The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 1807 I have never seen such an arrogant person

Lieutenant General Warrain, who became a monster, was still Lieutenant General Warrain. He did not take action against the people around him and still retained enough sense. But his fighting style became very exaggerated, like a siege cone smashing down the city gate. He smashed himself out, and the target was one of the Abyss Commanders.

The Abyss Commander is about four meters tall. He originally looked down on any race present, but now he also feels like being looked down upon.

Lieutenant General Warrain clenched his hands and raised them and slammed them down. A large amount of green liquid burst out of the Abyss Commander's head, and his huge body collapsed to the ground. He was defeated so easily.

It's awesome. It takes a long time to kill the Abyss Commander who can kill everyone in an instant. Lieutenant General Warrain's strength is beyond imagination.

"Attack!" Cecilia commanded the NPC soldiers to choose an Abyss Commander to attack, and it was a life-threatening style of attack. He just went up and hammered, without paying attention to maneuvers and fighting methods, although this could speed up the killing of Abyss. The speed of the commander, but the casualties will also increase accordingly.

Lu Li couldn't figure out why she did this. Lieutenant General Warrain was so ferocious that the four Abyss Commanders should be able to deal with it easily.

The facts told him that he was overthinking everything.

Lieutenant General Worain, who had killed an abyss commander, rushed towards the second opponent. However, this time the result was no longer that Lieutenant General Wolane KOed his opponent with one punch, but instead he was suppressed and beaten by the abyss commander.

Even a blind man can see that he is struggling to hold on.

If nothing else goes wrong, Lieutenant General Warrain will not be able to defeat the second opponent. It turns out that this guy only has three axes - no, he doesn't have three axes. His first punch is strong, but his follow-up punches are weak.

If we think about the worst, Lieutenant General Warrain is likely to become weaker and weaker, and it is not impossible that he will be killed by his opponent later.

"Master Feng, why are you just standing there and looking at the last Abyss Commander!" Lu Li roared. He directed the players to encircle and suppress the fourth Abyss Commander. They must go to support Lieutenant General Worain before he falls.

There are hundreds of players, and it is impossible for them all to fight against an Abyss Commander. Most of them are melee professions, and they cannot even be ranked in a row. If it were not for the official gamification design for this situation, it is estimated that a dozen or so people can do it. Complete the BOSS circle.

Lu Li also commanded some paladins to help fight other bosses.

Firstly, in order to better develop the formation, and secondly, in order to snatch the final blow from the BOSS. He hopes to get at least the right to pick up two pieces of equipment from these four BOSS.

Canmeng's little hunter is now at the center of the battle, and it would be a pity not to touch the body.

In fact, he kind of takes it for granted that things don't necessarily develop according to his ideas.

Another wave of people appeared in front of the Dark Portal, announcing that more players were entering the Outland. The number of people coming this time was about forty or fifty. The leader was Xiao Mo, and they were all probably from the City of Glory.

Glory City has always been the overlord of wild BOSS.

Of course, they would not let go of the many wild BOSSs in the new map, so they tried every means to gather dozens of people who had completed the tasks, and then drove into the new map in a mighty manner.

Although the task trigger cannot be traded, you can not do it yourself and let others re-trigger it according to the corresponding method. There are so many people in the Glory City, and thousands of people trigger the task. However, many tasks are too difficult, so it will not be available for a while. Finish.

The dozens of people who entered first were the vanguard, and all of them were masters.

The Stairway of Destiny is not far from the Dark Door, and you can see the fierce battle here at a glance.

There were people in the City of Glory immediately encouraging people to take advantage of the situation. This view was represented by Blood Dagger. He was very unhappy with the Sword of Judgment and always wanted to give the Sword of Judgment some_color_to_see_see.

But Xiao Mo rejected this idea. After all, there were only a few dozen of them, and the Sword of Judgment side was crowded with people. ——He also didn’t expect that there would be times when his numbers would be inferior to others.

"It's a pity that those bosses look easy to kill," Xue Dagger smacked his lips.

"There is a bigger one over there," a sharp-eyed person said, pointing into the distance. A towering shadow approached from far away, and its huge footsteps could be vaguely heard.

"Fight or not, we only have more than seventy people," Xishanbai asked.

"Fight," Xiao Mo quickly made a decision. This group of people is strong and represents the most powerful force in the City of Glory. It is the first BOSS that has just entered the level 70 map. The design of the game company should be for the mass players. , so the difficulty cannot be too high.

Maybe the guys from the Sword of Judgment will come over and kill this one after they kill the boss in their hands.

"They are going to fight the magic mecha," Yusi Wanderer gloated. Lu Li had previously taught him about the most untouchable existence in the outer world. The magic mecha ranked among the top three, and it was a bug that no amount of people could solve the problem. And it’s difficult to leave if you get close to it.

"Left hand, go and stop them, tell them that the BOSS can't be fought, and ask them to bring people over to fight the BOSS here together," Lu Li thought for a while and decided to send people to stop this tragedy.

"Holy shit, are you out of your mind?" Azure Sea Breeze was puzzled.

They really have no friendship with the City of Glory, and there is no legendary sympathy for each other. Don't look at the Sword of Judgment in the arena and dungeons, and even took advantage of the fortress war. In fact, they also suffered a lot in other aspects.

For example, in a wild BOSS battle last week, the Sword of Judgment was being wielded, and people from the Glory City passed by.

The two sides fought a battle, and the Sword of Judgment not only failed to grab the BOS, but was also beaten to a pulp, killing many people and losing a lot of equipment.

"Even if they go to fight, they will only kill dozens of people at most, which is of little significance to us," Lu Li explained: "I'm worried that the next wave of monsters will still be the four Abyss commanders. Judging from Lieutenant General Worain's condition, I guess We have to lie down for at least two weeks, so what can we do to continue fighting?"

"Lu Li is right. We are selling them a favor. They will help us defend together. Even if more people come in later, they will not conflict with us. At least in terms of fighting in the wild, we are not as good as others." Piao Ling also agreed with Lu Li's idea.

A man is capable of bending and stretching, not to mention that Lu Li didn't wrong himself much by selling favors like this.

Cain's left hand was mainly focused on fighting in the wild, so he didn't have a good impression of the City of Glory. He sneaked up to the people in the City of Glory, showed his body, and walked away without saying a word.

"Our boss said that magic mechas can't be beaten. If you can't beat them, you should just go over and fight the mini-boss with us."

The people in the Glory City looked at each other.

I have never seen such an arrogant person before. These words are as disgusting as they are. It is difficult for people to think that this is a kind reminder.

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