Lu Li chuckled, took out the mask from his backpack and covered his face, his eyes gradually filled with excitement.

He was not a kind person, and he didn't have much forbearance. Lu Li had never had time to settle the matter of Jin Yiwei's wanted arrest last time, but this time he just happened to be sent to his door.

"Who is that? Why aren't you leaving? Do you want to die?" Seeing that Lu Li had no intention of leaving, the player in charge of clearing the place became unhappy and walked over directly.

"Are you talking about me?" Lu Li asked in a lowered voice.

"Nonsense, you are deaf and can't hear, right?" This person's game ID is Hurricane. He is a member of the Jinyiwei Assassination Group, and is responsible for hunting down and clearing areas. Seeing that Lu Li was unmoved, he went up and pushed him.

This is a habitual action in reality. To warm up before a fight, you push me, I push you... After the anger level is full, the fight starts directly.

Lu Li had been facing away from the player, and now he turned around. His face was covered with a dark mask, and only a pair of light gray eyes were exposed.

"You..." Huan Huan was a little surprised. He didn't expect Lu Li to cover his face.

"I hate it when others clear the scene." Lu Li lowered his wrist and directly struck out with a shadow attack.

Huan Huan was shocked at first when he saw Lu Li covering his face. After Lu Li took action, he almost laughed: How funny is it? One of your thieves doesn't act like a mouse honestly. He can't even sneak. He has to face it. Fight against me as a warrior.

The next second, he couldn't laugh anymore.

System: The sneak attack skill is 94% completed, causing 250% skill damage, and the target is stunned for 2 seconds.

After being dizzy, Lu Li slashed horizontally while moving.

System: The backstab completion rate is 89%, causing 112% skill damage, and a first-level armor-breaking effect!

System: Ambush completion rate is 86%, causing 107% skill damage, and the target is paralyzed for 1 second!

Just waking up from the dizziness, Hurricane sadly found that he was paralyzed.

There are some differences between dizziness and paralysis.

The former will not release the control effect after being damaged until the effect ends, while the paralysis will make the character unable to control and make any actions for a certain period of time, but the paralysis will be released as long as it is damaged.

To Lu Li, none of this mattered.

He placed the dagger on Hurricane's throat, pulling gently from left to right.

Wipe your throat!

Hurricane watched helplessly as his health bar dropped to the bottom, and he almost died.

His reaction was quite quick, and he stepped on it directly.

Regardless of whether he controlled the other party or not, Hurricane raised his legs and ran away. Not far away was a healer from their guild, running towards this direction.

His trample failed to control Lu Li, who retreated and sneaked away after wiping his throat.

The warrior's blood bar is thick, and the four-star Wipe Throat didn't wipe out his blood. Actually, it doesn't matter. Even if it doesn't clear up all at once, it doesn't mean that the warrior will survive.

Huan Huan looked back and found that the thieves had not caught up, and that the healers from his own union had begun to read healing spells on him. He was relieved.

Before he could finish breathing, his eyes went black and the world turned into black and white.


The healer put down the staff in his hand angrily. He didn't understand why Hurricane didn't drink his own blood. Didn't he realize that he was bleeding?

The bleeding effect of wiping the throat is not an ordinary minor injury.

Before the treatment was over, she immediately felt a chill running down her back.

You must report it to the system in the future. The cold feeling when the dagger penetrates is really terrible...

"Down!" A backhand stab knocked the healer away. A white light flashed in mid-air and he turned into a corpse.

Oops, I forgot the PK value.

Lu Li opened the panel and saw two PK points clearly displayed on his attribute panel.

This is also a new addition in the third system update. Sugon originally did not have such a concept as PK value. From the beginning, they encouraged players to fight.

Regarding the incident of adding PK, there is a folk theory.

It is said that a retired veteran cadre, who is said to be a ministerial leader, got into playing games on a whim and became addicted to collecting herbs and refining elixirs.

One day, the old man was crawling in the grass with his butt sticking out to collect herbs. People on the road saw his posture as too obscene, so they went up and killed him.

The old man suffered both physical and mental injuries. After going offline, he found his son-in-law, the director of the Network Supervision Bureau, and strongly complained about this cruel setting in the game.

The director didn't want to offend the old minister, but he was afraid to go home and kneel on the remote control, so he could only make suggestions to the game company in the name of the Network Supervision Bureau.

The game company thought about it and felt that it was not good in the National Game because it was too cruel.

So, the new PK rules came out.

Actively kill a professional combat player and gain 1 PK value. Actively kill a player who is five levels lower than yourself and the PK value will be doubled. Actively kill a daily player and the PK value will be doubled...

The higher the PK value, the more things will be dropped when death occurs, with a maximum of three items dropped.

There are three ways to eliminate PK values.

The first is the online time. Every hour you are online, the PK value decreases a little.

The second is the bounty mission. Killing a player with a PK value can offset a little of the PK value. Killing a player with a high PK value will also give you additional rewards. After a player with a PK value on his body is killed, he will be thrown directly into the prison by the system and cannot be released until the PK value on his body is completely eliminated.

Third, go to jail.

Every hour you sit in jail will offset a little PK value.

The difference from the "online time to eliminate PK" method is that if the player logs off in the cell, the system will still calculate the player's jail time.

Therefore, when Lu Li was not reborn, as soon as the players were offline, they went to jail in groups to kill PK. The scene of going to jail in groups was a scene in the game, and it was taken away by the defenders. As evidence of moral turpitude.

Don't think that being in jail counts as offline time. In fact, many people don't expect to be offline in a prison cell. Being offline in a cell is not like being offline in a hotel, which has double time.

In addition, if you take the initiative to go to jail to reduce the PK value, you can come out at any time. However, if a player is sent to a cell with a bounty on his head, you can only come out after the PK value is reduced.

"Everyone, be careful. There is a masked thief here in Jipi Village. His technical equipment is very good. Don't act alone." The little boss present received the report and began to remind everyone to be careful.

After two PK points, Lu Li became much more cautious. After turning around, I finally found a target.

The selection criterion is simple, that is, equipment.

The equipment in front of him was very good. Although Lu Li couldn't see the properties of his equipment, he could tell from the appearance.

Sneak attack, backstab, ambush, wipe throat, take them away in one wave.

Picking up the equipment on the ground, Lu Li stepped out again.

A piece of mage black iron shoes, intelligence +10, movement speed +3%, very good attributes. If you lose the trading house, you will get at least seven or eight gold coins.

After systematic macro-control, the gold price has stabilized at a ratio of one hundred yuan, which means that this shoe is worth seven to eight hundred yuan, and ordinary brand-name sports shoes are only at this level.

Excluding all kinds of consumption, ordinary players may not be able to earn seven or eight gold coins in a day.

3 points PK value.

After complaining about the abominable PK value, Lu Li continued to look for the fat sheep.

PS: I’m asking for guaranteed monthly tickets and lollipops. Thank you to Hear Your Memories, Chasing the Wind Scythe, and Naughty Jay’s lollipops. I also want to thank Sunshine Otaku ING, Qianqiu Xueer, Rabbit Chacha, Omnipotent Cat, and Hear Your Memories. , woodmans, Lengyu Xiaoqiang, Q Tomato Q, Big Slow Bear monthly pass!

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