The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 174 Working hard to make money (please subscribe)

Unlike the young man in front of me, who is wearing a T-shirt that costs ten yuan a piece, but has a million dollars in his card.

"Young man, you surprised me, but in addition, there are even more huge follow-up expenses, which determine the extent of your sister's treatment." The old doctor finally regarded Lu Li as someone who could talk seriously. Although he still didn't think Lu Li was capable of completely curing his sister.

Well, he underestimated a girl's determination.

"A month ago, I lived with my sister in a small bungalow with leaks in the slums. Now I not only moved to a villa area in the university town, but also made a million." Lu Li did not prove anything loudly, he just State a fact.

This simple statement was more convincing than proof of income, and the old doctor didn't know why he easily accepted this fact.

"Well, as people get older, their horizons shrink. Let's discuss the general treatment plan first," the old doctor said.

"I leave everything to you. I only have this one relative," Lu Li chose to believe in this old man who seemed to be highly respected. In his previous life, the doctors were not so patient.

"The physical examination is a very superficial examination. The patient must come to the hospital for a more thorough examination. Then I organize experts in this field to conduct consultations, which are not limited to this hospital..." The old doctor seemed to strive for what he said was worth every penny. Very detailed explanation in some aspects.

The conversation lasted all morning, and a brief medical plan was initially agreed upon. Lu Li invited the old doctor to dinner, but was rejected.

He seemed to have a good impression of Lu Li, and he still remembered Lu Li's elf-like sister. The old man promised to follow up on the medical case as much as possible and use his personal connections to contact a qualified heart donor for Lu Li.

When Lu Li went back, he stopped by the school. He stood outside the school window and looked at his sister in the classroom.

Her deskmate was talking to her and dancing, but she just pursed her lips and smiled softly. Lu Li had never seen her from such an angle, as a spectator.

The sunlight shines on her face through the glass window, making her skin as clear as jade.

When she grew up, she was no longer the naughty little girl in her memory who always wanted Lu Li to carry her on his back.

An inexplicable feeling of being watched made Lu Xin turn her head, just in time to see her brother standing by the flower bed, wearing the cheapest clothes and a ridiculous hat on his head...

The roses in September bloom just right, as red as blood.

"Brother," Lu Xin's eyes instantly lit up, like a little top, she ran out and threw herself into Lu Li's arms.

"I just came back from the hospital. I wanted to check on you. Have you eaten?" Lu Li caught her, hugged her, and reluctantly let go.

"Well, Sister Huanhuan is a good cook. I helped her wash the dishes," Lu Xin nodded.

"You go to class. I have something to tell you tonight." Lu Li saw a student coming out of the classroom and helplessly touched his sister's hair and asked her to go back.

After returning, Lu Li immediately entered the game.

Don't say that his sister is still in the mood to play games when she is sick, and don't say that he is despondent by playing with things. All his hopes are in games and working hard to make money for his sister.

"You finally came up. Weiyu Pavilion asked us to place a copy. I heard that you only asked for two hundred gold." Lu Li showed up at the agreed-upon tavern, and Piao Ling immediately complained to him.

"Two hundred gold is a lot..." Azure Sea Breeze corrected in a low voice.

"Shut up, look at your prospects," Piao Ling Balabala began to analyze: "... Shuguang has hundreds of large trade unions, but none of them have opened the Death Mine so far. Do you know what opening the Death Mine means to them? !”

The other members of the group were sitting upright, looking like primary school students being trained.

"If you are really having an affair with the water elves, by agreeing to take their orders, you are already taking special care of them. You cannot compromise on price. We make money by entering the game."

"Yes, making money," Hachi-chan waved his fist and quickly shrank his head when he saw that no one else was cooperating.

"I originally planned to let Hai Feng earn this money, do others also have to share it?" Lu Li asked uncertainly. He just thought that Azure Sea Breeze could make this money, and others would not be affected by his absence.

Based on the team's DPS and healing capacity, even if you switch to an ordinary MT such as Piao Ling, it is actually enough to clear the elite copy.

"Of course we have to divide it." Piao Ling had no intention of fighting for the welfare of his little friend. "He can get five achievements, and the others have to divide the other half. We can also divide it this way if something like this happens in the future. This is not considered private work. .”

"I have no objection," Azure Sea Breeze said immediately.

"I haven't asked you to express your opinion. Don't be embarrassed to ask for MT equipment when you encounter it. Just take it. Just ask them for potions and other medicines. Forget it this time. Leave it to me next time you discuss business. I They have to pay five hundred gold." The carefree and carefree demeanor really doesn't match his image.

Beauty, whether beautiful or beautiful, shouldn't they always be unearthly?

Lu Li couldn't change his mind for a while. In fact, he had always had an indifferent attitude towards this. Seven people share a hundred gold, which is only a dozen gold.

He remembered that he still had a lot of things on him, so he simply poured them on the table and asked others to come over and pick them.

"Wait a minute..." Piao Ling stopped the Azure Sea Breeze as Monkey rushed forward, "This is not equipment obtained by the team. We cannot just let it be taken. We have to pay for it."

Of course, the price paid is the internal price, which is much lower than that of the trading house.

Others also thought it was quite reasonable and had no objections. Lu Li was noncommittal, but he felt that Piao Ling's arrangement was more reasonable. Maybe this is how a regular team should be.

Some of this pile of equipment was dropped by Lu Li when he killed players during his job change mission. Rensac dropped it. After he came out, he killed many players who reserved the royal guards, and later went to Warsong Canyon...

A pile of dozens of pieces, all made of black iron.

When they heard that they were going to give money, the other people not only didn't shrink their hands, but also made more confident choices. Huadi Liqing picked out the 3% speed shoes. Piao Ling gave him an estimate of five gold coins. It was cheaper than the trading house. The key is that the trading house bought it. Less than.

The swift leather boots that Lu Li eliminated were taken away by Can Meng. The swift special effects were incredible. Piao Ling originally planned to value the boots at 20 gold coins, but Lu Li took care of the little hunter and also accepted five gold coins.

Everyone else also picked equipment that they were satisfied with.

Although Piao Ling is from the jungle group, he is smarter, good-looking, and has good equipment. There are very few MT equipments here, and he didn't pick any of them.

The equipment on Tangyuan with sesame fillings is relatively ordinary. He didn't bring out the equipment he got in Seventh Heaven. Most of the equipment he wore were popular products that can be bought in the trading house. Lu Li really picked out a few of the equipment. pieces suitable.

Hachi-chan picked it with great interest for a long time, but failed to find it. The equipment on her body was very good.

The equipment of players in mission stream will not be much worse than that of players in dungeon stream. The premise is that you must be able to endure the tedious tasks and have superior analytical skills.

"By the way, there is another ring," Lu Li took out the wind-controlling ring.

Silver, and its properties are off the charts.

"Fuck, we have to recruit a shaman. With this piece of equipment, we will immediately lose our friends," the blue sea breeze shouted.

"When it comes to recruiting people, we have to discuss it," Piao Ling was also shocked by the ring, but he was focused on when the new shaman could be recruited.

PS: Please vote, recommendation votes, monthly votes, evaluation votes, any kind of votes will do... Shenma, please update the votes, this is it... Thanks to Ziyue Youlin, Dugu Pumpkin for the reward, thanks to Daqingshu, hotplaylin, Tian Monthly passes for Kitsune VS Demon, Naruto Tsubasa, and Blue Phoenix.

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