The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 1513 Still needs a treatment

"Child, this is the Seventh Legion," the old officer said very seriously, sweeping away his previous decadence: "Do you know how the Seventh Legion was originally formed?"

Without waiting for Lu Li's reaction, he began to educate Lu Li about the origin of the Seventh Legion.

With the sharp decline in the number of the Brotherhood of the Iron Horse and the losses caused by the expeditionary force after passing through the Dark Portal, a vacuum was created in the Alliance's military strength, and the Seventh Legion came into being.

Unlike the Kor'kron, who are positioned as elite troops, selected from thousands of tribal armies and directly obey the will of the warchief, the Seventh Legion has gradually grown into an elite. They are the Alliance's standard legion. They have experienced countless bloody battles and have stepped through every corner of Azeroth with firm steps.

They have fought against demons, fought against alien bugs, and fought against the Scourge, and today, they still protect the security of the Alliance.

In terms of combat effectiveness, the Seventh Legion stands out among the Alliance armies.

But these soldiers of the Seventh Legion did not have noble origins. Most of them originally came from Lordaeron.

After being abandoned, Lordaeron became a place with howling winds and demons everywhere. Most of the survivors moved south, but those who remained followed Lady Jaina and her loyal defenders from Kul Tiras to the west. Other accompaniments include armed forces such as the Gilnean War Brigade.

This mixed force of human dwarves rallied around Lady Jaina and stood on the front line of Mount Hyjal, facing off against Archimonde the Defiler and his undead army. In the face of the military power of the Burning Legion, the victory of the mortal race at great losses is almost laughable. Theramore's human population was almost completely wiped out, eventually leading to the rise of Admiral Proudmoore and his direct line.

Of course, as one of the most experienced main forces, the Seventh Army is almost bound to participate in the war.

Ironically, Jaina eventually led her fledgling forces in rebellion against her father. Admiral Proudmoore's death ended the long-standing dispute between the Horde and the Alliance.

Eventually, Theramore learned that the human tribes in the north had been nearly wiped out by Arthas and his Scourge forces, and most of the people of Lordaeron were forced to flee to the south of the former kingdom. Most of the residents who did not settle in Southsea Town ran to Stormwind City, and the then King Varian Wrynn warmly accepted them, just as Lordaeron previously accepted the people of Stormwind.

As the relationship between Stormwind City and Theramore gradually restored, the dwarves, gnomes, humans of the Eastern Kingdoms, Theramore, and the mysterious night elves jointly ushered in a new era for the Alliance.

In short, these allies are already a fact. Each race provides manpower for the alliance's victory. The high elves accompanying Jaina also contribute battle mages to the Seventh Legion, establishing a solid foundation for the different combat capabilities of the legion. backing, adding unparalleled flexibility.

When the silithid invaded Azeroth again, the Alliance mobilized the Seventh Legion to join the coalition, known in history as the Power of Kalimdor.

So far, the Seventh Legion has been established for nearly ten years.

They have fought against any ferocious enemy, and their blood has left their mark on every corner of Azeroth.

"Not for the spirit of chivalry, not for the orders of the lord, but simply for the name of glory and the happiness of the people..." The old officer trembled with excitement, as if at this moment he had truly become a soldier who fought bloody battles with the legion. An officer, a hard-blooded warrior who was born a farmer and grew up to be a major.

"Uh...I'm sorry," Lu Li was also very depressed. He just felt that the soldiers he could choose were too inferior.

When the Seventh Legion was first established, there were indeed many farmers participating in it, but now the Seventh Legion is no longer the ragtag group it used to be. There is no need to send farmers to itself. The combat effectiveness of this kind of sixty-level farmer is probably not as good as that of a single farmer. Ordinary players in the elite group of Sword of Judgment, if they spawn in the wild, they might even be considered elite monsters.

"The Seventh Legion is an army of war. Only cruel battles can temper the most elite warriors." The old officer rolled his eyes and squinted: "Do you want the king's honor guard? Do you need to give them Paired with a stylish leather-armored war horse, or decorated with medals..."

"Excuse me," Lu Li had to interrupt him: "Can I recruit my own subordinates among adventurers?"

"...Yes, yes..." Major Fink was unhappy with Lu Li interrupting his impassioned speech, but he could only fulfill his obligation to answer.

"That's good, I plan to recruit my own team from among the adventurers," Lu Li's mood was not much better. He threw the documents to the opponent rather forcefully, and let these damn farmers go to the battlefield to train. .

He didn't want to sneak into the enemy's territory secretly with a few farmers, and then endanger himself because the farmers were exposed.

Being a stalker is a profession that requires a lot of skills!

The old officer watched Lu Li leave angrily. He hated this kind of unruly adventurer and his style of not using bean bags as dry food. Therefore, he decided to go to his superior to speak ill of Lu Li. If Lu Li's actions this time did not add some achievements to his merit book, then he, the second lieutenant, would probably be put in cold storage forever.

"Second Lieutenant Adventurer, scoff," the old officer buried himself back in the pile of documents, his disdainful look appearing before Lu Li walked out.

Lu Li didn't bother to care about him. Anyway, he had no other interactions with this old officer with a bad temper. His missions would be shown on the mission scroll. After the mission was completed, he would go to the Quartermaster to receive the reward. As for his newly recruited teammates, he only needs to enter their names into the mission scroll.

Teammates must be thieves or druids, and the level of stealth cannot be too bad. Many undead units have anti-submarine capabilities. As long as one person is discovered, the entire team will be in danger.

Fortunately, players can be resurrected, which is why Lu Li decided not to choose NPCs. After those farmers were killed by the undead, they not only lost their fighting power, but they also turned into undead and turned against him.

Water Spirit……

This is a must-choose, and girls will definitely be interested in this novel way of adventure. Ahem... Then who said that companionship is the longest confession of love? Experts are always right.

Then Cain’s left hand and the bright red young moon, the wealth will not go to outsiders, as long as the task is completed, everyone’s reward will not be less.

The key is, it still needs a treatment.

There is no safe resurrection point in the entire area flooded by natural disasters. If you want to be resurrected, you can only return to the city to resurrect. Even if Lu Li returns from the battle, he will not be able to take care of so many people. He is not a professional healer after all.

Hachichan is obviously not good. Her charm is ineffective in front of undead units. Moreover, if a road-crazy little fool like her tries to serve as a scout, she will probably end up in front of Arthas or Kel'Thuzad inexplicably. Will she be acting cute or surrendering? Woolen cloth.

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