you now represent the level of all the mages in Weiyu Pavilion."

"Promise to complete the mission," Xingxing Nannan gritted her teeth and said, then turned her head and said to Can Meng next to her: "Mengmeng, I finally know why you called him Lu Papi. You'd better come to our guild. There are many beautiful ones. Little sister."

"Pretty lady, look, the BOSS is about to cast a curse," Can Meng pointed at the BOSS and shouted.

Then it was a mess again, but although it was a little messier, compared with the last time, the efficiency of several mages to remove the curse was much faster. The skills to remove the curse are instant skills, and the casting action is also very simple, which is the most time-consuming. Instead, it's about choosing a target.

Of course, Lucifron's Curse Bearer has two powerful weapons, mana-burning and mana-consuming, which will have an impact even if it is solved quickly.

What's more, the speed of the mages was far lower than Lu Li expected. He sighed and said, "Keep fighting. The next time a curse appears, whoever is cursed will scream. It will also make it easier for the mages to find the target. This is also necessary. I said, you are almost becoming marionettes."

After a while, he couldn't help complaining again: "You always watch what the BOSS does, fight the fire demon with speed, do you want to continue to be charmed by him?"

Then everyone realized that the current main strategy is to kill the mobs first and then the boss.

In fact, everyone can also feel Lu Li's anxiety. This dungeon may have made him feel pressured, otherwise his usual words would not be so venomous - well, he would not always be so venomous.

One of the two fire monsters was finally killed, and then someone else was charmed by the remaining one. Lu Li could only bear the pain and kill this teammate. This kind of routine attrition was very annoying, and this time the attrition was still As for the cavalry, losing one healer is worse than losing two DPS.

Fortunately, the fire demon is killed quickly, so there is no need for so many MTs, and the role of the milk rider is not that important.

To defeat this BOSS in the early version, some teams like to bring more druids who can fight back, which can be regarded as a trick. If it doesn't work, Lu Li will probably do the same. After all, the most important thing now is to fight quickly. Click to kill the BOSS instead of cherishing the indifferent CD.

The end is approaching!

Impending Doom - Causes 20,000 shadow damage to nearby enemies after 10 seconds.

It was this skill that made Lu Li's heart immediately pick up in his throat. The Charm of the Fire Demon, Luciferon's Curse, and the Impending Doomsday were the three most difficult places in Luciferon. Countless teams were killed here, and it was impossible. It is these three difficulties that have locked out many unorganized, unrecorded and uncoordinated individual teams from the Molten Core.

Just as the name Impending Doom expresses, the end will come in ten seconds, because the person who is hit will suffer 20,000 points of damage after ten seconds.

Twenty thousand points of damage, this can kill any profession present instantly.

As for using invincible skills or special effects to block - come on, there are only a few players with invincible skills and special effects, not to mention the damage caused by the impending doomsday that ignores defense and invincibility. Paladins are invincible, and mages are also doing the same immediately. Was killed instantly.

The dungeons in Dawn were a bit "over the top" when they were first released.

Later, a designer said that it was not that they wanted to make things difficult for players, but that the requirement given above was that it must be quite difficult. When this requirement fell on the designers as a performance indicator, the current situation emerged. Condition.

Therefore, every system update of Sugon seems to be reducing the difficulty of the dungeon.

What makes players even more desperate is another point, a very important point, that is, whether it is a curse or the magic of impending doom, they are all AOE skills. Anyone who has fought BOSS knows what kind of disaster this kind of group attack will cause.

Just when Lu Li was about to shout, he suddenly shut his mouth.

Because the effect of a virtual circular spell appeared, the effect spread outwards, directly affecting the player who was under the impending doomsday magic, and then another circle...

Mass Dispel - Dispels magic within a 15 yard radius, removing all harmful spells from 5 friendly targets and removing 1 beneficial spell from 5 enemy targets. This dispelling spell is very powerful and can remove spells that normally cannot be dispelled.

The legendary Great Drive, March Rain’s current signature skill.

Lu Li patted his head. He was so frightened by Luciferon's curse that he actually forgot that March Rain had the Great Exorcism skill.

Although from an effect point of view, the impending doomsday is more deadly - the curse only burns mana and consumes mana, and will not kill directly, while the impending doomsday is a real instant kill skill - but when there is the existence of the exorcist priest, the impending doomsday becomes The simplest thing.

Just mindlessly disperse it like March Rain!

Lu Li suddenly felt confident about killing Luciferon, as long as...

The three mages trembled violently. They didn't know if it was an illusion, but they felt that Lu Li looked at them with a frightened look.

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