The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 1597 Frustrated

"Dear Mr. Ed Harris, shall we set off now?" Tucao Shudong asked.

"Of course not, I still need to make some preparations," Lu Li shook his head and said considerately: "I think you guys also need to make some preparations. Why don't we set off when the last ray of sunshine disappears in the Valley of Spears? Sample?"

"That's really great," Chengxia Yanbo and Tucao Shudong nodded in agreement.

If we set off immediately, even a super club like Glory City will feel stretched. There are still more than two hours before the time mentioned by the NPC. This time is enough for them to mobilize the club's elite personnel to do this escort. Mission accomplished.

In order to strengthen the skill book, no matter how much manpower and material resources are spent, it is worth it.

Lu Li agreed with them on a location, which was at the entrance of the Valley of Spears. The Valley of Spears is where the large copy of Marathon is located. The centaurs control part of the area here, and are active in the depths of the Valley of Spears. The dead souls of the Moknasa tribe.

Rexxar didn't like these centaurs. Whenever he passed through centaur territory, he would leave centaur corpses on the ground.

The Centaur Malodi tribe dared not speak out about this. Whenever the sun gradually set in the west, the Centaur warriors became cowards. They retreated into their tents one by one and could not come out. They had to wait until the last ray of light. When the sun disappeared in the Valley of Spears, they dared to come out and take a breath.

This rule has almost become a tacit understanding between both parties.

However, the centaurs of the Malodi tribe did not enjoy this tacit understanding. They deeply hated Rexxar and his giant bear pet, and wanted to kill them all the time. Unfortunately, Rexxar was too powerful, even if the whole If the centaur tribe goes to war, they probably won't be able to harm Rexxar's fur. At most, they will just make the dark red land a little brighter.

"What, this is impossible," standing in a conference hall in Orgrimmar, Tucao Shudong felt a rush of blood rushing to his forehead.

"I know this is unfair to you, but you have to consider the interests of the club. Which one can better reflect the value of this enhanced skill book in your hands, or in the hands of a racer like Blood Dagger? ," Chengxia Yanbo said expressionlessly.

"You know, if I don't show up, you won't be able to continue with that mission," Tucao Shudong hissed.

"Then you should also know that if I didn't want to discuss it with you frankly, I wouldn't tell you this at this time. I can wait until the task is completed and force you to hand over the skill book, but we are a group. You are the core elite of the club and you should consider the interests of the club."

"Is this what the boss means, or are you making your own decision?" Tucao Shudong asked, staring at the smoke below the city.

"I hope you can give up the skill book to the players," Chengxia Yanbo was silent for a moment and continued: "But I asked the boss for his opinion, and it was the boss who made the final decision. He asked me to compensate you as much as possible..."

"How can this be done, how can it be done," he said as if he had lost all his strength and slumped on the chair.

The faith in his heart collapsed. He worshiped Xiao Mo extremely. Xiao Mo was like a god in his heart. Shouldn't gods be fair? Why are they so indifferent? Couldn't they give him a chance?

"The boss asked me to compensate you as much as possible," Chengxia Yanbo patted the other party's shoulder and said gently: "So I decided not only to give you all the legendary equipment rewarded by the mission, but the club will also reward you with two additional legendary equipment. I believe that this kind of improvement in strength is more improved than getting an enhanced skill book."

"More?" Tucao Shudong roared angrily: "The enhanced skill book is a permanent improvement, but the equipment is only a temporary improvement. You are lying."

"Shudong, please calm down. Has a skill book eaten away your IQ?" Chengxia Yanbo was also a little impatient: "I ask you, when you signed the core elite contract, did it clearly say We must put the interests of the club first. Let me ask you again, if there is no club that gives you the opportunity and the props to sneak into Stormwind City, do you have the chance to trigger the mission? Not to mention that this mission is simply not something you can complete. If there is no club, Support, do you dare to go to Spear Valley?"

Tucao Shudong finally calmed down.

Chengxia Yanbo was right. When he entered the core elite group, the contract did have such a clause. Not only was it not vague, but it was also emphasized.

Sneaking into Stormwind City is also a prop provided by the club, but he himself does not have this ability.

What made him most desperate was the last one. He didn't have the courage to step into the Valley of Spears alone, let alone fight those powerful souls of the Mokonasa cannibal clan. Only with the support of the club, he could mission accomplished.

Even among those powerful mercenary groups that claim to be able to help you complete any task, no one dares to provoke those ogre souls.

"I promise you, but in addition to the four pieces of legendary equipment, I also want two million real coins," Tucao Shudong was of course unwilling to give in. In fact, his anger did not subside at all. But after he calmed down, he began to try his best to to fight for their own interests.

"No problem, the two million can be credited to your account first," Chengxia Yanbo agreed without hesitation.

It was only two million real coins, which was nothing to the glorious capital of a big family. He didn't even need to ask Xiao Mo or Xishan Bai for instructions.

A core elite group, four elite groups, and more than ten masters from the City of Glory, led by Xishan Bai and Xue Dagger. The City of Glory has sent a very luxurious lineup for this task, and usually fights a powerful field BOSS is nothing more than that.

Two million real coins made Tucao Shudong feel a little better, and he led his people into the desolate place.

Desolace is a huge mountain-like desolate land located in the wasteland. There are legends that centaurs are a species created by the union of a son of the demigod Cenarius and a princess of the chaotic earth element. Although Desolace is fortunate to have no Exploded into nothingness during the demonic wars, Desolace became a wild place as the centaurs fought incessantly.

It is located on the western coast of Kalimdor, north of Feralas, west of Mulgore and south of the Stonetalon Mountains.

The land here is dry, gray, and for the most part barren—except for a small area where the trolls near Feralas or the Alliance near the Stonetalon Mountains are trying to maintain their temporary settlements.

There seems to be some incredible curse here, with the sky here being dark and stormy, mixed with lightning, and strong winds raging throughout the area.

The fiery red sun hidden in the dim sky gradually set in the west, and the time soon came to the appointed dusk. Tucao Shudong and his helpers also arrived at the outskirts of Spear Valley, and they waited quietly for Ed Harris The arrival of this professional trainer for thieves.

Many times, reality always makes people helpless. It seems that most people cannot truly do whatever they want.

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