The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 162 Engineering Drawings

"The glutinous rice balls stuffed with sesame filling are considered to be yours. No one will cause trouble for him in the future, at least not the people from the Seventh Heaven." The hornet's nest is not angry, and admits defeat. He will explode with one poke, but He is also an upright man.

"I hope so, thank you for your help," Lu Li knew the reason why the sesame-filled dumplings left Seventh Heaven, so he could understand the efforts put in by the sesame-filled dumplings.

After finishing this PK without any action, Lu Li went to the hotel and logged out.

He had no intention of going to jail to reduce his PK value, that would be a real loss.

If the hotel has been offline for six hours, you will get double experience for one hour the next day. For high-end players like Lu Li who are very efficient at killing monsters, the efficiency of this one hour is comparable to half a day for others.

Lu Li had a heaven-defying forging hammer in his hand, but he still practiced engineering closely, just to create a fool bomb.

You can imagine that once he makes the bomb, he finds a place where monsters are particularly dense and uses the double time of an hour to bomb them. The number of monsters he can kill in one hour can almost equal that of others for a whole day.

When it went online the next day, Lu Li still focused on upgrading engineering.

His engineering had reached the intermediate level (87), and he had no experience with "The World Is So Big" at all. Lu Li had to go to the trading shop to find a new blueprint, and by the way, he had to sell the "The World Is So Big" he had recently made. .

I searched on the trading panel to see if there is such a big world. At least you need to understand the market before you can decide what price to sell it for.

28 gold!

Lu Li felt a little dizzy when he saw the price.

There are only two worlds in the trading house, one with 28 gold and the other with 30 gold.

The cost is only 20 silver coins, and the selling price is 28 gold coins. How stupid is it to dare to mark such a price?

The world is so big and it is really fun. There may be wealthy people who are willing to spend a lot of money just to please girls, but the price of 28 gold is really too exaggerated.

Are you going to get rich?

These days, whenever he has free time, he devotes his energy to engineering. If not most of them failed, there would be more. Even if only a small part was successfully produced, Lu Li still had more than seventy in his hands.

Of course, the world is so big that it is not something that is useful to most players like the original Snake Grass. There is a market for only a small number of people who like it, and 99% of those that cannot afford it have to be removed.

28 gold can almost buy a set of junk black iron equipment.

Just like you city people who are so good at playing, Lu Li threw two world-sized objects at the trading house without hesitation.

27 gold coins each.

It's not that he doesn't want to sell them all. If he throws away too much, it will appear that this thing is not precious. Who is willing to pay twenty or thirty gold coins, which is more than three thousand yuan, to pretend to be something on the street.

Then it’s time to find new drawings.

The explosion rate of the low-level engineering drawings was really low. After browsing it, Lu Li found that most of the engineering drawings in the trading house can only be learned by intermediate level (100) or above, and they consume an astonishing amount of materials. The most important thing is that most of the things they make are not available. Too high value.

Does it have to be a shotgun?

At the intermediate level (80), it’s not like the system doesn’t provide blueprints. The blueprint that comes with it is a shotgun.

The hunter's exclusive equipment sounds great, but unfortunately it is only bronze-level equipment. Bronze equipment of more than ten levels rarely has a market, and only people who are really miserable will buy it.

A level 10 bronze shotgun like this in the trading house costs about forty silver coins.

Not only does it cost more than one gold coin to make materials, it is not easy to collect, and the trading house is often out of stock.

What Lu Li couldn't accept the most was the time it took to make a shotgun. The world is so big and it only takes ten minutes to make one. It takes fifty minutes to make a shotgun.

Low-level engineering drawings…

Wait, it seems that there is no way.

If he remembered correctly, Lu Li really knew where there was a very good engineering drawing.

To be precise, it was a black iron treasure chest.

However, the location is a bit strange, and for ordinary players, the probability of getting it is too low.

It would be nice if you were an evil camp player.

That's right, Lu Li had to sneak into the evil camp's territory, and it was a heavily guarded outpost - the crossroads.

Break into the evil camp's defense line from the frontline battlefield of Ashenvale, travel through the entire Warsong Canyon map, and enter the Barrens. The Crossroads Post is in the center of the Barrens.

Thousands of Orc Wolf Cavalry use Crossroads Post as their base camp to provide protection for supply transportation on the front lines of Ashenvale.

In addition, not far from here is the place where the tauren live. As long as a warning signal is sent out at the crossroads, a steady stream of tauren warriors will rush over to support.

This is the death place for light camp players.

Lu Li thought for a few minutes and decided to take a risk.

He did not go directly, but first went to the Silver Wing Post to find an NPC to take over the task.

Silver Wing Outpost is the front line of the Light camp in Ashenvale and the closest supply point to Warsong Canyon. It is even responsible for exchanging some PVP equipment and props for players.

The last time Lu Li came, there was almost no one here except NPCs, but this time it was literally a sea of ​​people.

The game is really going to expand the map. When more players come out of Novice Village, it will really be unplayable.

"Young compatriot, you are here!" Pushing aside the many players waiting for conversation around him, the outpost commander Vader Nightwing walked straight towards Lu Li, and he even showed the courtesy of the elves.

"Who is this guy? Why did he jump in line?" The player waiting in line next to him suddenly felt unbalanced.

"That's right, we have been waiting for so long, there must be a first-come, first-served basis." If everyone is waiting, then it doesn't matter. Once an exception occurs, this kind of dissatisfaction will spread immediately.

"Shut up, that's Lu Li, the number one player in the game. Didn't you see all the NPCs saluting him?" Players who had seen Lu Li immediately began to spread their knowledge.

"Who banned the first person in the game?" Some people are always unhappy.

"Wild didn't say he was number one, so why should he?" Wild is a master of Blood Flag. He has few opponents in PK. He is also good at playing dungeons. He often leads groups and has many fans in the game.

Lu Li glanced at these people and returned a respectful salute to Vader Nightwing, "Salute to the soldiers fighting on the front line. I heard that the enemy troops on the front line are frequently increasing their troops, and our front line is starting to become tight. As a member of the Elf clan, Member, I am willing to contribute my meager strength.”

"So, what can you do?"

"I found out a piece of news that the evil camp has hoarded a large amount of food and grass in the rear..." Lu Li said softly.

"You are right, our spies have also collected similar information, but we don't know where it is stored yet," Vader Nightwing waved his hand, and a cover separated the two people.

This is what triggers the plot. In other people's eyes, Lu Li must have received a hidden mission.

"I know where they are. Please allow me to sneak to the back and burn them," Lu Li volunteered. He began to have some confidence in getting the blueprint.

PS: Friends who can subscribe, please subscribe as much as possible. It only costs two ice creams a week. Thanks to Xingchen Yinhui, Light Fragrance Youyoufeng for the reward, thanks to Danxue Ruxue, Duanshi, Manzhanwawa, Fengzishuo, Xingchen Yinhui, Night Breeze 5123, Little Ice Technique with Dimension, Pacifier Assassin, xj94s, zA !Jie, Wanglehao’s monthly pass

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