The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 140 Warm-up (please subscribe)

Yue Guang was not very optimistic about the battle between Lu Li and the Hornet's Nest, and deliberately placed him behind the water elf so that Lu Li could have more time to prepare.

Lu Li went offline and rested for a while, then found Yueguang when he came back up.

He traded the skill book and ax directly to the other party without mentioning the money.

Yueguang didn't take it seriously at first. After taking it, he glanced at it and saw that the skill book happened to be what he used. It felt pretty good. The ax...

"Silver~! Are you kidding me? Are you sure you want to give this to me?" Moonlight almost threw the ax out.

"Otherwise, should I take it out and sell it behind your back?" Lu Li smiled, "Just accept it if you can use it. I just hope you won't be so unrestrained during PK. If someone picks it up, you will suffer a big loss."

After hearing what Lu Li said, Yue Guang's expression became really serious.

Should it be used or not?

"Haha, I'm kidding. Of course the equipment is for use, why should it be kept in the warehouse waiting to have babies?" Lu Li found that Yueguang had no sense of humor. No matter what others said, he would consider it seriously.

"Thanks, but I don't have enough money," Yueguang put on the weapon, waved it a few times, and nodded with satisfaction.

"Let's talk about the money later. I'm not afraid of you defaulting on the debt anyway," Lu Li really wasn't worried. With this top-notch weapon, it would be easy to have unexpected effects in the Moonlight Bet. People like them played big and won a few games. The income is at least tens of thousands of real currency.

And this guy is probably not the owner of the flaw in reality.

"Well, I'll send it to you when I have the money. Are you sure about that guy in the hornet's nest?"

"I won't lose," Lu Li said firmly.

He didn't say that he would win, which shows that he still has sense and is not blindly arrogant. Saying that he will not lose is a sign of confidence.

"I've played against him several times. I lost more than I won, but his equipment is really good," Yueguang said a little lonely.

Yue Guang entered Dawn as a new vest. From that moment on, Yue Guang decided to draw a clear line with the past. She stopped contacting all her former friends and guilds.

It would be difficult to survive without a guild, at least in terms of equipment, you would be far behind.

Mafengwo is equipped with level 15 black iron, and may even have silver equipment, while Yueguang not only does not have level 15 black iron, he has not even worn level 10 black iron, and some of his items are still level 5. Such a gap , it cannot be made up by technology alone.

Being able to lose more and win less shows that there is still time to win, and the name of the God of War is indeed not false.

"Have a warm-up game," Lu Li invited Yueguang to the competitive room.

"I thought you would recharge your batteries," Yueguang licked the corner of her mouth, "If you are willing to fight, I can't help but ask for it."

In Yueguang's opinion, Lu Li is very suitable for taking the PVP route, but he is not willing to do so, and Yueguang has no intention of forcing it. If he encounters PVP troubles on weekdays, he will not take the initiative to ask Lu Li for help.

Ever since he lost to Lu Li last time, he had been looking forward to this confrontation for a long time.

How can a warrior lose to a thief!

The competition room used a random map mode. What appeared in front of Lu Li was a wilderness with a layer of dry weeds on the ground. Because there was wind, it did not affect the thieves' concealment. The open environment also provided the warriors with a convenient view.

With strong explosiveness and high armor value, Moonlight this time is more like a human tank than the last time they fought.

Lu Li directly entered stealth and wandered within ten yards of the moonlight.

Due to the characteristics of both professions, the arena system has a rule for this situation: once Lu Li wanders for more than ten minutes without launching an attack, he will be judged to have lost the duel.

However, Lu Li was not impatient, but slowly but resolutely observed the moonlight, trying to find an angle that was conducive to launching a surprise attack.

Yueguang did not stand still. He constantly adjusted his position, sometimes quickly and sometimes slowly. It seemed chaotic, but in fact he was always ready to attack. Once he was attacked by a sneak attack, he would react in the shortest possible time.

There is wind on this map, and the direction of the wind is unpredictable. The weeds on the ground are constantly swaying with the wind, making them messy.

In such an environment, ordinary people can't find anything at all, but Yueguang is not an ordinary person. He is a master and has extremely rich PK experience.

When he thought about it, Lu Li was a PVE player and rarely had the chance to PK. Even though he was good at it, he had very little PK experience.

He will definitely attack from behind, as most thieves do.

He came here in stealth. In order to hide his tracks, he must have walked very slowly and kept his center of gravity very low.

Moonlight stood still, her head twisted at a weird angle, her eyes moving around, observing the dead grass on the ground, and feeling the wind moving around.

Lu Li touched his back and stopped.

This position couldn't be better. As long as you take three or four steps forward and thrust the dagger forward, you can activate the sneak attack skill.

But is this really the case?

Lu Li calculated silently in his mind. He took three or four steps forward and moved his dagger forward. No, this was a trap.

Moonlight's heavy armor is a little twisted, which is a sign of his tight body. He is not as careless as he shows, and his attention is not in front, but mostly behind him, must be waiting for the attack from behind.

With just one sweep of the ax in his hand, Lu Li could be knocked out.

Lu Li carefully backed away, walked around, stopped, and waited quietly.

One minute, two minutes, three minutes...

It was a bit difficult for Yueguang to maintain this posture, so he moved his steps slightly, deliberately exposing his back completely in the process.

A clump of dead grass was blown up by the wind and slammed to the ground.

Yueguang's eyes narrowed, his lower body remained motionless, his upper body turned sharply, and he swung the ax from left to right. The arc of the ax enveloped the trajectory of the attack, extending at least five yards forward.

It turned out to be the Berserker's Half Moon Slash.

He originally thought that this unexpected attack would definitely knock out Lu Li, but who knew that the place where the withered grass was pressed down just now was empty.

Without any pause, Yueguang turned around quickly, but it was too late.

Lu Li's sneak attack hit the target perfectly, causing a four-second stun.

Level suppression, the additional effect of the skill is fully reflected, it can last for four seconds, not even half a second!


Moonlight activated a damage reduction skill, turning her skin into stone and greatly increasing her defense to reduce the damage she suffered during being stunned.

Backstab, successfully breaking the armor.

Next, Lu Li was not in a hurry to pile up skills to cause damage.

He actually used normal attacks, attacking very calmly, once or twice... When Yueguang's stun was about to end, a shadow attack overlapped, causing another two-second stun!

Instead of waiting for five combo points to be accumulated before releasing the finishing move, when Yue Guang was about to wake up, Lu Li directly used a highly completed throat wipe. Although the damage was not as high as the five-star attack, it followed. The bleeding effects are very impressive.

In this round of attacks, Yueguang has lost half of his blood, and he is still bleeding.

Everyone said that Lu Li was well-equipped, but after experiencing it personally, he realized how brutal this guy's attacks were.

After wiping his throat, Lu Li activated the acceleration on his shoes, raised his legs and ran.

Just dodged Moonlight's trample skill.

However, Yueguang was not a vegetarian. He immediately knew that his trample was in vain. Before the move could get used up, he immediately charged forward with a very standard charge.

As soon as Lu Li turned around, he saw a wall of flesh coming in front of him. He disappeared and was stunned before he could even activate it.

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