The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 1801 Magic Mecha

The little deer jumped around next to the jungle guardian and screamed. Lu Li suspected that it was suing him and laughed at him.

"Congratulations, you have completed my mission," Remulos smiled after listening to Xiaolu's story, and then announced that Lu Li had completed his mission.

"Unfortunately, I only saved a very small part."

"It doesn't matter. The completion of this mission does not matter how many you save. Even if you save only one, you may still complete the mission. It is also possible that you save all the small fish, but still fail to complete the mission."

Lu Li broke out in a cold sweat, and was extremely lucky that he didn't bully Xiaolu.

It turns out that the criterion for judging whether he has completed the task is this small animal that looks very young.

"Crush this badge, and you can go to the Outland, but you must understand that this is a one-way transmission rune. Before the Dark Portal is completely repaired, you have no way to return to this land. "Remulos said.

"Yes, I understand."

Only one person could go through, and if he did, he would not be able to come back. Even if he was a reborn person, Lu Li did not dare to neglect him.

The current Outland is inaccessible and has relatively few functions open to the outside world.

Outland is Draenor, the home of the orcs. Outland was once a vibrant place like Azeroth, but the demon Kil'jaeden invaded this place. Kil'jaeden could not control the draenei here, so he deceived the people. The orc leader Ner'zhul.

In order to bring strength and peace to the orcs, Ner'zhul believed in the devil and made the orcs drink the cursed water. The orcs' skin turned green. Basically, only the Malohan orcs retained their original color. In the tradition of the orcs, the orcs became bloodthirsty and warlike. They declared war with their former allies, the draenei. At this time, Ner'zhul discovered the devil's deception. He regretted what he had done. He betrayed Kil'jaeden. , Kil'jaeden assisted the next leader, Ner'zhul's disciple, Gul'dan in order to control the orcs.

Gul'dan and Medivh, the strongest human mage, opened the Dark Portal. The orcs passed through the Dark Portal and the First and Second Orc Wars broke out.

Due to Gul'dan's betrayal, the Horde ultimately failed. Medivh's apprentice Khadgar closed the Dark Portal, but Ner'zhul returned and opened the Dark Portal again in an attempt to find artifacts from Azeroth. Invading other continents found a rich land for the orcs.

Khadgar, Turalyon and others led the alliance forces into Draenor and shattered Ner'zhul's conspiracy. Ner'zhul's soul was found and tortured by Kil'jaeden. In the end, Ner'zhul became the Lich King. Rlanor was shattered by the powerful force, and it was no longer Draenor, but Outland.

This is where Outland comes from.

After first repairing the equipment, and then getting enough potions and scrolls from the guild warehouse, Lu Li brought the amulet to the Cursed Land.

The cursed place in his eyes began to change.

A huge portal appeared in the original ruins. After Lu Li crushed the rune, he was sucked in by the portal.

On the other side of the Dark Portal is Hellfire Peninsula. As the name suggests, this is a hellish and desolate land. Here, Gul'dan persuaded the leaders of the orc clans to drink the blood of demons. This land has left traces of corruption by evil energy just like the skin of the orcs. The fertile land became dry and barren, the plants gradually withered, and the surviving creatures mutated when exposed to evil energy.

Hellfire Peninsula is part of Draenor and was known as Tanaan Jungle before Draenor was destroyed.

Throughout the history of Dawn, this was the cruelest and bloodiest land. Skeletons everywhere bear witness to the wars and massacres that had broken out here. Countless Draenei were massacred by the crazy bloodthirsty orcs.

Today's Hellfire Peninsula has become a depleted, wild, and lifeless area. Only a dark door still stands there, recording the bloody storm here. However, the Burning Legion considered this location an important strategic location and planned to launch a Burning Crusade from here.

What appeared in front of Lu Li's eyes was not only the vast landscape, but also many Burning Legion units.

They patrol near the Dark Portal, guarding against the Alliance and Horde expeditionary forces that emerge from here.

Lu Li entered stealth well prepared - if he stood here stupidly, he would probably be killed inexplicably. Many players who had just entered the Outland would die here.

Even though he was sneaking, he didn't stay here too long.

The engineers of the Burning Legion built a large number of demon portals here. These portals lead to legion camps in various places in the outer world. Demons can be transported to the front line at any time. Monsters of the Burning Legion are constantly coming out of the portals and entering other portals. Door.

Boom boom boom!

A dull loud noise echoed in his ears. Lu Li's expression changed slightly, he started accelerating, and retreated timidly towards the distance.

When he ran to a high ground and turned back, he happened to see a huge monster walking past the place where he had just stayed. The dull loud noise was the sound of the monster's footsteps.

Magic mecha!

Lu Li recognized this very unique looking unit at first sight.

He had seen a description of this monster in a book - "The unique engine sound began to roar, the red soil of Hellfire Peninsula was shaking, and its mechanical structure emitted a terrifying light of magic energy. We were there as usual. We hid in the trench and prayed that its green eyes didn't notice us. But Thomas, a new recruit, panicked and rolled over when he first saw the horrific creation of the Burning Legion out of fear or other reasons. He crawled away - and this cost him his life. The legion's mechanical monster found him, and the sound of flesh and bones being crushed when the huge metal feet stepped down spread to far away... Even though he had participated in countless It was a battle with orcs and demons, but that scene still gave me nightmares for a long time."

The Burning Legion's first fel-powered mecha was the product of the cunning Mor'gar engineers with a talent for mechanical creation, who had their Mor'ghar peons working non-stop for weeks on end. These huge mechanical-demon constructs , with a height of more than thirty meters and an exaggerated size, coupled with the incredibly thick armor, it is enough to make most people who see it fall into complete fear.

Due to many reasons such as lack of necessary manufacturing materials, location and time, the magic mecha was ultimately unable to be put into the battlefield of Azeroth, and this was obviously the luck of the mortals in Azeroth.

There are few people or armies that can stop the advancement of magic mechas, and they are regarded as a symbol of the legion's power. In fact, these mechs are almost impossible to defeat in frontal combat. All those who have fought against them and were lucky enough to survive have reported that they spread death and destruction to all enemies of the Burning Legion and easily leveled those who looked at them. The scene of building the strongest fortresses and defensive towers - this is enough to make the most confident warriors collapse.

Lu Li's biggest pursuit is to get a few magic mecha scrolls to help him defend the fortress.

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