The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 153 Fallen Elf

"No one will know," Lu Li said firmly.

The soldier left dejectedly, leaving behind Lu Li, whose heartbeat was racing, with a black water scale, a lightning mark, and a strengthening stone. These were the trophies of his first robbery.

It can be called abundant!

He now has seven rare materials and four strengthening stones on his body, which is not enough to clear a difficult level of death mine.

In fact, under normal circumstances, it would be good for every player who comes out of the swamp to have a rare material in their hands.

It is very difficult for players to farm the ordinary monsters in this map, let alone the elites who can explode rare materials. If they encounter two elites, they will definitely die. Only when warrior players explode others can they have the wealth of two rare materials and one strengthening stone. .

Using followers as bait and deliberately luring monsters out to kill them like Lu Li did was not something a normal person would do.

Now he has found a new way to farm rare materials.

In his previous life, he only got robbed, but this life was really different. Lu Li started robbing others with great interest.

You might not meet a single person in the swamp for an hour. After leaving the swamp, there were slightly more people, but only slightly more. Lu Li only met four groups of players in more than an hour.

Two of them were full teams. Lu Li followed them for a few minutes, but couldn't find any chance of a sneak attack and finally gave up.

Then he met a single player who was a bachelor. After Lu Li beat him to a pulp in a few blows, he handed over the only rare material he had on him to save his life.

In another wave, two players teamed up, both with followers, and relied on their large numbers to refuse Lu Li's request for robbery.

Lu Li had no choice but to teach them what it means to be a hero who knows the current affairs.

With the addition of followers, two versus four, Lu Li was not at ease either. He originally planned to hold back but accidentally stabbed a player to death.

The remaining one deeply reflected on his superficiality and obediently handed over two rare materials.

Going further, there are not many solo players. If they are, they are double invisible units, two thieves and two virtues, or a combination of one thief and one virtue like Lu Li. The world is so big that no one can catch anyone else.

Others travel together.

Due to mutual concerns, fewer people started PKing.

Lu Li's robbery plan had to be temporarily stopped.

The destination of this trip is a fallen elf village, which is a gathering place for monsters in the scene map, and is almost the same as a dungeon. It's probably not easy to see Rensac, and it's inevitable to go deep into the enemy's lair.

All fallen elves are elites above level 20 and are very brave.

Lu Li saw with his own eyes that a team of five was wiped out in a short time under the attack of more than a dozen fallen elves. He did not rush in, but waited quietly at a hidden location at the entrance of the village.

Fishing in troubled waters is the favorite thing for thieves players.

There are more and more players, and they are all players who entered the dungeon map in the morning to start the job change mission.

Although they are all competitors and wish for the death of others outside their own team, no one has any intention of letting others take advantage of them. At least they will exercise restraint until they see the BOSS.

Players from the two camps could not form a team, so there was no basis for cooperation. They were divided into two distinct groups, far apart. It seemed that they planned to advance into the middle of the village from different directions.

When the number of people in the evil camp reached more than 40, they finally got impatient and continued to wait.

A mage player came out to take the lead. Everyone sat in a circle and discussed a cooperation plan within a few minutes.

As for the sincerity of cooperation, this can be ignored.

With more people, there is greater power, the speed of clearing monsters increases dramatically, and the safety is also greatly improved.

Occasionally, loot will drop, and the temporary commander, the mage who organizes everyone's cooperation, can also distribute the equipment and materials fairly and use a rotation system.

Lu Li also saw the first warrior player he robbed, standing next to the mage.

This mage should be from the Glory City Guild. No wonder he has the appeal to organize a group of forty people.

Lu Li sneaked behind the evil camp players, intending to wait and see what happened. There must be many players like him.

The reason why I chose the evil camp to follow may be because I subconsciously felt that not only would I gain honor by killing enemy players, but I would also feel free of guilt.

Occasionally, among the elite monsters, there will be a relatively powerful elite. The level has reached 25. His blood volume is not very thick, but he is immune to more than half of the player's attacks. And his attack is also unusually high, so the team begins to suffer from attrition.

A thief suddenly appeared behind a player with residual health and killed him directly. However, this thief was obviously not enough and could not run away after killing.

Lu Li couldn't bear to watch, feeling that this guy had lost face as a thief.

But he didn't go up to prove what he meant.

They need to deal with more and more big elites, and also have to guard against the hostile camp players following behind. The evil camp is advancing very slowly.

Lu Li knew that the same was probably true for the Light camp, and no one would be easier than the other.

The teams on both sides advanced to the location of the Fallen Altar almost at the same time, which is where the "Village Committee" of the Fallen Elves is located.

It was a very grand building, covering an area of ​​several thousand yards.

In addition to the fallen elves, there are also a large number of doomsday guards around the altar.

They are the bottom cannon fodder of the Burning Legion, but in front of the players, they are a high wall that is not easy to overcome.

The commanders on both sides wisely gave up the idea of ​​fighting first, and they had to cooperate to clear out these doomsday guards. Therefore, the glory of the camp is useless. If their interests are consistent, they can fight side by side.

In order to ensure nothing goes wrong, they are still waiting for more players to gather.

Lu Li stood on a high ground and carefully observed the fallen elves on the altar.

There were some close-ups of Rensac in the mission description, and combined with the differences in status among the species, Lu Li quickly found his target.

That was a very old elf. If you didn't look at the wrinkles, he was still a handsome guy. But his eyes were full of coldness and madness, as well as the cruelty to destroy everything. He was holding a horned bow in his hand. A white wolf lies.

The horn bow is very long, which means that Rensak is not a ranger at least.

The specialty of the ranger is the short bow and sword, which is very powerful in close combat and long range combat. The ranger of the elves was once feared, and was famous all over the world together with the Priestess of the Moon.

The most famous ranger in Dawn is none other than Queen Sylvanas Windrunner—one of the most famous ultimate bosses in the evil camp. She is not only outstanding in strength, but also stunningly beautiful in appearance.

Many players from the light camp were willing to fall and join the evil camp after seeing the beauty of Queen Sylvanas. Unfortunately, they didn't find a way until Lu Li traveled through.

Excluding the possibility of being a ranger, Rensac should be a hunter, the king of long-range physical attacks, and a weakling in melee combat.

While Lu Li was observing, the players below finally gathered 200 people and began to attack the Doom Guard camp.

PS: Sorry, I've been a little busy at work recently. I don't have time to write words during the day, so I have put it off until night. I will try my best to keep two updates on word writing, and try three updates on weekends. I hope everyone can support it, support traditional online games, and subscribe to the original version!

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