The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 1822 Broken Hall

In fact, the current chief of the tribe should be Thrall.

Freeing all the orcs from the curse of the Corrupted Blood is far from easy as imagined. Chief Thrall has witnessed too many orc heroes fall under the control of fate. Now, it seems that Kargath Bladefist will meet the same fate.

Kargath Bladefist is currently daydreaming in the Broken Halls of Hellfire Citadel, proclaiming that he is the sole "chief" of the evil tribe. With the help of his fanatical and bloodthirsty legions, he will not rest until Salma is razed to the ground.

Each legion of the Evil Horde is commanded by Kargath Bladefist. They are cruel, warlike, and possess endless power due to the blessing of evil magic. The elite among them is the Legion of the Broken Hand. Their legionnaires, warriors and centurions are deeply respected by other soldiers and are the middle and lower-level officers of other legions.

Chief Thrall has issued an order to destroy Kargath and his legions at all costs.

Lu Li was sure that the Broken Hall would not be conquered so quickly, not only because of the difficulty, but also because the Broken Hall required a key.

It was a very troublesome task, and it would take at least half an hour to complete. However, the Sword of Judgment did not require this, because Lu Li had sent out Cain's left hand early.

To be precise, a group of thieves were sent out.

They looked around for things like treasure chests where they could practice their lock-picking skills, and then focused on letting Cain's left hand open it alone, so that Cain's left hand could use his left hand to upgrade his lock-picking skills to the intermediate level as quickly as possible.

Only after reaching the intermediate level can it be possible to open the door to the Broken Hall.

Moreover, there are many other tasks in the Broken Hall, which will reduce the difficulty of this dungeon if triggered, such as the tasks issued by Danath Trollbane.

"When you are in Outland, one of the tragic facts you must face is that this land has long been shrouded in the shadow of the evil orcs. We, the sons of Lothar, once believed that we had returned to the Castle of Glory with our blood. A moment of peace, but in fact, true peace has never come here.

The Sons of Lothar would never yield to any orc, whether their skin was green, brown, or now red. Either we defeat them or we all die gloriously. To achieve true victory, Hellfire Citadel must be captured. Now, go kill their self-proclaimed "chief" Kargath Bladefist, and you will be rewarded. "

Most people can trigger this mission, so Lu Li stopped the dungeon progress to let them trigger it.

The reason why they don’t pick up the mission in advance is because players need to use the previous two dungeons to prove their strength and complete the strategies for the first two dungeons. Danath Trollbane will issue quests to the players, and he will also Add status to players.

Players with added status can deal an additional 5% damage to red-skinned orcs.

Five percent is not much, a hundred points of damage increases by five points. The key is to add up to a small amount. And it is said that with this state, the probability of the player being critically hit by the red-skinned orc will be greatly reduced. This is not reflected in the state description, but After examining the party's experimental analysis, the result is probably true.

Regarding the Broken Hall dungeon, Lu Li had envied the mage players countless times.

Mages are the true sons of the game. This is absolutely true. When you are at a low level, you can lead the blood dungeon group. If you are skilled, Stratholme can also gain experience like crazy. In the 1970s, the Shattered Hall once again allowed mages to make a lot of money. Bo Ying.

What’s even more outrageous this time is that you can gain experience through bugs.

Is there anything more outrageous?


What's even more outrageous is that this is obviously a BUG, ​​but the official pretends not to see it. No matter how many people complain, they pretend not to see it.

Lu Li could understand the official's thinking. Dawn of Dawn is not an upgrade game. Level is indeed very important, but it is not difficult for everyone to reach the full level. For example, to reach level 60. As long as you are willing to spend money and time, you can currently reach level 60. It only takes less than a month to level up, and this time will be even shorter in the future.

The mage brings the broken brush, and one person can bring four little gold masters.

If a person earns twenty gold coins per hour, he can earn eighty gold coins per hour. Even if the gold price ratio will further drop in the future, it will still be a huge sum of money in one day.

Of course, if you want to make money, you must have technology and equipment.

Bugs are not that easy to deal with. If the equipment is not good, monster farming is not efficient at all, and the small sponsor is not an idiot.

Lu Li has done a thorough research on how to deal with bugs, but it is of little use now. He plans to find a group of reliable mages after everyone completes the Broken Hall dungeon, train them and let them start playing the game immediately.

By then the level list will definitely be dominated by the Sword of Judgment.

Now, Lu Li could only play the dungeon step by step. Cain entered the team with his left hand and opened the door but did not go in. He was just the one who opened the door. There was no place for him in the ten-man wasteland reclamation team.

Not to mention him, even March Rain didn't join the land reclamation group.

However, Lu Li, a powerful healer like March Rain, was not wasted. There were at least ten groups from the three faction alliances following behind and they were frantically farming, mainly to gain experience and equipment. Once they reached level 62, they would withdraw from the group and let others in. .

It is impossible for Canmeng to be divided into so many parts, but with so many people in the three factions alliance, there is no shortage of lucky people.

It's just that other people who are lucky are not as good as Can Meng.

After entering the dungeon, Lu Li and Water Elf give priority to controlling the remote mobs, and the MT controls the melee ones, then prioritizes killing the legionnaires, and then slowly kills other mobs one by one. There is no AOE here, and it is best to use less kites. Useful, because the legionnaires will constantly summon new mobs, and the scattered AOE firepower will cause the soldiers to die slowly. In the end, the old monsters are dead and the new monsters are still there, but there is not much mana left in the magic system.

High Warlock Nethekus was a shaman of the Shadowmoon clan who abandoned his reverence for the elements to study the art of wielding evil magic. The demonic energy he controls reduces him to a mere shell, and he finds pleasure only in torturing young fel orcs, testing the limits of their mental and physical strength.

The difficulty of Nesskus is mainly concentrated in the second half, when the HP is still 20%.

This BOSS is actually quite interesting. Huadi Liqing fell because she didn't move in time and tried to deal damage. Then everyone heard a line from the BOSS:

"Someone is dead!"

After death, he will be laughed at by NPC monsters. You can imagine the mood of Hua Xia, who has always been very concerned about face.

Death does not mean death. Under the leadership of Lu Li - well, Azure Sea Breeze was more powerful, turning the tide and protecting the healing and damage-dealing professions, and managed to survive until the end.

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