The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 1576 For the mount

The battle soon enters the second stage. When Venosis' health is still about 40%, he will turn into a snake.

That's right, a living person (troll) turned into a big snake with just a hiss. The ferocious face made Lu Li feel chilled in his heart. Even though he was mentally prepared, some of the others were shocked. Shout out.

It’s not like no one has wiped out a group in this place. Being scared by the BOSS and killing a group was once considered by some as one of the stupidest ways to kill a group.

The designer is probably a horror or disaster movie lover.

"Hey, aren't you scared?" Lu Li looked at the calm-looking girls in confusion. Shouldn't they be screaming at this time? Only crazy screaming can express their fear.

"You are so stupid, can't you just turn on the Q version of vision?" Hachi-chan rolled her eyes at Lu Li with disdain.

"Yes, this big snake is so cute. I really want to catch it and take it home." Can Meng drooled at the ferocious giant snake. I have to say that the harmonization of the monster was so successful. No wonder these girls entered this dissatisfied place. The copy of the poisonous insect will be so calm.

Lu Li and others also quickly adjusted the visual mode.

"Huahua, run! Go to the left, run to a place where no one is around," Winoxis spat at Hua Diliqing. His body was immediately covered with a green cloud, and it was still spreading and contagious. .

Huadi Liqing is not very good at PK. At the beginning, it was mainly due to her slow reaction.

However, with the increase in game activities, he has been playing for more than half a year now. He is no longer the arrogant person who died tragically at the mouth of a wolf. Now he encounters ordinary attacks in the wild and can deal with them in a few or two strokes. , it is simply a mobile super fort.

After all, all professions are changing. Other professions have increased and decreased, but Master has never been weakened.

Huadi Liqing ran to the corner with a look of forgiveness, where she was poisoned to her heart's content.

In addition to this contagious poisonous mist, the BOSS will also emit a poisonous cloud towards the open space, with a larger range, causing very serious damage to people at close range around him. To put it simply, don't stand in the poisonous cloud.

Lu Li didn't need to remind everyone to react and deal with this.

At this stage, Azure Sea Breeze's work is even harder. He needs to constantly move the BOSS and pull the BOSS away from the poisonous cloud.

"Why do I always feel like something is gnawing at me?" Fat Monkey frowned.

"Little snake," Lu Li had seen it a long time ago.

"I'll go, there are really mobs, look at me Frost Nova," Fire Mage also knows this group control skill, but the power and effect are slightly worse.

"It's unnecessary. It's a waste of time. The damage is very low," Lu Li shook his head. He didn't bother to care about the little snakes crawling out of the poisonous mist. Of course, it was not impossible to get rid of these little snakes. After all, no matter how low the damage was, they could still cause damage.

"It should be fine this time, there is only 10% health left," Piao Ling asked.

"As long as the group is not destroyed, there will be no problem with the violent violence. Bajiang pulled up Yueguang." Lu Li used Zhan Fu to pull up the Qingcheng Death who had just died. It was coming to the last moment. One more person would give him more combat power. .

"The BOSS's hatred is a bit chaotic," Azure Sea Breeze reminded: "Please calm down your output."

"Master Feng, as Dawn's number one MT, it's a bit cowardly to say this," Fat Monkey's subordinate slowed down his movements, but he was still teasing the blue sea breeze.

"Aren't you still called the second Xiao Mo?" Azure Sea Breeze mocked back without giving in: "If you have the ability to kill Xiao Mo, then you will be the first mage of Dawn. However, I heard that you last week After encountering Mo Wangfeng, he was raped?"

"You were the one who was raped. It's called respecting the old and loving the young. I let him go because of his age." Fat Monkey chuckled: "On the contrary, it was you. Didn't the Eleventh Young Master chase Piao Ling? , why did I chop you twice?"

"Wucao, Liu... Piaoling, you are just a Sabi, you tricked me, Master Eleven came to find you, you asked me to come forward," Azure Sea Breeze said bitterly.

"Let's break up the relationship," Fat Monkey couldn't help but sympathize with this guy.

"What is the position for breaking up?" Luo Ying recalled interjecting. The girl smiled with a lewd expression, which made even a shameless person like Fat Monkey shudder. However, he did not dare to complain about anything. Don't offend a rotten girl if she offends anyone. Be careful with her. Match you with a wretched man, and then write a shocking love-hate entanglement and post it on the forum.

"Recall, there's a new restaurant opened on Front Street, I heard it's very good..." Azure Sea Breeze was discouraged.

"Are you going to chase me?" Luo Ying recalled asking.

"Don't dare, don't dare," Azure Sea Breeze was even more frightened.

"Am I that scary? You don't even dare to chase me?" Luo Ying recalled angrily.

"Uh... Auntie, what are you going to do to let me go?" Azure Sea Breeze almost knelt down. Compared with the ferocious-looking high-ranking priest Venousis in front of him, he felt that Luo Ying's memories were scary, what? Damn Shuguang's first MT, completely unable to handle it.

"If you want me to let you go, it's actually very simple. Just let me order four dishes from the server building," Luo Ying recalled saying viciously.

"Pfft, all servers? Four dishes?" As if he had received a heavy blow from the BOSS, the azure sea breeze spurted a mouthful of old blood onto the BOSS's face, and then the BOSS went berserk.

The green poisonous mist instantly spread to the entire place, and everyone's blood lines swished downwards.

"Stop chatting. You are fighting the BOSS. You thought you were visiting the vegetable market." Lu Li interrupted their performance and drew everyone's attention back to the BOSS. Even if the BOSS is very good, it is possible for him to become violent. Cause group destruction.

The healers quickly used their own methods to protect everyone, especially Hachi-chan's enhanced tranquility once again played a huge role.

We have reached this stage, and there is no need to hide anything to reduce damage.

"My death is insignificant," High Priest Venosis sighed. The big snake returned to its human form, and finally knelt on the ground and became motionless.

"Mengmeng touches the equipment and the others move on," Lu Li breathed a sigh of relief.

"Lu Bapi, don't go too far, you have to let us take a breather," Qiweika sat down on the ground. No one had rested from beginning to end today.

"We all have time and mood to chat, how tired can we be, think about mounts, think about first kills..."

"Suddenly I don't feel tired anymore, GO! GO! GO!" Qiweika jumped up. He was still riding the most ordinary mount, and he had long wanted to get a special and cool mount.

According to the latest statistics in the world of picking up girls, the bonus score of a cool mount is higher than that of the best equipment.

Just imagine, everyone is walking on the streets of Stormwind City riding racial camp mounts, but your mount is unique and stands out from the crowd. Not to mention girls, even men will be attracted to you.

There is a playboy in the elite group who often changes girlfriends, each one more beautiful than the last.

The reason why he can find a beautiful girlfriend every time is not only that this guy is handsome, but also his rare mounts and rare equipment in the game. This allows many singles in the club to find a shortcut to solve their problems. Vika is one of them.

If the mount comes out this time, he may not be able to get it.

But as long as someone gets it, according to Lu Li's rules, special mounts cannot participate in the competition, so he will have fewer competitors next time.

"Dancing grass, it's actually a spider," Piao Ling muttered in a low voice.

"What's wrong with the spider? The Deadwood Troll believes in Shadra, the God of Spiders. Didn't you check the information beforehand?" Lu Li gave him a puzzled look.

The Deadwood tribe split from the Amani Empire after the Troll War and returned to the land where their ancestors lived - today's Hinterlands and Arathi Highlands.

Like other forest trolls, the deadwood trolls joined the Horde during the Second War under the leadership of Zul'jin, the famous hero of the Amani Empire. But then the Horde was defeated, Zuljin disappeared, and the forest trolls abandoned the orc alliance.

The Deadwood Trolls living in the Hinterlands had conflicts with the Maltooth Trolls and launched many attacks on this small tribe, but the dwarf forces in the Eagle's Nest Mountain were also a threat that should not be underestimated. During this time, the Deadwood Trolls who inhabited the Arathi Highlands reluctantly formed an alliance with the Stonefist Ogres to fight against their hated enemy, the Horde army that had built Hammerfell.

In the background of Zul'Gurub's story, Deadwood is also one of the major clans.

High Priest Malro represents the Deadwood Troll and is stationed in the Spider District. Here are the warriors of the Witherwood Troll and the spider minions he summoned.

"Hehe, because the little animal that someone is most afraid of is spiders. Once I threw a fake spider into his bed, he was so scared that he cried, haha," Azure Sea Breeze never mind bringing up floating scandals, because of his IQ The reason is that he has always been suppressed by Piao Ling, but he also resisted in the process. The fake spider once became a weapon for him to fight back.

"Haha, are you itchy? I wouldn't mind helping you loosen your muscles and bones," Piao Ling said with an ugly expression.

"Your uncle," Azure Sea Breeze decisively stopped talking. Even though he looked very majestic, in reality he was never a match for Piao Ling. This guy was too beautiful when he was a child, and his parents were worried that he would be raped. He was bullied, so he was sent to learn Taekwondo, Judo, Sanda...

If Piao Ling is frightened, his force value will be doubled. Whenever the blue sea breeze thinks back to the day when he threw the spider into Piao Ling's bed, he is always secretly happy but also has lingering fears.

"How about you go out and wait for help," Lu Li was very open-minded.

"Okay, I'll come in when you beat the BOSS who loses his mount?" Piao Ling reluctantly left.

"Go away, these next bosses belong to the world," Lu Li said unceremoniously. Although he had a better relationship with Piao Ling, to be fair, it was of course impossible to return You Xing to the world. It would be a complete waste. copy CD.

"Well, then I'd better not leave, isn't it just a spider?" Piao Ling immediately regretted it.

"Ouch, my stomach hurts. I want to take a break and let Deputy T go on first," Azure Sea Breeze took the opportunity to say. His ill intentions were so obvious that he clearly wanted to trick Piao Ling.

Lu Li didn't bother to care about them. Anyway, as long as someone came forward to pull the monsters, it would be fine.

He is paying attention to Can Meng's equipment. He will keep the strengthening stones first and give the synthetic stones to whoever wants them. If more than two people need them, he will roll them. Anyway, the things are relatively average, so there is no DKP deduction for taking the equipment.

All gold equipment will be decomposed by the enchanter, and dark gold equipment will be thrown into the guild warehouse.

"Rune blood armor, legendary mail clothes," Can Meng posted the attributes. Although she used the mail armor, she showed little interest in this equipment because the attributes added to physical fitness and intelligence, and she I prefer equipment that adds agility.

"This equipment is actually pretty good. It has a fatal attack, which is rare. Do you want memories?" Lu Li asked.

"No, I'm waiting for the T2 set parts," Luo Ying recalled decisively refusing.

"Okay, failed sale," Lu Li sighed. This equipment can only be thrown into the guild's warehouse. Many ordinary individual players will guess that there should be idle legendary equipment in the guild's warehouse, while others think Impossible, after all, legendary equipment is too rare.

This is the same as poor people guessing whether the emperor will eat meat buns tonight and whether he will use a gold toilet when going to the toilet.

Now, there are a lot of legendary equipment in the warehouse of Sword of Judgment - although most of them are niche professions such as shamans and druids, waiting for club players to save enough points to redeem them.

Especially the equipment for the shaman profession. There are relatively few people playing shaman in this game. It is completely normal to get equipment with low scores. Now that the shaman equipment of Sword of Judgment has not been sold, it is nothing. Lu Li plans to find a new one in a few days. The shaman who joins the team is mainly used to consume healing mail equipment.

As long as the equipment is good and the skills are superb, the healing shaman can still gain a place in the dungeon.

Besides, with every patch and every god, no one is sure when the game will start to improve the status of the shaman profession. Dawn has never said that one will be the best in the end (except for Master). Unlike some games, there are a lot of professions designed. , there are only one or two that are really strong, which results in players almost all playing the same profession.

Luoying Memories is doing very well, occasionally downloading dungeons, occasionally playing games, and occasionally going to the arena to kill people.

She is equipped with legendary equipment - truly legendary equipment, from head to toe, it is legendary, and most of it is top quality. After all, there are very few people who can compete with her.

Lu Li took a look at the DKP of everyone in the team. If a mount came out, it would probably be hers. After all, she had a lot of DKP - anyone who kept getting equipment with low scores could become an unparalleled scorer.

"Original Hakkari bracers, belonging to paladins, hunters, and mages," Can Meng pulled out another legendary piece.

"Who wants it? If no one wants it..." Lu Li was speechless. Is this going to be rejected? It can't go on like this. He kind of wants to force someone to do it. As a commander and the leader of the group responsible for distributing equipment, he is consuming everyone. DKP is the right way.

A big chapter of 4,000 words, two in one. There should be more later.

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