The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 158 Change of profession to great thief

"Your followers died in the battle. The mission was not completed perfectly." The old elf seemed to know what Lu Li was thinking. He shook his head and said, "This is an ancient trial. It has its fixed rules, and there is nothing I can do about it."

Lu Li was only slightly unhappy, but it was not that he couldn't accept the result.

Thieves' skill books are all gray, slightly whitish. These skill books look almost identical in appearance. Most people may pick two at random.

That's just an ordinary person. As a reborn person who studied various strategies in his previous life, Lu Li would not be that low.

He could tell which skill book in this stack of skill books was the best skill almost at a glance.

There is a name on the cover of the skill book, but since the NPC lets you draw it instead of letting you choose, it will naturally not let you see the words on the cover, so what you need to observe at this time is the glyphs on the spine.

The glyphs in any book are different. This difference is very small. It was not until a year after the game that someone accidentally discovered the difference. A group of data gangs spent several weeks collecting various information and comparing their glyphs. Find out the rules.

Lu Li was not a computer, so of course it was impossible for him to remember the glyphs for all skills, but it was enough for him to remember some of the glyphs for the best skills.

Despite the dozen or so skills, there weren't many that caught his eye.

For example, this one...

Lu Li took out a book, and as expected saw the words "Wind Step" on the cover.

Wind Step: Instant, 60 seconds cooldown, forced into stealth state. In the first second, you will not be harmed by any damage. After stealth, your movement speed will be increased by 50% for 5 seconds. The first attack after stealth will be released. Causes 150% damage to the target. Current level 1/5.

After the level reaches full level, the invincibility will be extended to 2 seconds, the movement speed will be increased to 80%, and the first damage after stealth will be increased to 280%.

This is a skill he has always wanted. The explosion rate is really low and there is no shortcut. It is a complete surprise that he can get it in the job transfer mission.

There was only one chance left, and there were still two top-notch skills that Lu Li could recognize.

One is a kidney attack, the other is an ambush.

The former is a control skill that consumes combo points to cause a stun effect on the target. It is a control-type finishing move. Besides Sap, it is also the skill with the longest control time, and he can control the target during the battle, even if he attacks, the effect will not be controlled.

The latter only counts ordinary skills with relatively high damage, but after the ambush is completed, two combo points are directly awarded, doubling the value of this skill.

Lu Li's current skill sequence starts with a sneak attack, which rewards two combo points, followed by backstab and shadow attack, each with one combo point. In other words, his set of skills can only produce four combo points. , not enough to exert the maximum power of the finishing move.

For Lu Li, these two skills are top-notch and can greatly improve his strength.

After hesitating for a while, Lu Li chose to ambush.

Ambush: Instant, cooldown 30 seconds, ambush the target from behind, causing 180% weapon damage to the target, awarding 2 combo points, current level 1/5.

It's not that he doesn't want a kidney shot, but it's just that he doesn't want an ambush so urgently.

Lu Li's main output skills are backstab and shadow attack. He must intersperse a large number of normal attacks to establish an attack rhythm. This method is okay against ordinary players. After all, his attacks are much higher than ordinary players, but when he meets an expert, he will It pales in comparison.

Moreover, Lu Li paid more attention to the special effects of ambush.

An ambush with a completion level of more than 85% can cause paralysis for one second, and if it exceeds 90%, it will cause paralysis for two seconds.

"You are the first player to complete the job transfer task, and if you complete it alone, you can get five skill points." The old elf continued to hand out rewards.

"Thank you, respected elder," Lu Li felt happy when he heard this. Even the depression of only getting two skill books disappeared. No matter how rare skill books are, they are not as good as skill points. You can't buy skill points even if you have money.

"Also because you are the first player to successfully change jobs, I will now reward you with experience. Are you ready?" the old elf said.

"Of course," Lu Li nodded.

With a wave of his hand, Lu Li's experience bar skyrocketed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

System: Your level has increased to level 19.

System: Your level has increased to level 20.

Upgraded two levels in a row! Moreover, after reaching level 20, the progress did not stop. It progressed to 60% before stopping.

"Now, you have three career change directions to choose from," the old elf waved his hand, and a virtual panel appeared in front of Lu Li, showing three careers with different development directions.

Rogue, scout, demon hunter.

Lu Li could only smile bitterly and chose the thief without even looking at it.

He had no intention of choosing any variant other than Thief. He had directly hit the Demon Hunter's scroll, but he gave up.

It is necessary to mention here that you can change jobs directly by using the job transfer scroll, and there will also be job transfer rewards, but it will not be included in the system's job transfer ranking. Some people may have successfully transferred jobs a long time ago, but the system still only recognizes those who have done so. Lu Li successfully transferred his job.

Lu Li didn't even pay attention to demon hunters, who were called "hidden professions" by players, let alone scouts.

Fewer people turn to scout!

It's not that it has no advantages, it's just that his advantages tend to focus on concealment, reconnaissance, and eliminating traps. These things are only useful for large teams. His individual combat capabilities have been greatly reduced, and he would not choose to kill Lu Li.

Scouts can do it, and thieves can generally do it, but they are not that sophisticated.

When a thief becomes a thief, his name remains unchanged, but players are used to calling the thief after the job change as a big thief.

From this moment on, Lu Li can confidently call himself the Great Thief Lu Li.

The top thieves in my past life memories were all great thieves, and none of them had a hidden profession.

In fact, there are no hidden professions or hidden tasks in Shuguang. They are all judged by the players themselves.

The professions that are not clearly stated in the official information are all hidden professions. The only tasks or the tasks that only some people can take are called hidden tasks to create a sense of mystery in the game.

At this time, the system officially issued an announcement, announcing the appearance of the first player who successfully changed jobs.

Before the announcement, Lu Li was prompted whether to hide information. Under normal circumstances, Lu Li wouldn't really care, but he had just snatched Rensac from the clutches of the Glory City. It would not be good to be too arrogant, so he might as well continue to remain anonymous.

In fact, his hiding was completely deceptive. He jumped two levels to the top of the rankings. Even a blind person could tell that this guy had successfully changed his profession.

There is actually no debate about the number one spot on the rankings. Most people know that it is a stupid thief named Lu Li. He led his group of cute teammates to get the first kill of Dawn one after another.

This group of people is very strange. When they get the first kill, they show off their power and never hide their names. However, all of them on the ranking list pretend to be sophisticated and are unknown players.

After completing the mission, Lu Li said goodbye to the old elf. At this time, all players on this map were teleported out.

Lu Li gained a lot from this trip. Not only was he successful in changing jobs, but he also got two top-notch skill books. He learned the skill books immediately. Lu Li didn't keep the skill points. After coming out of the mission map, he immediately went to find the professional skill books. .

At level 20, Lu Li gained 10 skill points through upgrading. Manually upgrading the Shadow Strike skill rewarded him with 1 point, and he received 1 reward point when farming Illidan's Shadow. In other words, if he didn't use it, he should have 17 points in total. skill points.

PS: Thanks to Nan Bosirui for the 8888 tip, and thanks to Fei Aguang, Zhengti, and Unidentified Lollipops. Thanks for reading books twenty-five hours a day, Beatgrave, book friend 111230172451376, I love reading, Tiandiren, Danmei \u0026 Are You, Tetris Crisp, Melancholy Funny, cjqcjqcj, I love off-road vehicles, Yinhuangzhu Monthly tickets for Wu, Whale King in the Sea, Xiaoyao God of War, Tang Juecheng and other friends.

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