The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 150 Amazing Explosion Rate

For example, now, its cheetah transformation and stealth can perfectly coordinate with Lu Li's actions, minimizing the chance of them encountering monsters.

Lu Li's own speed is very fast, and it slows down slightly after sneaking. Even so, it is much faster than an ordinary follower. However, this elite druid is not slow either. After transforming into a cheetah, his movement speed will increase, at least keeping up with Lu Li. It's completely fine.

The grass is muddy, and many monsters are lurking in the muddy water, making them difficult to guard against.

After walking for a few minutes, Lu Li moved his feet and a huge creature emerged from the ground. He had to face his first battle in the trial space.

The mud swamp monster is level 20. It is tall and has good defense. Its attacks carry poisonous damage. Strictly speaking, it is an elemental creature. It is very sensitive to ground movements and is very difficult to deal with. Many players who are doing job transfer tasks are attracted by this kind of monster. The mobs KO directly.

Lu Li didn't skimp on his skills, he directly activated the special effects on his cloak, ducked behind the swamp monster, stunned him, and attacked with all his strength!

The moment he attacked the target, the Druid minion threw a Starfire spell at the monster, causing considerable damage.

Elites are more than a little bit better than ordinary people.

The swamp monster fell down quickly, and Lu Li grabbed the things that the swamp monster dropped and ran away.

Nonsense, if you don't leave, you will die. He knows better than anyone how dangerous it is here, even if he knows nothing about this map.

When he was far away, Lu Li looked back and saw that the place where he had fought had been submerged by swamp monsters.

The wilderness is endless, there are no stars in the sky, and the direction is difficult to identify. Fortunately, the Druid followers can guide the player in the direction forward, otherwise, he will definitely get lost in this swamp.

Sometimes there would be puddles on the ground, and Lu Li fell into them twice. His whole body was covered in mud and water, and it was extremely uncomfortable to be wet.

But he didn't seem to feel anything at all. He wiped the mud on his face and continued moving forward silently.

As a professional player, there is no room for pretentiousness!

After an hour, he found a slightly drier place to sit down and rest.

In this hour, he has encountered more than a dozen battles, most of which were near misses. The most dangerous one was when he encountered two elite poisonous snakes. The poison was very strong. Lu Li's intermediate antidote completely lost its effect. Fortunately, the druid Followers can add blood.

He handed the bread in his hand to the druid attendant, but was rejected as expected.

Followers cannot use the player's props. This is a system rule. Lu Li had to stop and let the followers recover their magic points.

He originally planned to improve the mission rating by killing other players. However, it was different from when he was doing missions in his previous life. Lu Li didn't see any players for more than an hour, and there was no place to kill him if he wanted to.

Something must be wrong.

In fact, the truth is very simple - he was assigned to a high-difficulty map.

According to the identification method of the system program, the map Lu Li is currently on is an S-level map, and it is a particularly difficult one.

The probability of a player being sorted is relatively small, less than one percent.

After more than ten days, more than a dozen maps, including this map, were processed by the system because no player could successfully pass the level. Players since then have never seen these maps again.

High risks meant extraordinary rewards. When Lu Li picked up the loot from under an elite monster, he decided not to rush out.

Lightning mark!

Lu Li had already picked up the second rare material that could only be dropped by wild bosses above level 20. They were all dropped by elite monsters.

This kind of drop is really terrifying.

He gave orders to his followers, who canceled their stealth and waded forward in the swamp.

A swamp leech crawled out of the muddy water and sprayed a water arrow at the Druid follower. The Druid follower canceled its transformation and began to fight back.

The swamp leech didn't move very fast. Before it could get close to the Druid follower, Lu Li had already sneaked up behind it.

The battle was very fast-paced, and Lu Li couldn't stay in one place for too long, otherwise there would be monsters surrounding him, and the ants could kill an elephant. What's more, most of these monsters were level 20 elites.

In addition to being poisonous, Swamp Thing is also painfully sluggish.

The battle lasted for more than a minute, and the Swamp Dragon Leech, who was covered in mucus, was surrounded and killed by Lu Li and his entourage.

Strengthening stone!

It is also a specialty of level 20 BOSS. BOSS below level 20 will only have a small probability of dropping it when the first kill occurs.

Perhaps because of the thick blood of the leeches, when Lu Li picked up the strengthening stone, four or five monsters were already approaching them.

This is not a problem for them!

Transformed into cheetahs, the two leopards were very fast and quickly got rid of the monster's pursuit.

Just walking and killing monsters like this, three hours later, Lu Li not only got five rare materials, but also three strengthening stones, and two pieces of level 15 black iron equipment.

After another encounter ended, Lu Li walked a hundred yards away from the place where the battle took place before stopping.

With only half of his health left, and the druid's magic points also running low, Lu Li stopped trying to increase his health, took out a piece of bread and sat down to restore his health.

The druid's magic value depends on automatic recovery, so save it if you can.

Just as he sat down, a slight wind sound suddenly came from behind his head.

Sneak attack!

The sound of the knife tip tearing through the air in high-speed motion was all too familiar. Lu Li could sometimes hear this sound in his dreams in reality.

Without any concern for his image, Lu Li lunged forward and fell into the puddle in front of him.

After getting up, Lu Li immediately commanded the druid followers to fight freely. In addition to the one who attacked Lu Li, there was another thief. He controlled Lu Li's druid followers and launched an attack on the druid followers.

The thieves attacking the Druid's followers should also be followers, and they are ordinary followers with low attacks.

A combination of two thieves.

Lu Li wiped the mud off his face and used the special effects of his cloak to teleport behind the thief at the beginning.

The thief player had a look of fear on his face. He imagined countless possibilities, but none of them allowed Lu Li to avoid his sneak attack.

When encountering a sneak attack, the most common reaction of players is to turn around. Although this cannot avoid the sneak attack skill, it can reduce the effect of the sneak attack.

Lu Li was the first person he had ever seen to react at the last moment and dodge sneak attack skills.

By the time he reacted, things were completely out of control. The thief in front of him flashed and appeared behind him. This was a perfect sneak attack.

Four seconds of dizziness!

The thief's follower who attacked the Druid rushed over to rescue his master. The Druid's follower raised his hand, and a cluster of vines rose from the ground, tightly wrapping around the opponent. Then he ignored the entangled opponent and cooperated with Lu Li to attack the rogue player.

In a civil war between the same profession, this thief whose equipment was not top-notch had no ability to fight back. When he finally realized that he had hit a brick wall, the system had already prompted him that the job transfer mission had failed.

System: Kill a competitor and get +3 mission evaluation points.

It's a pity that the players in this map are too small, and it only takes a few hours to encounter one. It is obviously not feasible to increase the evaluation points through PK.

PS: I’m so ashamed. Hanjiang Ye and Children’s Boots have received another 10,000 prizes. I will try my best to write more lyrics this weekend. I am also very grateful to Feng Shaoyan and Yu Seruqi for their rewards, and to Hanjiangye, Hanjiangye, What are you doing, and Indifferent's promise, Yezizhu 17, and quanshen for their monthly votes.

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